My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1011: Double Pride vs Double Evil

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The king of sin land was born, wearing a gold mask, wearing a yellow shirt, and awe-inspiring, so step by step toward the sky.

"The king of sin land actually appeared, but it is not strange, only him, dare to stand with the **** and demon religion." Among the crowd, there are some old acquaintances of Chu Yi, such as Chen Yan, Gu Xianzi and others It happened to be in this city.

People marveled, then excited, but weird.

The Pantheon Township and Xitian Temple have always represented the decent and righteous way of justice.

The land of sin and the religion of gods and demons are villains, but sin.

God Son, Buddha Son.

God and demon, the king of sin!

What a wonderful showdown.

Double arrogance versus double evil.

"Is this the king of sinful soil..." The old village head looked back dignifiedly, wanting to explore the breath, but could be completely blocked.

He glanced around and saw many monks showing their admiring eyes. Because the battle of sin land was so glorious, even the Immortal Venerable fell, and the king of sin land was striking through the gods, making millions march. Folded halberd.

In any case, such a battle is enough to prove the strength of this person.

"I am afraid that this battle will be the strongest in the infant period." The old village chief sighed.

Chu Feng looked weird and said: "Sister, I remember my father said that the king of sin is also him..."

"So this should be the father's avatar." Chu Ling's eyes became more and more excited.

Du Gu crazy and the son of Dragon and Phoenix came to see this scene, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

"Some read it."

"I don't know how long the king of sin land can last." Wang Ying murmured, because he knew that it was just a doppelganger, but wanted to come to Chu Yi to be fully prepared.

This clone is not easy.

God and Buddha turned around and bent slightly.

"Amitabha, King of Sin, the little monk is courteous."

Chu Yi's avatar raised his head and mocked: "Why not be polite, the land of crime is just the land of prisoners."

The Divine Son smiled: "The prisoner is a prisoner, but after all, the king of sin land and the deity leader are the same generation."

"I just didn't expect that the **** demon leader could even invite the king of sin to show up. You know, this is not good. It is also the first time I saw a real person."

Although the voice of the Divine Son is bland, behind his back, Shen Xi has been shining brightly, falling from the sky, like aurora.

He just talked, but could induce the spirit to form such a scene, like a mythical character.

Chu Yi shrugged: "The Son of God and the Son of Buddha are both peerless. I dare not neglect it. In this way, it is fair."

"It's us who took advantage of it. After all, our cultivation behavior has already entered the psychic spirit, and the two of you are still some distance away."

The Buddha's hands folded, the Buddha's light was infinite, and the golden aura fluttered in the void, occasionally colliding, and all the sutras were generated.

The people below were dumbfounded. The Son of God and the Buddha, throwing their hands in the foot, would have infinite power. What a realm this is.

Doppelganger vacated, tied with Chu Yi.

"It's okay." Chu Yi smiled. "It's no longer important to cultivate at this level of you and me."

The Divine Son looked at the two of them and said, "I heard the sword of the fairy realm, the sword half fairy, the **** demon leader second, and the king of sin land third. I am honored today to see the second and third swords."

Chu Yi smiled: "Listening to the general list of the heavens, San Galo first, Divine Son second, and Buddha Son third, I am honored today to be able to see the potential of the second and third."

The two sides are fighting each other.

Suddenly, the Divine Son shot, he just flatly put out a palm, the calm void set off a huge wave, Shen Xi beat the room, the sound was terrifying.


The Buddha took a step, and around the city wall, the golden aura was connected, and it was lost in Shenxi.

Chu Yifei jumped up, the yin and yang sword in his hand leaped away, the sword was huge, like a stone pillar.


The sea of ​​Shenxi was split and separated from the middle.

On the other side, the avatar pointed a little, and in an instant, there were countless sword qi, forming a sword net and extinguishing the golden aura.

Between the two sides, the void exploded, and the void thunder continued to emerge, twisting and entangled in the air.

The sky of thousands of kilometers has been completely chaotic.

The smile of the Divine Son is getting bigger and bigger: "The **** demon leader, the king of sin land, did not disappoint me."

