My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1003: Scary facts

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

At the gate of the city, the crowd dispersed and went to the wilderness, but Chu Yi was escorted in.

There is not much difference between the style of the city and the fairyland, but there are many technical aspects, which are far behind the fairyland.

After all, it was people from the previous era who came in here.

Residents are basically monks. After all, in the heavenly worlds with such strong aura, even if they do not practice, they can enter the innate realm. Unless the body's veins and the outside world are completely blocked, even the aura is difficult to absorb.

The generals walked quickly, wearing black armor and only showing a pair of eyes. The leader looked at Chu Yi suspiciously, with deep alertness and a chill in his eyes.

He took off his helmet, his bald head was covered with scars, like he was scratched by a claw, his face was curled up on his face, a mouth, and his teeth were white. There was no greetings, but he opened the door.

"I am the leader in charge of the security of the city, Lin Ban." His tone was a little blunt.

"Chu Yi, God and Demon Church?" Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, but there was no mark of God and Demon Church on the other party, which made him a little surprised.

"Master Qin wants to see you, Master Qin is the existence of the Xianzun level, and he is the master of choosing the city of Xian... I hope your coming will not bring disaster."

Lin Jin said sullenly, then stopped speaking, and led Chu Yi to the city wall.

At a glance, Chu Yi saw the person who blew his whistle before.

It was an old man, too old, but better than Yun Sheng at that time, at least standing upright.

He was wearing a robe and gray hair, trying to lift his eyelids to look at Chu Yi, his eyes were muddy.

This is an immortal dying dying.

"Is there any evidence?" Qin Chengan asked.

Chu Yi nodded and took out his brand as a leader.

Qin Chengan took out the ancient books, which were densely packed, all branded by the demon religion.

There are ordinary personnel, there are three major factions, there are deacons, there are hostess, there are wise men...

Qin Cheng'an's hand shook a little, and he looked down all the way. Until the end, the drooping face shuddered abruptly, his turbid eyes glowed amazingly, and a huge air pressure descended on the entire city wall.


Lin Jian's knife rested on Chu Yi's neck.

"Brother, elder brother, have something to say, this knife doesn't have long eyes." The fat man was startled. They all saw it. The people here were too strong. Even the soldiers who defended the city were Yuan infants. It's a realm of magic.

Once the opponent is in trouble, he and others will be like ants.

"It seems fake, Master Qin, after so many years, who knows what happened outside."


Qin Chengan scolded: "He is holding the seal of the leader, this is the leader!"

"Teach...master?" Lin Ji's cheek trembles, his face unbelievable.

"Qin Mou met the leader!" Qin Chengan knelt on the ground, and the generals around him knelt on the ground immediately.

The scene was so shocking, the generals were all in the realm of gods, and the city master was the immortal venerable.

"Damn, how come there are gods and demons everywhere, Niu Niu, you shouldn't be too."

Niuniu shook her head numbly.

"Senior Qin, don't need to be rude." Chu Yi accepted it calmly.

Qin Chengan got up and looked at Chu Yi carefully, showing a dry smile: "We thought that the outside world's ethics were lonely, but we didn't expect it to exist. It was too long, and Qin was a little unbelievable."

"It's a long time ago. It's been thousands of years since the last time I shined in the sky."

There are billions of years in an era, but the reflection of the previous era is at the end, and this era is at the front, so it is only ten million years apart.

"Dare to ask Master Qin, after who my **** and demon taught."

Qin Chengan arched his hand: "Ancestor Qin Feng."

Chu Yi slapped his head: "I have the impression that I have seen the deeds of Lord Qin Feng in ancient books. I don't know where Lord Qin Feng is."

Like Xianzun, if it goes well, it is possible to live for tens of millions of years. As for the Supreme, it can live more than one era at most.

"The ancestors are dead." Qin Chengan shook his head.

"Ancestor?" Chu Yi noticed the other's words and asked, "Master Qin is the first generation of Master Qin Feng."

