My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 202: one more departure

Back home, Lu Heng was still thinking about teaching He Si to grow up.

But what he was worried about at this time was that if He Sicheng had learned the longevity gong, he would not be able to put some inexplicable things on the longevity gong.

After all, the real Longevity Gong is not that omnipotent, and its main function is to repair injuries.

At that time, once He Sicheng has learned it, he will find that the Longevity Gong he cultivates is not the same as his own, and the gap is huge.

‘Let’s talk about it when the time comes, anyway, even if he learns the longevity gong, there are only two of us in this world who learn the longevity gong. Many things can be explained by an example. ’

Lu Heng thought to himself.

After that, he stopped thinking about it, and took advantage of the noon break to study the "Bright Eyesight Technique".

At this time, apart from the longevity exercise, what Lu Heng cared about most was the other world exercise.

The "Golden Ear Technique" that he has already learned, and the "Bright Eyes Technique" that he is currently learning are all otherworldly exercises that are relatively easy to learn.

From the beginning of these two exercises, it will be easier to learn those other world exercises that are more difficult and more powerful.

Of course, at that time, his talent might have improved again.

Time passed quickly.

In the afternoon, He Sicheng came over early, and after a little chat, he went straight to the topic and talked about learning the longevity exercise.

Lu Heng said straight to the point: "Sicheng, the reason why I stopped you from practicing the longevity gong this morning is because longevity gong can rely on self-mutilation to find the key to getting started. I'm afraid you will risk your life after knowing this."

Who knows, as soon as Lu Heng said this, He Sicheng's eyes lit up and he said happily, "Really?"

"I knew you would say that!" Lu Heng sighed helplessly.

It is foreseeable now that He Sicheng will definitely use the method of self-mutilation to cultivate the Longevity Gong, and it is impossible to stop him.

It can only be guided in this regard.

Of course, Lu Heng had already figured out how to guide him, and he had even figured out how to direct He Sicheng's hard work towards positive use.

"You can take risks with your own body, but every time you take a risk you have to record the whole process and your experience."

Lu Heng said.

He Sicheng asked curiously, "Why do you want these materials?"

"For research." Lu Heng said.

He had already thought about it, using He Sicheng's information about risking his own body to study how to improve the existing medical technology, so that he could find a way to treat Bai Yuanwu and Lu Xiaoxiao more quickly.

Let them regenerate their severed limbs, revive their nerves, and return to normal people.

In addition, Lu Heng also wanted to use He Sicheng's experience in cultivation to understand the longevity gong and make an impact on a higher level.

As the saying goes, the stone of the mountain can attack jade. He Sicheng will definitely have a lot of insights after cultivating the Longevity Gong, and because of his special cultivation method, the insights he got must be very different from his own.

This can help you understand the longevity gong from other perspectives, and thoroughly understand the mystery of longevity gong.

In fact, during this time, Lu Heng had encountered a bottleneck in cultivating the Longevity Gong.

If you want to break through this bottleneck, you can either improve your talent and make your comprehension stronger.

Or just like now, use the power of others to understand the longevity gong together.

"Research?" He Sicheng was puzzled for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you can do what you say, as long as you are willing to teach me the longevity gong."

He Sicheng had no objection to Lu Heng's request. After all, he had already agreed to Lu Heng in the morning, saying that he would do as he said.

"Okay, let's start now, I'll teach you the most basic cultivation methods first."

Lu Heng said.

He had practiced the Longevity Gong in person, and had a solid understanding of the Longevity Gong. He knew how to guide He Sicheng to start the Longevity Gong faster.

Thinking that when he first started cultivating, it took a lot of time just to understand the content of the longevity exercise.

In contrast, He Sicheng was much cooler than him.


In the days that followed, Lu Heng taught He Sicheng to practice longevity exercises in addition to his own affairs.

However, He Sicheng asked him a lot for advice at the beginning, and after he found the way, most of the time he was alone in cultivating.

As Lu Heng expected, He Sicheng began to take risks on his own body the day he figured out the basic cultivation method of Longevity Gong.

When I went to see Lu Heng the next day, there were two terrifying and obvious wounds on his body.

But fortunately, he still listened to Lu Heng's words, and after trying twice to fail, he did not continue the adventure.

Lu Heng had no choice but to tell him to record the process and his experience in detail, and the rest could only be left to him.

Just like that, half a month passed quickly.

