My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 201: He Sicheng's request

Jiangnan Wuhan University.

Points Management Office.

Lu Heng and He Sicheng appeared here at the same time.

He Sicheng came to change the pills, while Lu Heng came to change the level 6 battle sword and level 6 battle armor.

"Lu Heng, you probably have 70,000 or 80,000 points on hand right now?"

He Sicheng asked with envy.

"Almost, 80,100 in total." Lu Heng replied.

This time, 60,000 points were awarded, and there were still 21,000 points left last time, so all of them add up to 80,100.

"Is there really 80,000?! Let others know this, and you must be envious!"

He Sicheng sucked in a breath of cold air.

He only has less than 8,000 points now, but Lu Heng has 80,000, ten times the difference, which is unimaginable.

Afterwards, He Sichang sighed and said, "Let's go and change things."

The two walked quickly to the exchange window.

Lu Heng opened his mouth and said, "Give me a level 6 battle armor and a level 6 sword."

As soon as the voice fell, not only the staff at the exchange window gave Lu Heng a deep look, but other people around also focused their attention.

The person in the next window clearly heard Lu Heng's words, showing a look of surprise and envy.

And those who were far away did not hear clearly, but looked puzzled.

In the distance, Zhou Hong and Zeng Yizhou happened to be here, so they also noticed the situation on Lu Heng's side.

"Senior Zeng, it's Lu Heng."

Zhou Hong said to Zeng Yizhou beside him.

"Lu Heng..." Zeng Yizhou looked at Lu Heng, squinted and said, "I heard that he seems to be chasing Master Liu's daughter?"

In the past two days, Gu Fei has spread a lot of news, so some students already know that Lu Heng is "chasing" Liu Shiyao.

Of course, the current dissemination of these news is limited to Liu Shiyao's suitors and those who are interested in Lu Heng.

Zhou Hong and Zeng Yizhou are the latter.

When Zhou Hong saw Zeng Yizhou mentioned Liu Shiyao, he smiled and said: "Senior Zeng, this kind of thing is obviously impossible. I heard that Lu Heng wanted to bring Liu Zongshi's daughter into one of his teams a few days ago, but he was arrested on the spot. Master Liu stopped it."

When Gu Fei spread the news, he didn't mention that Liu Huaiyu personally went to Gu's house to stand up for Lu Heng. After all, this was considered a domestic shame.

Therefore, no one knows what Liu Huaiyu's attitude towards Lu Heng is.

"That is, how could Master Liu tolerate him to harass his daughter." Zeng Yizhou said with a disdainful smile.

He didn't have a good impression of Lu Heng, so he was only happy to hear that Lu Heng was deflated.

After he finished speaking, he asked again: "By the way, what did Lu Heng change there, did you hear it just now?"

"No, I didn't hear it." Zhou Hong hurriedly replied.

"Let's go and have a look."

Zeng Yizhou walked towards Lu Heng while talking.

At this time, there were a lot of eyes on Lu Heng, and even some curious students leaned over, so it was not surprising that they leaned over.

"By the way, you said last time that Lu Heng hunted and killed a golden-clawed beast in the third-level martial artist evaluation. Is that true?"

Zeng Yizhou asked suddenly.

"Yeah." Zhou Hong nodded hurriedly.

How could he forget this, he saw it with his own eyes.

"By the way, I remembered." Zhou Hong patted his head and remembered something: "At that time, Master Liu's daughter seemed to have a good attitude towards Lu Heng, and took him back to the base city by helicopter."

"Oh?" Zeng Yizhou turned to look at Zhou Hong and said, "It may be because of Lu Heng that he thought of chasing after Liu Zongshi's daughter?"

"It's possible." Zhou Hong said thoughtfully.

Zeng Yizhou said with a smile: "Then Lu Heng thinks too much. What if he kills a golden-clawed beast by leaps and bounds? The family background is too poor, unless there is a more amazing performance."

"But with his aptitude, hehe."

Zeng Yizhou didn't think Lu Heng would be a peerless genius.

Although he also heard about Lu Heng cultivating the longevity gong, according to rumors, his longevity gong was cultivated by mistake.

Therefore, he did not think that Lu Heng's luck would always be so good.

At this time, the two had come not far behind Lu Heng.

Just when they stopped, the staff at the window handed a knife to Lu Heng.

"That is?"

Zeng Yizhou's pupils shrank, his eyes fixed on the sword in Lu Heng's hand.

It was not until Lu Heng took the knife out of the scabbard for inspection that he could see the material of the knife.