Behind him, Guangyu suddenly gave birth to a light blow, and he was already in front of Chu Yi.

"I am practicing boxing, punching the gods!"

The avatar moved sideways and the afterimage was hit. I saw that after a few seconds, the space had burst suddenly.

Buddha is speechless, but the abdomen is pronounced, and the abdominal cavity flows like a wave. The next second, the horrible fluctuations spread out.

Chu Yi played the voice of the **** and demon, the **** ancestor and the ghost phantom appeared, and patted it with a palm.

The Yanhuang shirt on the avatar shuddered, and the endless light swept through.

Above the sky, there was a big explosion, and both sides retreated.

Buddha Zi looked at Chu Yi suddenly, "The voice of the gods and demons could be practiced to such a degree. Is the devil's religion related to the voice of the gods and demons? of."

The Divine Son's expression converged, and his eyes were compelling: "The King of Sin, the suit on your body, if I guessed right, is an artifact, but it has not yet fully recovered."

After talking, the two shot out.

The Buddha holds a zen stick, and there is a golden sea around him. The sea hangs upside down, forming six huge vortices, which shatter everything.

"Six kills!"

"Six Dao, is it really ridiculous for the Western Hall to create six samsara?"

Chu Yi's fingers flicked gently on the Yin-Yang sword. At the next moment, the sword's qi split and fluttered, forming petals, slowly falling, and smoke was born out of thin air.

"Look at the flowers in the fog?" Buddha said, "I have seen this trick in ancient books, but it is Yan Luoxianzun's sword trick."

"Look at the flowers in the fog, and the flowers die."

"Unfortunately, the young monk does not use his eyes, but sees the world with his heart."

Chu Yi's sword energy has fallen into a golden vortex, and suddenly burst out.

The golden vortex was cut open instantly.

But by this time, the Buddha was close.

"God and demon master, in the thought of good and evil, put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground of Buddha."

He came with a slap, and his palms changed rapidly, and the afterimages overlapped.

Chu Yi palmed his sword.

In the palm of the sword, only Mars burst.

"You can't hurt me. I have experienced the stage of ascetic monk. The body is like a golden Buddha.

Chu Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, the opponent's flesh was tough, and it was really horrible. His own Yin and Yang swords had been tempered several times anyway, leaving only a little white mark on his palm.

What the other party does is the most basic technique.

However, Chu Yi also opposed the most basic swordsmanship.

The two changed positions, and in an instant, they were ever-changing, and it was difficult for each other to be injured.

The same is true on the other side.

Shenzi fist is monstrous, magnificent, and has the power of heaven.

The king of sin land is dealt with basic swordsmanship, and his swordmanship is exactly the same as that of Chu Yi.

"Look well, don't blink!" Suddenly, a psychic avatar shouted at his disciples.

"They are not using the method now, just the most basic techniques of fist, palm and sword!"

"But they have reached a state where the basic moves can communicate with God."

"These four, the realm of light, have already surpassed many realms of psychic power."

"Everything is derived from the basic moves. The four of them have already represented the pinnacle of these three basic moves."

Everyone is awe-inspiring, because they don’t have to say the old man, they can feel that the top looks like the simplest collision, but it is superb. They think about it in a different position and find that they can’t resist a basic move no matter how they wait for others. .

"The road is simple." The old village chief sighed, "This generation is really terrifying."

"Look at it. The next time I see this scene, I don't know how many years it will be."

Suddenly, above the sky, the fist of the Divine Son and the palm of the Buddha seemed to merge together.

The fists came alternately.

The sword of Chu Yi and the avatar also became one.

A sword swept across, a sword split vertically.

The two sides alternate.

The God Son turned around and his hair was cut off a few.

Buddha looked down and found a hole in his shoe.

Chu Yi and the avatar stood proudly.

"On basic moves, the Son of God and the Son of Buddha are not as good as the **** demon leader and the king of sin land." Du Gu lost his voice.

But soon, his eyes startled, and the air seems to be extremely hot.

"The warm-up is over."

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