My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1000: Kendo Master Plan

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi climbed to the top and sat aside with the fat man.

The top of the mountain is vast, and the whole star can be seen at a glance, but with the fighting below, the blood cloud becomes thicker and thicker.

Ding Li sighed: "I heard from my ancestors that it takes a lot of energy to open the heavens. The channels we enter are actually constructed by the energy of the dead creatures."

Below, a piece of fighting, **** taste floats up, forming a **** road.

"One gain and one loss." Chu Yi was calm. He had seen too much. If these people did not come, they would be fine. If they came, they would naturally have to pay the price.

"Why are you so cruel, like Niu Niu, I have compassion, and I have only eaten human flesh until now, which is really not delicious."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes and didn't care. Different races feed each other. This is terrible if they are on the earth, but here, although human beings are big races, they are not absolute masters.

"Everything, in our time, when humans were weak and after Yanhuang, there was no room for humans to survive. After so many years, it was only slightly better."

Yu Xiqing smiled and said that she was a demon, but she just concealed her appearance and looked more ordinary.

Chu Yi was learning something too old from her, but the other party just changed the subject after only a few words.

Ding Li sneered: "It seems that the heart of His Highness Young Master is not dead, Master, why don't we enter the heavens and kill this person to prevent future troubles."

"Sister, as a woman, don't be so malicious, let alone you can't kill me together."

"Sister, you should practice well. At the end of the list, the position of the tail of the crane is uncomfortable. After all, I am a person who can compete with the Son of God."

The three young masters, that one is not a peerless demon, but Yu Xiqing has never shown his skills.

Ding Li's face twitched, and he immediately smiled and said, "As a woman, you should have a big chest. You can be as tall as you are, and you are destined to be single for thousands of years in the future."

The fat man hurried away, the two women gathered together is terrible, he might as well stay with Chu Yi.

Another day later, the fighting below gradually came to an end, and more and more creatures began to climb to the top.

There can be no war here, otherwise the battle will continue.

The blood cloud was rich, the mountain breeze was vast, and everyone looked up. The blood cloud in the sky had formed a huge vortex, which was slowly rotating.

This depressed atmosphere makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

"There are still a few holy mountains that are not over, we need to wait for a while."

The celestial lord of the Lyra sat in the most central place.

"I heard that one battle after another is extremely horrifying. The Son of God is invincible. The Son of Buddha fights the sky. The son of the Nine Nether has broken several avatars that communicate with God..."

Luo intentionally said loudly that Yu Guang looked at Chu Yi with some embarrassment.

"If this group of people gather together, the gods and demons will surely die out."

"But it is really strange, why the king of sin land did not move, does it say that he has any special tricks to avoid the demon mirror?"

Several people were suspicious.

In fact, in addition to some people ambushing the gods and deities, there are also some people who want to ambush the king of sin, but the latter seems to have disappeared.

That peerless demon, but even more terrifying than the **** and deity leader, was the first to enter the overall list with Taoist government.

Chu Yi turned a deaf ear, and he could feel that the avatar entered the top of a holy mountain safely.

"God of deity..."

Chu Yi rested a few people, but saw Du Gu crazy and Longfeng son came over.

"Two, what's the matter?"

Chu Yi set the table here, and everyone sat and rested.

"Girly, fast fart." Yu Xiqing snorted.

"I am handsome, not a girly girl, my son... I don't care about you as a girl." The son of Longfeng grinned, but there was no contempt in his eyes. He looked at Chu Yi, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

"This is the case. The two of us proclaimed ourselves a million years ago. Over the past million years, the fairyland has changed a lot, especially Kendo, and we don't even understand it."

"But recently, there are more and more masters of kendo training. In order to avoid being attacked by such people, we want to ask you for advice."

The two of them were also interested in seeing Chu Yi's sword sword.

I originally thought that the so-called development of kendo, but this, but unexpectedly, really came out, wonderful.

If you don't understand it, you may fail in a hurry.

Chu Yi looked at the two. This is the peerless demon of a million years ago. It is generally at this level. Although he is proud, he also has a lot of weight. He will admit his shortcomings and learn with humility.

