My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1010: Chu Yi's helper

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The God Son and the Buddha Son, two contemporary arrogances, standing side by side, what kind of style is that, even if it is the momentum of this fairy city, it has been completely crushed.

Under the gate of the city, the old village chief took Chu Ling and Chu Feng and looked up.

"The Son of God and the Son of Buddha are worthy of being the arrogance cultivated by the Town of Gods and Xitian Temple. They are peerless, and the two of them can work together to kill God."

The old village chief exclaimed.

"Is my father powerful?"

Chu Ling's eyes widened, she was wearing a hat, still showing only a pair of eyes, and her eyebrows were curved, which was really beautiful.

"It's hard to say, the talent of the Chu master is extraordinary, otherwise he won't be the master, but there should be some trouble. This generation of gods and buddhists are afraid that they are more terrifying than previous generations. It has been sealed by the two major forces until now, for the sake of the heavens."

Chu Ling was dissatisfied: "Old man, in this way, you still think my father will lose."

She disagreed in her heart. Her father, but Yan Luo Xianzun, in her view, but a great hero, pioneered Kendo, this life is even more extraordinary.

"Girl, I didn't say that, but your father's hopes of winning are too slim. The two joined forces and even my deity can't kill them."

At this moment, the Son of God and the Son of Buddha spoke out.

"God demon master, I won't enter the city anymore, I'm waiting here."

The Divine Son said lightly, his eyes flashing, shining brightly, with invincible self-confidence.

"Amitabha, when Chu Master appears, I will retreat when I wait."

The two were light and windy, sitting on the sky above the city walls.

An uproar from the bottom, this really challenges the **** demon leader!

"It depends on the **** demon leader, dare to come forward." People are excited, once they fight, they may be the most exciting battle.


"They're here!" Master Longfeng changed color, "The two came together, and the spirit is at the peak again, no matter who shoots, it is the best state."

"If I look at the momentum alone, I will be inferior to them. I am really a sealed generation. I have heard that they were born at the same time on the same month and the same day in the same year, and they were born in ancient times. However, the talent is too scary. In order to make them a supreme success, the great forces have sealed this era."

Du Gu crazy also felt a little shocked when he heard the news.

It's such an exaggeration to be able to shock both major forces.

"Invincible, I can't see any flaws in them." Wang Ying deduced with a secret method, but his face was white, and there was a lot of luck on the **** and the Buddha, and they could not be watched by others.

"Small bitch, such a breath, I will be convinced of the old lady."

The entire city of celestial beings is filled with a sacred and inviolable atmosphere, which is radiated by the Son of God and the Son of Buddha.

"Mother, Brother Chu, I know there is a secret passage behind the gate, otherwise we will leave from there, pretending not to see..."

"Brother Chu, what are you doing?!"

The fat man turned back, but he saw that Chu Yi had brought out all kinds of big meat and walked towards the courtyard.


Chu Yi looked inexplicably, "It wasn't that there was a big attack on the city a few days ago. Lord Lin killed a few and sent me another one, just for barbecue."

"But outside..." Dragon and Phoenix point out of the city.

"It's all about me. They let me go and I go out. That's too much face."

Everyone was silent, some convulsions. In this kind of war, who was not carefully prepared, bathed and changed clothes, adjusted the spirit to the peak, and then went to.

On the other hand, Chu Yi...


Bake your sister.

Don’t you care about fame?

Du Gu crazy suddenly smiled and said: "I understand, although Brother Chu is roasting, he is actually borrowing barbecue to adjust his mindset and let him reach the peak in all aspects."

"And in this way, the other party will wait for a long time, and the momentum will definitely decline. Under this trade-off, the chance of the Chu leader will be greatly improved."

The fat man shook his head again and again: "No, no, according to what I know about him, he is simply lazy."


Chu Yi fired the barbecue and smiled and said, "The Son of God and the Son of Buddha are in my eyes, but not in my heart."

"After all, I am the **** and demon leader, and I have my own arrogance. If I go out in person, it will make the **** and demon embarrassed. It might be better not to go out.