In the past half month, Lu Heng has successfully learned the "Eight Eyesight Technique", and his research team has also successfully extracted medicinal ingredients from the pitch-black round stones to prepare a medicine that can treat snake venom.

After Dashan got the potion, he let his female companion take it on the spot.

The results were gratifying, as his female companion recovered well after taking the as-yet-unnamed drug.

The only regret is that this medicine can't completely eradicate the snake venom from her body, it can only be relieved, so it has to be taken for many years without stopping in the middle.

"Lu Heng, is there a way to find an antidote that can completely heal?"

Dashan asked Lu Hengdao with concern.

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "Not yet, unless the black elixir refined by otherworlders is thoroughly researched."

After half a month of research, plus the information provided by Dashan, it can be 100% sure that this pitch-black round stone is a medicinal pill refined by a foreigner.

Therefore, Lu Heng temporarily called it a black elixir.

"Is it necessary to understand the manufacturing method of this black elixir in order to fully study it?" Dashan asked.

"Yeah." Lu Heng nodded, "If we can figure out the raw materials for refining black medicine pills, our research can definitely go further."

"Then let's go to the wilderness to find raw materials." Dashan said impatiently.

Lu Heng answered, "I came to find you today just for this."

In the past half month, he had eaten all the black medicinal pills he brought back from the hideout of the aliens, and transformed them into his own strength.

But even so, it is still far from breaking through the fifth level.

So Lu Heng wanted to quickly figure out the raw materials for refining the black medicine pill. If he could refine the black medicine pill after finding the raw materials, he could continue to quickly temper his body and improve his strength.

"I'll leave as soon as I'm ready." Dashan said quickly.


Jiangnan Wuhan University, on the playground.

Zhou Hong and Zeng Yizhou met here.

"Senior Zeng, I have already checked Lu Heng's points. It is because of the results of studying the language of foreigners."

Zhou Hong said to Zeng Yizhou.

"What? Does he still have the ability to study these?" Zeng Yizhou was surprised.

"It is said that he obtained several research manuscripts left by outsiders in the wilderness. After the results of his research were announced, the manuscripts were handed over to the city." Zhou Hong said.

"So lucky?!"

Zeng Yizhou frowned.

Afterwards, he asked again, "Then what is he researching now? I heard that he seems to have brought a team at the University of Science and Technology."

"I don't know. What they are studying is very strictly confidential, and there is no way to find out."

Zhou Hong said helplessly.

Zeng Yizhou thought about it and said, "Forget it, if his points are all obtained like this, then I can't learn if I want to. That's it."

At this moment, Zeng Yizhou was only envious of Lu Heng.

Apart from practicing martial arts, he is not good at anything else, but Lu Heng still has the energy to do scientific research.

At this time, Zhou Hong approached Zeng Yizhou and whispered, "Senior Zeng, there is one more thing. Lu Heng has not left the base city during this time, but he went out again today."

"Oh? Where did you go? How did you know?" Zeng Yizhou asked repeatedly.

Zhou Hong replied: "I don't know where he went, only that he went to the air force base and took a plane to the wilderness, as if he was going to go far."

"And, besides himself, there is a strange-looking person walking with him."

Zhou Hong was referring to Dashan. Dashan lives in the wilderness all year round. Even if he wears normal clothes, he looks different from other people.

"In this case……"

Zeng Yizhou had an idea in his mind.

He felt that it was necessary to go with Lu Heng to see what Lu Heng was doing in the wilderness.

In the past, he didn't take Lu Heng seriously, because the gap between Lu Heng and him was too big, and he was not worthy of his attention.

As a result, after half a year, Lu Heng has become a third-level warrior.

'He is a third-level warrior, and the places he can go will not be a threat to me, so I will follow him to see. ’

Thinking of this, Zeng Yizhou made a decisive decision, bid farewell to Zhou Hong and others and rushed to the air base.

Lu Heng went out on an Air Force plane, so he would have a way to figure out where the destination of that plane was.


At the same time, Gu Tianzhi was at home.

"Lu Heng finally went to the wilderness? Or with that savage? Good!"

After Gu Tianzhi received the news, he shouted ok.

During this time, they have been paying attention to Lu Heng's movements, but Lu Heng has been staying in Jiangnan City to conduct research, and there is no special news.

Also, during this time, Liu Shiyao and Lu Heng did not have any contact, and they were far away from each other, which made the plan they previously envisaged impossible to implement.