"This luster... This is definitely a sixth-level sword!"

Zeng Yizhou said in surprise.

"What?" Zhou Hongqi said, "Why did Lu Heng change to the sixth-level sword, isn't the fifth-level sword not enough for him?"

Gu Fei did not release the news that Lu Heng defeated Gu Tianzhi, so no one knew that Lu Heng had broken through.

In the eyes of Zhou Hong, Zeng Yizhou and others, Lu Heng was just a third-level warrior who had just passed the assessment.

Even if Lu Heng's longevity function increases his strength, it would be good for him to have a fourth-level combat power.

Isn't it enough for a fourth-level warrior to use a fifth-level sword?

Why should I change the level 6 sword?

You must know that a Grade 6 sword is worth 30,000 points, which is an astronomical sum for countless martial arts students.

"Waste, what a waste!" Zhou Hong shook his head again and again.

Zeng Yizhou's attention was not on this. What he was thinking at this moment was how could Lu Heng have so many martial artist points.

Where did it come from?

At this time, the staff at the window handed Lu Heng another thing.

Zeng Yizhou took a closer look and saw that this was a complete set of battle armor.

And it seems that its quality is definitely not low.

"Level 6 battle armor! I can't read it wrong, this is definitely a level 6 battle armor!"

After carefully observing for a while, Zeng Yizhou exclaimed in a low voice again.

Unexpectedly, Lu Heng not only changed a sixth-level sword, but also changed a sixth-level armor.

In the blink of an eye, 60,000 points were spent.

"It's really overkill."

This time, Zeng Yizhou kept shaking his head.

Lu Heng was a third-level warrior, even if he wore a sixth-level battle armor, he couldn't stand a blow from a sixth-level monster.

And if you are only facing level-4 monsters, level-4 battle armor is enough, so why is level-6 battle armor necessary?

Therefore, this is completely overkill, and a bull's knife is used to kill chickens.

At this time, Zhou Hong also noticed the number of points Lu Heng spent this trip, and asked Zeng Yizhou in surprise, "Senior Zeng, where do you think he got so many points?"

"..." Zeng Yizhou was lost in thought.

First of all, it is certain that Lu Heng's points were definitely not given to him.

Because points cannot be traded, only things that can be traded with points.

And now Lu Heng personally came to exchange the sixth-level sword and the sixth-level armor, so this can be completely ruled out.

Then there is only one possibility left. Lu Heng has obtained so many points through his own efforts.

But here comes the problem.

60,000 points is not a small amount, even if he is as good as Zeng Yizhou or Chu Xuefeng, the points he has earned since he entered the school are not that many.

Not to mention ordinary students with mediocre qualifications.

So, what did Lu Heng do to get the city to reward him with so many martial artist points?

Could it be that he captured a few noble aliens alive?

I heard that Lu Heng disappeared in the wilderness for many days some time ago, and many people were sent from the city to rescue him from the wilderness.

So it is possible that he encountered outsiders in the wilderness and successfully captured them.

Only then does it make sense.

Because it is related to the aliens, the leaders in the city will definitely not publicize it, so the news cannot be spread at all.

In fact, Zeng Yizhou really guessed a little bit, because Lu Heng did catch a lot of outsiders in the underground labyrinth before he became a third-level warrior.

It's just that the points rewarded that time were basically replaced by him drinking the energy stock solution, and there were not many left.

At this time, Zhou Hong on the side said: "He did earn a lot of points for killing the rat king last time. I heard that it was 30,000, but that should have been replaced by energy stock solution. Why now..."

Zeng Yizhou turned his head and said, "I can't guess like this. Next, pay attention to his movements and see what he is doing."

"Yeah." Zhou Hong nodded immediately.

Zeng Yizhou continued: "I want to see how he earns so many points. I don't believe that if he earns I can't earn it!"

"That is." Zhou Hong nodded again.

Afterwards, the two stopped talking, and before Lu Heng and He Sicheng turned their heads, they quickly disappeared from the crowd.

Since he decided to inquire about Lu Heng's whereabouts next, he couldn't let him notice that the two of them appeared here.

On the other hand, after Lu Heng changed the level-6 battle sword and level-6 battle armor, he handed over the original level-5 sword and level-5 battle armor to the staff for recycling.

This will give you some discounts.

"A total of 48,000 points."

After the staff tapped on the keyboard for a while, he raised his head and said to Lu Heng.

The fifth-level sword and the fifth-level armor were damaged due to the battle with the fifth-level monster purple beast, so they were recovered at the price of 6,000 points, and the original price was 10,000.