"Now, there is a master of Kendo in Immortal Realm, but it is just some division of the realm and simple cultivation methods. At that time, Yan Luo Xianzun preached the world, but after his death, the real Master of Kendo was taken away by the sword pavilion, and the rest was destroyed. Go, so what is circulated outside is not the general outline of Kendo."

Du Gu crazy said, he also searched, but unfortunately no results.

"It's so mean, Jiange wants to dominate this," the fat man shouted.

Luo Ge from the other side of the sword pavilion looked at them, and the fat man, Niu Niu and Zhu Bajie raised their middle fingers at them at the same time, making them tremble with anger.

"So, we want to take a look at the real Kendo Master."

Du Gu crazy seems to be a little embarrassed, after all, they both ridiculed Chu Yi before.

Chu Yi pondered: "The real master swordsmanship is actually not complete. Yan Luoxianzun didn't announce it all that year. However, I can show you master swordsmanship and my cultivation experience and skills."

Du Gu was shocked: "How can this be?"

Cultivation experience is the accomplishment of a monk's life. Generally, it will be taught to disciples and will be left behind.

"Nothing is impossible, people all know how to paint and calligraphy, but how many people can take this path."

"All people in the world can dance swords, but no one can surpass me." Chu Yi smiled.

Dugu crazy and Longfeng son looked at each other, they saw invincible self-confidence in this person.

"Of course, I have the conditions, son and son of dragon and phoenix, I want to see the dragon and phoenix mind."

"Dugu crazy, I heard you have a blood burning method, in a short time, can increase the body's ability in all aspects."

"Yes." Du Gu crazy readily agreed.

The dragon and phoenix hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"But only one hour can be watched."

"Master, I have to watch too." Yu Xiqing leaned over.

Chu Yi smiled and said, "I heard that the three schools of the Archaic Demon Sect are too ancient, and each has its own inheritance. I am very interested."

"Forget it, when I didn't say it." Yu Xi backed away sullenly.

Like the Dragon and Phoenix sons and Du Gu crazy, they were originally born as scattered people, without restraint, but with different forces, they cannot be disclosed at will.

"Just kidding, you can watch at will."

Chu Yi is very generous. If he is restrained, he seems to lack confidence.

He has a full grasp of his swordsmanship, not to mention, if someone really can compete with him on this sword, it is also a happy event.

It's a pity that nowadays on the sword, Chu Yi can only learn about his deity and his avatar.

Chu Yi took out a piece of jade, which contained his sword.

Dugu crazy and Dragon and Phoenix son also took out their inheritance.

Several people couldn't hold back, Shen Nian swept in, and suddenly panicked.

Yu Xiqing's exaggerated open mouth: "Why is there a detailed explanation of the eternal sword domain, this is not even the sword pavilion!"

A few people who were solitary and solitary were also glaring.

They thought that Chu Yi would hide secretly, but could go through it and found that it was too detailed and led to the eternal sword domain.

"Where is the experience? Anyone, according to this practice, can become a swordsman genius."

"This is not the key point, the key point is the eternal sword domain." Ding Zhenzhong was shocked.

"Many powerful immortal venerable celestial beings in the fairy world are looking for the inheritance of the immortal venerable Yan Luo, for the purpose of eternal sword territory, but this..."

"Yan Luoxianzun's inheritance, it might not be yours...No, these comments are different from Yan Luoxianzun. I have seen the original Kendo Masters."

She naturally did not know that Chu Yi had a new understanding in this life, which was more perfect than the sword of the previous life.

Several people stared at Chu Yi with wide eyes.

"God demon master, this information is too precious..." The Dragon and Phoenix Master stammered.

Once this comes out, I am afraid that it will cause great chaos, and even Immortal Venerable will come to **** it.

What is the total outline of the sword pavilion, this is the real outline.

Chu Yi waved his hand: "Why, this is still outdated."

He thought that his "breaking the virtual realm", because of the limitation of cultivation, had not fully realized it, so he didn't write it.

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