"To challenge me, I need to enter the city in person, and I have to go to the famous post, and then wait for my reply. This is the gift. How can a junior shout at the door casually, I will go out?"

The Dragon and Phoenix sons and others were awe-inspiring.

This is the style of the great forces, not afraid of danger.

At this moment, the voice of Divine Son faintly drifted: "God of God and Demon, as long as you challenge me to wait, regardless of victory or defeat, my Gods Township and Xitian Temple are willing to pay a holy weapon."

"Don't say it early, I'll go early if I said it earlier." Chu Yi's eyes widened, he was still holding a huge barbecue, his sleeves were rolled up, his clothes were all black charcoal, his face was black, and his legs were raised. It appeared outside the city gate.

The two sons of Dragon and Phoenix and Du Gu Madness froze in place.


"Be calm, just get used to it. If you give him a holy weapon, you might be able to change the position of the **** demon leader with him." The fat man patted the shoulders of the two, took the pig bajie and the girl, and followed.


Outside the city gate, countless monks waited, and suddenly a shadow appeared.

"God of God!"



There seems to be something wrong.

Chu Yi's image is too embarrassing, and even a little bit out of tune. Compared with the Divine Son and the Buddha, the comparison is too obvious.

"God demon may be too poor," someone murmured.

The old village chief looked at him, and Chu Feng and Chu Ling looked at it excitedly.

In the sky, Chu Yi took a big bite of barbecue and looked at them.

"Why, finally the real body is willing to come. The last time I came over, I was shot directly to death."

God Son’s emotions did not fluctuate too much: "The **** demon leader, the last time I was waiting for you, and I despised you, so this time, I really came forward."

"Amitabha, the Chu master could have eaten well before eating, so let's go on the road." The Buddha's face was calm and unaffected.

Their spirit and spirit, what a horror, has been at their peak, and even the two stood together, entangled in breath, and climbed up each other, the more they grew stronger.

"Can the Buddha eat?" Chu Yi asked.

"I don't eat, it's enough to use heaven and earth as energy." Buddha's eyes didn't move.

"It's a pity." Chu Yi regretted, "Buddha should try it, maybe he can touch it, and he doesn't want to be a monk."

"But it's also strange. You don't eat meat, but kill people. I eat meat and kill people. What's the difference?"

The Buddha did not move at all: "The difference is in the heart, in the mind, between one thought and one line."

"Master Chu, you don't have to want the bad heart of Buddha, it's useless." Shenzi reminded with a faint smile.

"Don't think of me as bad, I just sigh." Chu Yi raised his smile, but he knew that he could not destroy their morality anyway, so he dropped his bones and arranged his clothes.

"I heard that Wanshen Township and Xitian Temple are allies. The Son of God and the Buddha are practicing together. The Qi and Qi are intertwined with each other. There are me in you and you in me. If you are separated, it feels a bit advantageous."

Shenzi nodded: "It is true that we are apart. Although we are strong, we will eventually overturn the gutter, but when the two of them shoot together, they are invincible. So trouble the Chu master and find another one to fight with you. Of course, find two more people. No problem."

"Although the fairy world is big, but there are not many people who can reach you and my level during the infancy, and I don't know much about them."

"However, I still found someone, and after a while, that person will come."

"Yes." The Divine Son didn't mind.

"Buddha, the **** and demon is not simple. He is not doing a show, but he is really relaxed. We cannot destroy his spirit."

The Son of God preached.

"Amitabha, he and you and I are on the same level. There is no need to suppress this. Wait, wait for the person he recruits to appear."

The Buddha was silent.

Everyone was curious, who would the **** demon leader find, the three young masters of the **** demon?

Because the entire fairy world, dare to stand up openly, and the power of friendship with the gods and demons, there is almost no.

It didn't take a moment for a big man to walk from the horizon suddenly, with his face covered with beards.

When approaching, the big man reached out and grabbed his face.

The bladder split open and was torn off, revealing his true body.

Everyone was in an uproar.

The eyes of God and Buddha finally fluctuated.

"The King of Sin!"

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