My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1001: All heavens open

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Several people were infatuated, especially the sons of Dragon and Phoenix and Dugu crazy.

They have never been in contact with Kendo. Now, at first glance, they can't help but get deeply fascinated. Coupled with the terrifying talent, it only takes a few hours to realize it.

Chu Yi also watched quietly.

The dragon and phoenix's heart method of the dragon and phoenix is ​​completed by the dragon and the phoenix. What Chu Yi needs is not how to refine the dragon and the phoenix, but the fusion technique here.

His Sunshade Eucharist had to absorb at least six flames, but he felt defective.

The Moon Shadow Eucharist, passed down from generation to generation, has complete exercises, but the Sun Shadow Eucharist is faulty.

Chu Yi always felt that there was a loss of important tactics. He didn't realize it until he saw that the fat man had merged two kinds of cold water.

Although I have absorbed the fire of Jinwu and the fire of the sun, the two flames are completely independent and cannot be fused, without the overall taste.

He swept his mind toward the dragon and phoenix's mind. Suddenly, a stone tablet appeared in front of him. The stone tablet was simple and mottled, like a cast of heaven and earth, without any trace of man-made signs.

"It seems that this mentality was born out of heaven and earth. No wonder it is so powerful."

On the stone tablet, there are traces of one after another, seemingly simple, but going deeper, each trace has its unique rhythm, just like the world is playing, and the notes fall on it and form Learned this mentality.

Although Chu Yi said that his talent is superb and his vision is high, he dare not be negligent.

He does not respect heaven, but respecting heaven and earth, especially the mental and physical exercises evolved by heaven and earth, is absolutely extraordinary, even though he had never seen much in his previous life.

He even opened his eyes and watched together.

In his eyes, all the traces seemed to come alive, and there seemed to be tens of thousands of figures shaking.

Every figure is sparkling with electric sparks, like thinking is colliding, and new things are constantly being born.

The dense immortals form a trace, and countless traces form this mental method.

"According to the law, there are 18 floors in total."

"Since then, it is too advanced, and it is estimated that the Dragon and Phoenix Masters only understand the seven or eight floors."

"Fortunately, the manipulation is not in the back, just need to learn the first three layers."

He gradually became addicted, his mind was completely immersed, and his mind was constantly deduced. The dragon and phoenix turned into yin and yang, and themselves turned into a picture, and then evolved a plan that merged the fire of the sun and the sun.

He learned three levels, and immediately stopped. This kind of mentality is too esoteric, at least it will lead to Immortal Venerable. Chu Yi has no time to study in depth.

He quickly picked up the Dugong crazy practice.

"Nine Heavy Blood Burning Method."

"Sure enough, as I expected, once the two flames are fused, the blood in the body is bound to be unsustainable. Only through some kind of blood method can the blood's resistance to temperature be improved."

The ninth blood staining method is much simpler than the dragon and phoenix heart method. It involves at most the state of psychic communication.

At the weight, the blood boils.

Double, blood scarlet.

Triple, it will turn into gold...

Chu Yi read a rough idea, but just wrote down the opponent's method of operation.

When he opened his eyes, the blood cloud in the sky almost touched the top of the mountain.

The turbulent gust of wind screamed, and many innate realm stations could not stand.

Du Gu is crazy and drunk, and Long Feng is also confused.

The two women frowned, and clapped their hands.

Niuniu was waving her hooves and was watching.

The fat man looked at it for a while, and it was boring. He didn't want to go this way. He only needed to understand a little. Not to mention, with his background, he had also seen the master of Kendo.

Fat and Zhu Bajie punched there, but the latter never won.

Master Longfeng opened his eyes and saw that Chu Yi had finished his cultivation. He quickly embarrassed and said: "Sorcerer, the demon master, I am embarrassed, I am fascinated by it, so I only watch one hour."

Everyone also woke up.

"God demon master, what do you think of my mind?" Longfeng son asked.

"Miaozai, your mind is unique. The focus is not on the dragon and the phoenix, but on the way of integration. The middle part should be an innovative technique, and then the focus is on the separation technique."