Therefore, Gu Tianzhi was almost helpless to Lu Heng.

There is no way to find out what Lu Heng is researching, nor to retaliate against Lu Heng.

But now, Lu Heng finally left the base city and went to the wilderness.

And still went with that savage.

"Second uncle, he went to the wilderness with that savage. It must have something to do with the otherworldly people. We can't let it go." Gu Fei made a plan.

"That's natural." Gu Tianzhi replied: "Liu Zongshi just threatened us not to touch Lu Heng, but he did not say that he could not touch the savage, nor did he say that he could not investigate matters related to the aliens."

He naturally dared not ignore the harsh words Liu Huaiyu left at that time, let alone him, even his eldest brother, the master Gu Tianming, did not dare not to take Liu Huaiyu's words seriously.

However, if Liu Huaiyu protects Lu Heng again, it is impossible to be meticulous, let alone do his best.

So, as long as you don't go against Lu Heng's own ideas, other things can be done.

What's more, Gu Tianzhi himself didn't want to do anything to Lu Heng, he was only interested in the mountains and people from other worlds.

He believed that Dashan must have a lot of secrets related to outsiders.

"Second uncle, when do we leave?" Gu Fei asked excitedly.

Gu Tianzhi swept him and refused: "Don't go, you will only cause trouble."

How could he not know what this nephew was thinking.

This nephew of his holds a grudge against Lu Heng, and because of Liu Shiyao's affairs, he has a deep hatred for Lu Heng, so it would only be a bad thing to let him follow.

What's more, Gu Fei only had the third-level strength, so he wouldn't be able to help.

"Second uncle..." Gu Fei wanted to say something.

Gu Tianzhi stopped him and said, "It's no use telling me, unless your dad agrees with you to go."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Fei's face turned ashen.

How could his father agree to this.

From childhood to adulthood, he has seen it for a long time. The last thing his father wants to see is that his son is cheating.

Gu Tianzhi left Gu Fei alone, walked out of the gate quickly, and went to convene the troops to enter the wilderness.

He has already made preparations in all aspects, so he can go straight now.



inside the helicopter.

Lu Heng and Dashan sat opposite each other.

The two didn't say a word, each thinking their own way.

The only sound in the cabin is the roar of the engine and the loud noise of the propeller turning.

Lu Heng raised his hand to check the time, and then sent a message to Jin Xianhe.

"Senior Jin, we have entered the wilderness."

There is a certain danger in this operation, and it is naturally impossible for him to act alone, so he has already contacted Jin Xianhe.

One is that Jin Xianhe is very enthusiastic, and the other is that only Jin Xianhe knows some of the secrets about the pitch-black boulders and the mountains.

In addition, Jin Xianhe and his mentor Bai Yuanwu had a good So Lu Heng thought of asking Jin Xianhe for help.

However, Jin Xianhe happened to go to the depths of the wilderness to perform a mission in the past two days, so he couldn't walk with him.

So Lu Heng told him his itinerary, and when the other party finished his own affairs, he would come back to meet him.

"Received, contact me after you arrive at the destination. The matter on my side is almost over."

Jin Xianhe replied.

"Okay." Lu Heng replied, and then closed the communication interface.

At this time, Dashan, who was opposite him, said, "The person who caught me last time, will he come again this time?"

"Sure, he can't just give up." Lu Heng raised his head and said.

It was precisely because he knew that Gu Tianzhi could not let go of this matter that he thought of seeking help from Jin Xianhe.

Dashan frowned slightly when he saw Lu Heng's affirmative answer.

"What's wrong?" Lu Heng asked.

"Thinking about it now, I said something to him that shouldn't have been said." Dashan said hesitantly.

"Oh? What did you tell him?" Lu Heng asked curiously.

Dashan was imprisoned in the Gu family for seven or eight days, and the Gu family would definitely interrogate him every day. It was impossible for him to completely keep his secrets.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell them about the black medicine pill at all, I just told some things about the contact with the outsider."

After finishing speaking, Dashan added: "No way, if I don't say anything, they will keep torturing us both."

Hearing this, Lu Heng nodded to show his understanding.

The fact that Dashan and his wife were able to come out of Gu's house unscathed means that he must have made some compromises, and Gu Tianzhi and others are very satisfied with this compromise.

"What exactly did you say to him?" Lu Heng asked again.


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