My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1012: Miko-like deity

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The Divine Son looked at Chu Yi and the King of Sin: "I always thought that my basic moves have reached the point of perfection and perfection, but I didn't expect it to be a trace behind."

The Buddha smiled and said: "The Son of God does not have to force, everything is perfect, there is no such thing."

"Exactly." Shenzi was a bit domineering. "The two are indeed qualified to fight us, please."

"Evil is beyond justice." The Zen stick in Buddha's hands rang.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows: "When we shoot, you lose, after all, the height is one foot, and the magic is one height."

The divine light flashed in the eyes of the Divine Son, and the divine light around him gleamed with light, and he was completely enveloped by him. The light was scattered. He was wearing white armor, and his hands were covered with a glove, exuding streamer, And constantly changing shape.

On the white helmet, there is a horn, which is not like an ornament, but more like a scepter in charge of one side, to be connected to heaven.

The Buddha chanted the mantra and the Buddha's light was added. Behind his head, a string of beads appeared. The beads turned nine times like a star.

The bodhi in his eyes, swaying and growing, made him look more sacred.

Chu Yi is cautious. He can find out through the battle that this generation of God and Buddha is far stronger than the previous generation. To be precise, this is the strongest generation. It was only sealed until this era.

"Armor of the God of War!"

"Nine turn Buddha beads!"

He is awe-inspiring, because these two items are the top inheritance of the two major forces. The previous generation of the Son of God and Buddha also possessed it, but they can only own part, not all, but even then, it is already quite scary.

The armor of the God of War is rumored to be the physical casting of generations of gods from generation to generation.

The nine-turn bead is the relic of nine big Buddha relics.

Kaka Kaka!

At this moment, the king of the sin land changed, and the metal piece on the Yanhuang suit appeared to be alive. This was an instinctive reaction of the same level.

After a piece of metal spreads and creeps, the fairy flashes, and behind Chu Yi's avatar, a tail is born, but it is entirely composed of the Yanhuang suit.

Moreover, the Yanhuang suit became sharper and more domineering.

The fighting intention is aloof.

Chu Yi naturally cannot be left behind, he urged the body of the sun shadow, Jin Wu around, the sun fire formed a big sun, floating around, the hot temperature, let the void continue to smoke.

Moreover, he took out the body of the Great Bright Sword, and the body of the sword intertwined with the sun and fire, forming a bright light.

What is strength?

Fortune, power, weapons, magic, medicine... are indispensable.

"His--" Chen Yan and others gasped.

"It's just Yuanying Realm, and every one has artifacts in hand. That is definitely an artifact. Although it hasn't recovered, it is no less powerful than a holy weapon."

"The **** and demon master is not simple. His exercises and weapons can cope with this battle."

"Jian Banxian is still a short shot away, but his sword is born, and will be successfully bred in the future, I am afraid that it can also complete a complete artifact."


Above the sky, the **** son waved his fist, but it was just a fist, but it was like a green mans across the sky.

Several people have not been around the city wall for a long time, but hit the grassland.

His fist made the grasses grow wildly, and it was obviously a grassland, but it became a dense jungle.

Countless wild grasses grow wildly, sweeping together, carrying the fist of God's Son, forming a larger green fist.

This punch hit Chu Yi.

The two sides exchanged opponents.

"Fisting winds endlessly.

Chu Yi invoked the Yin and Yang swords, and the two energies of water and fire moved the world. The lake riots below turned into long dragons. The volcano burst in the distance, and magma rolled.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, just like a bullet moving through the air, making a whistling sound.

Baizhang long dragon, fist against Baizhang.

"Fisting like a collapse!"

The green fist suddenly burst and suddenly doubled.

"Everything is a sword!"

At the next moment, the Void Thunder around the two fire and water dragons became a long sword, space debris, and also a growth sword.

The horrible light burst, when everyone looked at it again, I saw Chu Yi's sword, which had already reached the fist of the Divine Son.

"Huh?" Chu Yi was slightly stunned. The opponent's fist has reached the state of collapsed fist. The strength from the tip of the sword made the sword body tremble.