Chu Yi admired, he looked at it roughly, it would be of great help.

Long Feng son was stunned, and after a long while, he came back to God: "The **** demon master is so savvy. When I got this mentality, I realized it for hundreds of years before I understood these three stages."

Chu Yi said with a smile: "That's different. You and I have different starting points. At that time, you started to practice, and I'm already in the infancy."

"Inferiority is better."

"God and demon master, you can get something." Du Gu crazy asked.

"I have realized that the two minds and exercises have just made up for one of my exercises." Chu Yi nodded happily. Once the two flames merged, the power will increase greatly.

"It's easy to learn, it's too difficult to do." The son of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​speechless. "In front of you, I doubt whether I am a demon a million years ago."

With their talents, understanding the truth is simpler than practice.

Just like Kendo, they saw it, understood it, and realized it, but now they can realize that the sword and man are one, that is impossible.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "How many have you ever realized?"

"Too seconds, too esoteric, I saw the part where the sword and man were united."

The Dragon and Phoenix Master sighed, "Everyone says that if the sword master kills, no one can go too far on this path, but unexpectedly, millions of years later, there will actually be descendants out of this path."

"Whether it's Yan Luoxianzun or Chu Master, they are all evil spirits."

"I'm not as good."

Du Gu madly nodded: "Everyone says that the gods and demons are cults, the gods and demons are leaders, and they are evils in evil, but this swordsmanship is a comment, and the whole article has never been related to evil."

"That's the stupidity of the world." Yu Xiqing embraced his arms. "We, the gods and demons, are at the end of the line, sitting upright, don't know how much better than those decent and decent people."

"But how can I feel more horrible than Yan Luoxianzun's master of this swordsmanship."

"Also, Master, you are not afraid that I learned your swordsmanship, is it more convenient to kill you."

Chu Yi laughed: "You can't kill me."

Yu Xiqing's fingers wrapped around her hair, Gu Panshenghui: "That's not necessarily."

"However, if this master swordsmanship is given to the gods and demon religions, the leader will be considered a great contributor."

"I didn't say to hand it in." Chu Yi smiled and took back Kendo.

Everyone is reluctant, but they also understand that they and others are not going to follow this path. They don't need to understand it carefully.

Master Longfeng asked: "Master Chu said that the realm of kendo, for you, is only four stages. The sword is a sword, the sword is like a sword, the sword can be a sword, and the sword is not a sword. , It's not, to what stage did the sword half- fairy go?"

"Not the same." Chu Yi shook his head. "The sword is half an immortal. It is always in the stage where the sword is a sword, and I haven't been in these four realms for a long time."

Chu Yi understands that the sword path taken by Jian Banxian is very similar to the hidden realm, and the sword is the way, not the human way.

As a result, the sword of the half-sword sword can never surpass the half-cut sword in his hand.

The Excalibur is his end point.

"I don't understand Kendo, but I always feel that Jian Banxian is not as good as you." Du Gu crazy said.

"It's a great benefit to be able to communicate with a genius like Chu Chu."

"Since the two have no power behind them, it would be better to enter my demon religion." Chu Yi said suddenly.

"Ah... Du Gu, the weather is good today, let's go to the sun."

"Right on my mind."

"Master Chu, what are you saying? Nothing, then let's go shopping."

The two fled in a panic.

"You gods and demons, are you so scary?" Chu Yi touched his nose and looked at Yu Xiqing and Ding Li.

"It's your demon religion." The two girls corrected.

Chu Yi was helpless, but this time it was quite rewarding. At least in terms of body protection, he was much stronger and he could continue to practice the third picture of the Sunshade Eucharist.

Suddenly, the swirling blood cloud in the sky suddenly stood still.

The wind stopped.

The crowd quickly got up.

I saw a ray of light that fell from above the sky. It was the ray of the steles from the heavens. It radiated from a place in the fairy world, directly shining down and hitting the clouds.

The leaderboard shines in the sky!

"Everyone, the heavens open!"

"Five years!"

"You only have five years to enter. Once the time is up, if you don't come back, you can only stay in the heavens. The next time you open it, it will be in the next era."

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