My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1004: Juvenile like wolf

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Qin Chengan invited Chu Yi and others back to the city's main palace to read ancient books.

The ancient books are mottled, many of them are unclear, many changes have been experienced, and many contents have been lost, but Chu Yi still saw a corner of the past.

The scarlet material comes, the sky is chaotic, and every ten thousand years, the lifespan of the souls of the heavens will be deprived once and passed down from generation to generation, just like the curse of the sinners.

"The heavens of the heavens have a long history, but since it appeared, these tens of thousands of years have become chaotic. A large number of disasters have occurred, and a big evil has erupted. Some spiritual sources have evolved into disasters. By the way, the spiritual source is high. In the case of concentration."

Qin Cheng'an led the way ahead. He kept his eyes closed and only used Shennian to detect.

The crowd walked into an ancient temple built in the main palace of the city. The temple roof was made of the purest aura and was gorgeous.

Different formations are lined around, changing every other hour.

"Master, I don't understand the meaning of our gods and demons, and I don't understand you, but it has become a spiritual symbol for a long time. In this temple, there are more materials in the past, and I should be able to answer some of the questions of the leader. "

Everyone entered the temple.

Among the ancient temples is the statue of Immortal Qin Fengxian, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Of course, there are also many Xianzun tablets of the Qin family, all with relevant historical records.

"Seal week?"

Chu Yi saw the name of an empire.

"Feng Zhou was an empire before the disaster. I don't know why it was destroyed."

Qin Chengan explained: "At that time, 81 cities were under the jurisdiction of Feng Zhou. Nowadays, there are no more empire, and the cities are independent."

"The final place where the main teachers go is the site of the imperial capital of Feng Zhou."

"Every monk from the outside world will go there every time. It's just that these tens of millions of years of change have been too big. More information is lost and you can't give the leader too much information."

Qin Chengan laughed, "In fact, if there is no worry about longevity, the heavens are really good, similar to the chaotic era, the aura is rich, and even can produce a spiritual source. Before the final land is opened, the leader can go to hunt the spiritual source. Things are of great benefit to cultivation, otherwise why do we have so many primordial infants here."

"And the fairy pond."

"There is no need to worry about the quota teacher of Xianchi. Although there are only a total of 100, I will leave a few for you."

"The rest of the city also has the deployment of my gods and deities. Although it is a long time ago, the old man is also respecting the ancient training."

Chu Yi replied: "Master Qin rest assured that when we go back, we will definitely bring you all."

"The gods and demon religion is one of the top powers in the fairyland. You return to the fairyland without any worries."

Chu Yi estimates that after these people return to Immortal Realm, their life expectancy should improve even if they do not return to the past.

Chu Yi thought about it, and took out many scrolls: "This is some methods of the gods and demons. You can see it. There are also some forging crafts and weapons. You can learn it."

After all, they are trapped in the corners of the heavenly realms, unlike the entire fairy realm, which is vast and vigorous, and is innovating every moment.


"In this way, our defensive power is even stronger. The leader may not know that for some thousands of years, some big evils have been repaired, but because of the relationship with it, they have lost their spiritual wisdom and often have big attacks on the city. "

Qin Chengan thanked Chu Yi, and several people of Chu Yi also stayed in the city's main palace.


"Heaven, earth, Qingdi, Baidi."

After seeing the people leaving, the fat man began to wailing: "But even Heavenly Lord and his wife haven't found it, will you die early in life? After breaking the boundary, the Supreme can only live for ten thousand years. Isn't the Immortal Venerable only a thousand years?"

"Niuniu didn't find Ruyi Langjun..." Niuniu cried.

Chu Yi ignored these two idiots, he was a little confused, and went out alone.

The night wind practice, the aura is rich, Chu Yi only feels that his own pores are absorbing the aura, with the power of swallowing, it is like a tiger.

"According to the current situation, once the heavens are broken, I am afraid that even the hidden realm is inevitable. It should not be the hidden realm. Is it really a natural phenomenon."