Therefore, after deducting these points, Lu Heng spent a total of 48,000 points.

Although it was less than 60,000, it was still a very large amount, and the students who watched around were speechless.

Everyone thought with envy in their hearts, when would they be able to have so many points.

Beside Lu Heng, He Sicheng was also very envious.

But he was used to it, so he didn't show it too obviously.

"Bring me three bottles of strong bone pills..."

He Sicheng opened his mouth and put forward his own needs.

The staff leaned down again and started to operate on the computer.

A minute later, the medicinal pills He Sicheng needed were also exchanged, and the two left the points management office together.

Many students around watched them leave, and they waited until they were far away, and the voices of everyone did not stop.

on the aisles on campus.

He Sicheng was walking and suddenly stopped.

Lu Heng glanced at him curiously and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Lu Heng, I want to learn Changsheng Gong!" He Sicheng said suddenly and firmly.

"Didn't you say this last time? The teacher will never agree with you..."

Speaking of general, Lu Heng realized something was wrong.

With He Sicheng's lifeless recklessness, I'm afraid...

Sure enough, He Sicheng looked at Lu Heng resolutely and said, "That's why I have to ask you for advice, Lu Heng, please teach me!"

Lu Heng looked left and right, and then said, "It's okay to teach you, but... Forget it, you should stop learning. I'm afraid you will have an accident."

Lu Heng was really worried about what happened to He Sicheng.

This guy, He Sicheng, is not afraid of anything. When he was in high school, he dared to secretly train his brain behind his teacher's back.

Therefore, it is conceivable that once he is taught Changsheng Gong, he will definitely risk his life in order to practice Changsheng Gong.

Like self-harm.

Lu Heng had practiced the Longevity Gong, so he knew very well that if the practitioner was ruthless enough with himself, the Longevity Gong could really be learned with a reckless effort.

Because the core function of the longevity gong is to repair injuries, if you repeatedly injure yourself and try repeatedly, it is possible to practice it.

And after he taught He Si the growth skills, with He Sicheng's intelligence, he could definitely think of this method immediately, and then he would try it without hesitation.

"Lu Heng, you must teach me!" Seeing that Lu Heng did not agree, He Sicheng became anxious.

"I can't do this..."

Lu Heng wanted to firmly refuse and completely cut off He Sicheng's thoughts.

But on second thought, this is of no avail. A reckless man like He Sicheng really wants to learn. Even if he steals and robs, he will get a whole set of longevity exercises.

Will you be able to learn by then?

You must know that the teacher passed the longevity exercise to him through the hands of He Sicheng. He Sicheng knew what the exercise book looked like, and also knew where the exercise was stored.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng felt powerless.

The best situation now seems to be to teach He Sicheng himself.

In this way, at least I can watch it myself, so that he doesn't mess around.

"Well, I can teach you, but you must listen to me from beginning to end, otherwise, I would rather not be this friend with you!"

Lu Heng said seriously. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Seeing Lu Heng let go, He Sicheng was overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, Lu Heng, I can't bear to be your friend."

He knew that Lu Heng said that for his own good, so he didn't mind at all.

"Then when do we start?" He Sicheng asked impatiently.

"Afternoon, I'm free this afternoon."

Lu Heng raised his left wrist to look at the schedule and said.

In his next schedule, apart from cultivating the otherworldly practice "Bright Eyesight", there is no other important thing.

Things like studying the jet-black cobblestone have already been handed over to the team members.

After all, what can be done at present is to purify the medicinal ingredients in it, and it is not yet clear how it refines the body tissue.

In this regard, we have to wait for Dashan to recover, and then go to the wilderness to find the raw materials for refining the jet-black cobblestone, and then we can make progress.

Therefore, in the afternoon, he had time to teach He Sicheng to practice Longevity Gong.

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll come to you in the afternoon!"

He Sicheng said excitedly.

Seeing that he was so excited, Lu Heng couldn't help but ask, "Sicheng, there is a question I've always wanted to ask you, why are you so eager to improve your strength?"

He Sicheng's impetus is almost unmatched, and he can even give up his life in order to become stronger.

There must be a reason here.

On the other side, after hearing Lu Heng's question, He Sicheng's smile instantly faded, and he said, "This matter... Let's talk about it later."

"That's fine." Lu Heng could only agree.

He Sicheng didn't want to say it now, he couldn't force him.

Not sure what privacy is involved here.

Afterwards, the two quickly walked towards the student apartment.


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