Qin Chengan thought: "The ancestors have been dead for 5 million years. I am the eighty-ninth generation of the ancestors."

Chu Yi's pupil shrank and turned to look at Lin Da commander.

Lin Ban seemed to have no cold for Chu Yi and said indifferently: "My ancestor was Lin Zou. I was in the two hundred generations. Almost, more information has been destroyed and cannot be found."

Chu Yi finally knew where the problem was, and it was no wonder that this group of people was so strange to the gods and demons because there were too many changes.

Qin Chengan explained: "Master, I know what your confusion is. I can tell you something. I am exactly ten thousand years old now."

"Impossible!" The fat man was shocked. "Old man, don't talk nonsense, you will grow like this if you are ten thousand years old. Are you still a fairy, my parents are all over ten thousand years old."

Qin Chengan said with a smile: "This is a fact. Ten thousand years old. Here, Xianzun can only live 10,000 years old. According to ancient records, the external Xianzun can live at least ten million years."

Chu Yi was horrified, he didn't speak for a moment, so thinking that everything was reasonable.

The change from generation to generation is so fast that the information cannot be passed on effectively, so these people are so strange to the divine church.

In the outside world, Chu Yi can easily know what happened in the previous era, because some of the supremes of the previous era are alive, not to mention the things that were thousands of years ago.

"Xianzun is ten thousand years old and can communicate with God. He can only live five thousand years old. Dao House, thousand years, planting, five hundred years, congenital, two hundred years, ordinary people are eighty or ninety years old."

"Master, this is the heavens."

Qin Cheng'an's voice is vicissitudes, which can be heard in Chu Yi's ears, but it is extremely shocking.

"According to ancient books, it will come once every 10,000 years. At that time, the sun and the moon did not show up, and the world was scarlet. The death was harvesting human life, and it was harvesting life."

"The record of choosing the fairy city is quite complete, and there are not too many missing. Starting from the ancestors, once every ten thousand years, the lifespan of the souls is harvested. We deduced that at the most extreme, the supreme should only live for ten thousand years."

Niuniu sucked her mouth and looked at the fat man, her eyes were shocked.

Extreme Ten Thousand Years?

How can this be?

In their eyes, the supreme is high, overlooking generation after generation, as if not dead.

There is a kind of coldness, which has been taking out from the bodies of several people.

Chu Yi was calm, even if shocked, there was no disorder.

"Will it spread to the outside world?"

Qin Chengan nodded: "According to our deduction, in theory, yes."

"The premise is that the heavens are broken."

Chu Yi nodded and frowned: "In fact, there are studies from the outside world, as well as studies from the gods and demon religions. The fragmentation of the heavens is inevitable. The aura inside is too rich, just like a balloon that keeps inflating, and it will break one day sooner or later. "

"But the people of the fairy world are very eager to break the heavens. Once broken, the average concentration of the aura in the entire fairy world can at least double."

Fatty horror: "But once broken, it came out..."

Chu Yi took a breath: "The outside world is asking about longevity. The increase in the concentration of aura can increase the lifespan of souls, so that some major forces are probably thinking about how to make the heavens break faster."

"If they know the truth..."

This is absolutely horrible. It is a disaster for all the creatures in the fairy realm. The heavens, which were originally like treasures, instantly became time bombs, like death, harvesting life.

Chu Yi believed that a small number of monks who came in now should have received this message, and did not know how they would feel.

"Master Qin, what is it and when did it start?"

"It started only from the last era. We researched and found that it was a scarlet substance. I didn't know where it came from or what its characteristics were."

Chu Yi scratched his head: "Fortunately, according to the study of the gods and demons, the heavens must be broken after at least three eras."

"Wrong." Lin Da commanded coldly. "We know the heavens better than you. At most in this era, the heavens will be broken."

Chu Yi's pupil seemed to have an earthquake.

He opened his mouth and finally said only: "The trouble is big."

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