"The lifespan of the outside world is constantly increasing, and it has broken a certain balance of the universe, so a life-reducing substance has been born."

Because, from the current point of view, this substance does not have much impact on people below the congenital.

"The Supreme has only lived for ten thousand years, which is terrifying. Once known to the outside world, what kind of disturbance may be caused."

Extreme ten thousand years?

Xianzun a thousand years?

This has to be an immortal venerable within a thousand years. At least before Chu Yi, no one can do it except some special creatures.


"Does Heavenly Court have this ability?"

Chu Yi suspected that this had surpassed everyone's imagination.

Chu Yi stood above a pavilion, the darkness in the distance submerged the mountains, devoured everything, and from time to time a fierce hissing sounded.

The strong aura occasionally formed a storm, which cut through the sky.

The lunar star is visible from afar.


Suddenly, a broken voice came.

The dreaded knife was crooked and twisted down the moonlight. This knife was too sharp, and only when Chu Yi was ten meters away did energy appear.

Chu Yi returned to his mind, and the flame of the fusion of the sun fire and the golden fire formed a shield, which was fiercely blocked.

"Linda Commander!" Chu Yi looked at the coming person.

Lin Jin's face was a little bit hideous: "I want to kill you!"

He waved another knife, which was rolling, undulating, majestic, and choppy.

Knife, skyrocketing.

"You are just Yuanying, you can't escape."

"Ten thousand years ago, the sword path was already completed, and your sword style is no different from the outside world." Chu Yi turned his body like a sword, with his side as the blade front, and his hand as the blade tip, blocking the sword, The sky buzzed.

A circle of halo spreads around the two.

"Sir, don't you stop it?" A general looked at Qin Chengan.

Qin Chengan stood at the window: "Let him vent, no one feels bad, the leader will understand."

"What's more, I also want to see the strength of the leader, the top power in the fairy world, but the **** and demon religion has a supreme existence, why there is a reason why a Yuanying will become a leader."

Lin Ban is getting more and more crazy, but he does not use the power of the world, he just fights with a sword.

Chu Yi resisted with a sword.

How delicate his swordsmanship is, he can’t be Chu Yi’s opponent without using the power of the world.

"Although the Dao Dao is a great success, the skills of that year are already outdated."

Chu Yi picked up the sword, and the sword in Lin's hand flew, as if it had fallen into the moonlight.

Calm was restored around.

Lin Ban exhaled: "Thirty years ago, exactly ten thousand years ago, it came once, and the lifespan of the entire heavens was affected again, and my wife and children passed away one after another."

"There are rumors in the public, why it appears, only because of people outside you, the life span is constantly increasing, and the universe can only reduce our life span for balance."

"What does the outside world do to me, my ancestors are all born here, grew up here, buried here, why should they be influenced by the outside world, and why should they take responsibility for the outside world?"

Chu Yi understands that the first and second generations of the Heavenly Realm may still think that they are the people of the Immortal Realm, but the back... They have no feeling for the Immortal Realm, as if the earthlings saw an alien.

Here is their hometown.

Lin Jin looked at Chu Yi: "I hate you very much, but Master Qin said, this is the ancient lesson, you are the leader, and I am disrespectful to you."

"A lot of people have shot me." Chu Yi smiled.

"It’s not the same. Our ancestors, my ancestors, have been handed down the ancient teachings, allegiance to the gods and devils, not to mention, you are the first generation of the leader. Although I feel pedantic, the ancestors did not step into this world. You don’t know, everyone has been worried for these tens of thousands of years.”

"I broke my arm to punish myself." After he finished, he broke his left arm with his fingers, bloody.

"I hope you will leave as soon as possible, and don't disturb this world." Lin Ban turned and left.

Chu Yi smiled helplessly, took the other party's broken arm, and sealed his life.

"If it is destiny, I may be powerless, if it is man-made, then just kill people."

The night wind is like waves, and the teenagers are like wolves.

Chu Yi seemed to smell the prey.

Qin Chengan turned and looked at the generals around him: "Notify the rest of the city of my gods and demons, the leader came, let them help in the future."

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