Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"The heavens opened..."

"Unfortunately, I have no chance to enter. I just hope that what I need can be obtained by my disciples, etc. In this way, it will also be of great benefit to us."

Among the immortal world, the celestial beings looked at the past one by one, and it was extremely regrettable that an era was too long. They could not stay in the Yuan infantry period and wait for the heavens to open, otherwise they would die long ago and turn into dust.

In the fairy quake, the blood clouds above each holy mountain were penetrated by light, forming a passage.

The crowd swarmed in.

"The place we are going to is just a small part of the heavens. According to ancient records, there are a total of ninety-eight cities in that place, randomly assigned, and then will lead to the final place."

Ding Li said that it was indeed a very distant thing from the last opening of the heavenly realm. At that time, the Immortal Venerable could not live to this era, and only the Supreme can live to the present.


Chu Yi waved his hand and stepped in first.

"Fat man, we'd better go all the way, so that we can promote spiritual practice."

Chu Yi hugged the fat man's shoulder, and the fat man backed away.

"I don't want God, you guys are for the avenue, to practice, but God, I'm looking for a wife."

"Understood, it's the avenue to find a wife. You gang, you don't know the beauty of your wife at all." The fat man patted his chest.

"I want to walk alone and find the best wife."

"I want to follow the leader." Ding Li laughed.

"Me too." The two women snatched.

Pig Bajie and Chu Yi have a contract, but they are not afraid to separate.

Soon, everyone has stepped in.

The sky is bright, and there are many misty clouds, like a large mountain forest, here is a piece of grassland.

Many creatures entered together, dispersed, and not together.

The grass was too lush and taller than people. Chu Yi rose into the air and happened to see that the fat man crushed a large area of ​​grass, and Niu Niu pressed on the fat man again.

"Small bitch, why are you again?"

"You forgot, we have a contract on us, and your master tied us together to prevent you from making trouble."

The fat man smiled, and when he saw Chu Yi, his face suddenly turned green: "Why are you still, Brother Chu I tell you, you are so lingering, I will doubt that you are interested in me."

Chu Yi didn't see the two women, but was relieved.

A young leader who thought of killing himself all day, a daughter of Tianfeng who tried to marry himself all day long, Chu Yi was terrified to think about.

Looking around, the flowers and bushes are very lush and taller than people.

There are some immortal creatures nearby, but they do not know Chu Yi, so they are just vigilant.

The sun shines high, indicating that it is not out of the realm of the fairyland. This heavenly realm is hidden somewhere in the fairyland.

"The concentration of Reiki is really high. One day of practicing here is comparable to the hundred days of the outside world."

This is not an exaggeration. Chu Yi came up with accurate instrumental measurements, and the results obtained surprised him.

"No wonder that the peak infants who have reached the peak of the Yuan baby period here will be able to break through to the psychic as long as they stay for five years."

The fat man got up and wanted to sit on Niu Niu's body, but was kicked down. He patted his buttocks carelessly and flew into the air to look into the distance.

"Choose a fairy city!"

There is a city in front, as if in the middle of the cloud, vast and quaint, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

"Choose an immortal city, it turns out to be like this!" Not far away, a creature, riding a chariot, was very excited.

"I have seen this city in ancient books. The so-called "selecting immortals" is because there are immortal ponds in the city, which can lead gods into immortals. This is a great opportunity."

"Eighty-one cities each have their own opportunities, but you guys, don't stay longer in the wild, it will be dangerous."

That day people sat on the chariot and drove away quickly, and many creatures in the vicinity followed closely.

Obviously, this person knows a lot.

Chu Yi followed, the closer, the more boundless the city was, and the city walls exuded a cold breath.

"No, this city wall is clearly defensive in nature, rather than a city, it is a fortress. These heavens are in great danger!"

To be sure, such a city wall, even with the combination of many psychic gods, cannot be defeated, and even Immortal Venerable needs to exert all his strength, but it appears at this time.

He was keenly aware that this trip was not simple.

"Everyone, you meet by chance. I will appear together on the grassland and enter the city. They should support each other. Most of the people here have lived for many thousands of years. They have not been the so-called fairyland people, but Indigenous in the heavens."

"Fortunately, my ancestors came here and stayed here. There should be descendants here. It is easy to enter the city. My ancestor is an immortal venerable. It must have left a terrible heritage. Maybe, this fairy-selecting city, It is the descendants of my ancestors."

The city gate was not opened, but the armor was covered, and a line of monks, like an army, was stationed at the gate.

Above the city wall, an old man with gray hair stood quietly.

"It is a person from the outside world, what is said in the ancient books is right, our ancestors, from the fairy world, not here." The old man coughed twice.

"Senior Qin, we know that in another five years, we will be able to go out, only need to wait another five years." Next, a general said.

"Five years, I hope it won't come." The old man is the city owner, but he mentioned that "it", but there was endless fear in his mouth.

The generals frowned, uneasy.

Outsiders are uneasy, so are they.

After all, for them, Immortal Realm is too strange. They live here for generations. If something like that does not happen, they will not choose to leave. For them, this is the hometown and the original indigenous people here. No difference.

"There are too many outsiders, what shall we do?" the general asked.

Qin Chengan laughed: "In the city, although there are descendants of their forces, so many generations have passed, how many people remember?"

"There are too many outsiders, and it is impossible to enter all of them. Let them go to the wilderness to find the source of the spirit. Only after a certain amount can they enter the city."

"But the wilderness is too dangerous. I'm afraid I can only live half of it."

"It's good to be able to survive half of the time. We must first take care of our people."

"What's more, the heavens are inherently dangerous. If you want to get something, you have to pay."

Qin Chengan shook his head gently, he was too old, his eyelids were drooping down, his vision was blurred, and he could only perceive through the mind.

Suddenly, he subconsciously picked up a whistle from his arms.

"City Lord, this is..."

"What our ancestors left behind represents our influence in the outside world, and we don't know that influence, or whether there is orthodoxy."

The master of the city is almost all the descendants of the tradition. Although they have forgotten, they also have some thoughts in their hearts.

He blew his whistle, the whistle was silent, and there was only a special wave that no one could detect.


At the gate of the city, Chu Yi and others were stopped outside.

"Why don't you let me in? My ancestors are immortal venerables. The coming of the last era, his descendants must have achieved something. No matter how bad it is, they are all in the realm of God."

The heavenly man shouted.

It is a pity that these soldiers have magic instruments in hand, and the number of people is very large. In addition to the huge artillery fire on the walls of the city, the spirits of the fairy world do not dare to make trouble.

"The city master has orders to go to the wilderness to capture the spirit source, otherwise you don't need to enter the city, let alone enter the final land."

There are arrogance here, there are characters on the list, but there is no way, frowning, all leaving.

"Brother Chu, what shall we do? We must go to any wilderness, this is not a good place to hear."

The fat man frowned, "I'm going to the city to see if there are beautiful women in this local aborigine."

Chu Yi smiled helplessly, but his heart grew stranger, and there seemed to be something wrong in the heavens.

And at this moment, a wave of unpredictable waves came to provoke the imprint of the gods and demons in his body.

"The gods and demons also have a stronghold here?" Chu Yi stunned.

He opened his mouth and made special fluctuations, but he remained silent.

Above the city wall, everyone waited for a moment, a little disappointed.

"For too many years, it is estimated that the system has long forgotten us."


"There is a response!"

Qin Chengan suddenly opened his eyes.

Two sound waves collide, as if separated by several epochs and times.

He looked down and saw a young man who was looking at him with a smile.

"Come here! Come here! Quickly!" Qin Chengan was excited.

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