"Um? Heart Sword!"

The Son of God is not good either. He just feels like a sword all over his body, like a sword in the void, and his blood is boiling.


The two confronted each other without moving, and at this time, on the helmet of the Divine Son, the one-horn gleaming immortals, and on top of it, the clouds were frantically condensed, but in an instant, there was a thunder.

This is not a simple thunder, it is similar to the punishment, but it is a flame thunder, burning everything.

Chu Yi didn't say a word, he attracted the Daguangming sword body, the sword body touched the sun fire, like an iron ball, and threw it over.

Divine Son's eyes narrowed slightly, and dense fairy tales appeared on his armor, which turned into a villain.

The villains rode on war horses and held long spears. There were about a thousand people. They walked along the arm of the Divine Son, crossed the tip of Chu Yi's sword, and ran towards Chu Yi all the way.

"Shen Dou Bing." The **** son is explaining to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi was horrified, he could feel that the power contained in these villains, once exploded, would be shocking.

Jin Wu lingered and burst with a bang, turning into little Jin Wu, and fighting these little men.

Shen Zi's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, Shen Xi's glory circulates, and a hook bursts out of his right eye.


In an instant, Chu Yi's soul was hooked out, and several Yuanying infants were swaying, almost leaving their bodies.

Suddenly, the spirit changed, and formed an eight-armed demon. The demon had two arms glowing and caught the hook.

At the same time, dozens of silk threads were born behind the gods and monsters, turning into monsters and monsters, and attacking the **** son.

"Heaven and the Devil!"

Shen Zi's eyes dimmed, and he withdrew his fists and resisted them with his fists. His body kicked back a distance, and then he kicked heavily in the void.

With a clatter, that piece of void exploded, and the grassland below inexplicably sunk a large piece, the body of the Divine Son, which only stopped.

Everyone was in an uproar.

The dragon and phoenix aired.

"In the moment just now, the two had already used their own ways, methods, magic soldiers, and mind read attacks."

"The Son of God loses a little in terms of mindfulness."

"The magical method of the **** demon leader is a little scary and unheard of."

Everyone is awe-inspiring, this is a real match between the two parties after the warm-up, but I did not expect that the Divine Son took a dark loss.

"Well, look at the king of the sin land and the Buddha!"

Everyone looked away.

Buddha is like a big Buddha, turning a bead, a bead is rolled down, and it contains Xu Mi.

The king of sin land resisted, but stepped back several steps.

"Buddha is slightly better." Everyone sighed secretly.

In fact, they didn’t know that it was just an avatar, even though the material was special, there was a fetish of the Yan and Huang clan, but the avatar was the avatar, neither the flesh nor the mind was comparable to the deity, even Chu Yi was interested. Let the avatar save energy.

"Amitabha, the king of sin land, and the monk think that you are guilty of sins, or atonement as soon as possible, so as not to fall into evil ways."

"Buddha is nosy, I am the devil, the good and the evil. Why don't you evaluate it? Your Xitian Temple is not necessarily a clean place." The king of sin land sneered.

Chu Yi glanced and said with a smile: "Son, your strength is okay, but it is just reluctant. Entering the Immortal Venerate in the future will naturally not be a problem, but to enter the Supreme, you need to practice more."

"Are you commenting on me?" Shen Zi angered slightly, and smiled coldly, "The **** demon leader is arrogant."

His words fell, and the people's hearts were suddenly horrified.

I saw the god's eyebrows, the **** pattern swayed, spreading and growing from his forehead to the void.

The purple flowers and bones are noble and beautiful, and each piece of green leaves is accompanied by a green leaf. On top of each green leaf, there is a fairy dance.

Floating like a fairy, trance like a god.

The divine pattern continues to grow until it reaches a length of hundreds of meters, and it slowly stops.

That flower and bone flower is already huge. In the eyes of everyone, it began to bloom and wither. Among them, it seemed to see a figure.

"what is this!"

Everyone was shocked, because Shen Xi was too bright and made everyone shudder.

"It is going to bloom, and as a result, is it going to give birth to a god!"

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