Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The Divine Son and the Buddha Son were severed and seriously injured, but both did not pause and quickly escaped.

But, the Son of God was cut off a left leg, the Buddha was cut off of a right arm.

Bloody, terrifying blood, fell to the ground, and in an instant, countless seeds germinated and flowers bloomed.

"The Son of God and Buddha are defeated!"

Everyone is speechless, but that is the pride of heaven, the evil spirits cultivated by the two major forces, and even sealed from an era, just to wait for the heavens to open.

However, they were defeated, which is really shocking.

The pupils of Chen Yan and others shrank sharply, silently.

Before they provoked the **** demon leader, the other party did not shoot at them, and it was considered a kindhearted person. If they knew that Chu Yi had such strength, a few people would not dare to act indiscriminately.

"Father is so powerful." Chu Feng sighed.

"Nonsense, otherwise how can you marry your mother." Chu Ling smiled and finally released her fists and exhaled.

"Peerless evil spirits, we must continue the glory of swordsmanship!" The old village chief looked long, "Gods and demons, so what do you do, even if the Son of God and the Buddha are defeated, what do you think?"

"The three young masters, even if they are horrible, should not exceed the level of the Divine Son and the Buddha. Too much, maybe the Divine Demon Church will really be taken down by a human being and become a legend."

"Suddenly, there was a little anticipation, and I don't know if I can see the day coming alive."

"Today's battle is to be known by the world. Once those big forces in the fairy world know, I'm afraid it will make a big splash."

"The collision between justice and the devil, I did not expect the latter to win, Xitian Temple and Pantheon, I am afraid to be furious."

"It's all peerless monsters, and this year's Devil is equally strong. The three join forces. Who can block it?"

The hearts of the people were mixed.

The devil's magical powers have been known for a long time.

As soon as the king of sin land was born, he entered the overall list with Taoist government.

The **** demon teaches the master to kill the god, destroy the immortal statue, and finally defeat the **** son.

Of these three, one is more terrifying than the other.

The people in Wanshen Township and Xitian Temple quickly took away the limbs of the Buddha and the Divine Son, and then gave Chu Yi a deep look.

"You want revenge?" Chu Yi smiled.

The gang shuddered together, and the true deity of this **** and demon leader was too full. Now, he is already awe-inspiring and he won't take a step back.

"Unfortunately, I didn't kill them, but once I was defeated, I would be defeated in the future. No one could win me."

"The Son of God is invincible, and the Buddha will also come back, and there will be a period in the future."

The gang was helpless, threw a holy weapon to Chu Yi, and then left, chasing the Buddha and Divine Son.


Pig Bajie jumped on Chu Yi's shoulders and cheered.

The fat man was very excited: "Brother, you have defeated the God Son and the Buddha Son. In today's fairy world, there are several people who can do it."

"I was so excited when my little **** hit me. I have long looked at Wanshen Township and Xitian Temple. I look so tall every day. Now that the descendants are defeated, I am afraid that I will be dumbfounded."

"Quickly, go back to the city and let Linmu prepare the banquet. Let's celebrate."

Du Gu Crazy and Long Feng son also came to congratulate.

"Why are you still unhappy, why is this?"

Chu Yi frowned and shook his head: "I always feel something is wrong and should not be so weak. This level of strength is only a little stronger than the previous generation of God Son and Buddha Son."


"The **** demon leader and the king of sin land joined forces to defeat the Son of God and Buddha?"

In the cities of the heavens, this news is a quick walk.

This was too shocking. Before the two, the Son of God and the Buddha, the strong combination, it was invincible, pushing all the way, and the result was defeated by the **** demon master and the king of sin.

A restaurant is full of vocals, all talking about the matter.

"It's a pity that I wanted to go to meet the God Son and the Buddha for a while, and the result was so defeated. It seems that this time, Xitian Temple and Wanshen Township will not work." Mu Keer grinned.

"Isn't it, Brother Ye Ye."

Opposite her, a young man sat indifferently, with a trace of impatience flashing in his eyebrows.

"This year's Jiutian Xuannv, what a lot of words." Cang Ye looked out, his eyes were deep, his hair was dark blue, and his jaw was like a knife.

Mu Keer pouted: "The son of Nine Nether, each generation is very indifferent, does not talk about sex, it seems that this is the case, no wonder your Nine Nether descendants are single."

"Talk a lot, die fast." Cang Ye looked at Mu Keer with a deep meaning.

"The **** son Buddha is defeated, I will not accompany, I hope not to meet in the final place, otherwise I will shoot." The son of Jiuyou turned into a breeze drifting away.

"Beauty, the man doesn't understand the fun, let his brother chat with you." A slightly drunk monk came over.

Mu Keer giggled.

Not long after she walked out of the restaurant, the restaurant collapsed, the rock was like a mountain, and suddenly became extremely heavy, falling down one by one, dozens of monks inside, no one lived.


A group of people in Xitian Temple and Wanshen Township followed the Divine Son and the Buddha Son along the breath.

The two fell on a rocky ground.

They quickly offered their hands and feet, and a pharmacist stepped forward to help them reconnect.

An old monk in Xitian Temple persuaded: "Buddha, don't be depressed, this time is just an accident. The two talents are superb, the seal has been for a long time, and the potential has not fully exploded. Once you get into the psychic, they will advance by leaps and bounds and be invincible."

An old man in Wanshen Township is also comforting: "It is true, you have been sealed for nearly ten million years, and your body is still recovering."

Shenzi moved his thigh, his face pale, but with a faint smile on his face: "Do you think I will be depressed?"

Buddha said with a smile: "You, we have not been defeated, you don't have to worry, on the contrary, now the monk and the **** son are in good condition, full of energy and spirit, and we have to thank the king of the sin land and the **** demon leader, otherwise we will This state can only be reached after a few years."

Everyone did not know so, looked at each other.

The Buddha and the Son of God stand opposite each other.

Buddha whispered: "Son of God, it's almost time, no more perfect than this time."

"It should be so."

Suddenly, the two changed.

On the Buddha's head, hair was born at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his ring scar disappeared, but in the blink of an eye, the silk was like jade.

The bodhi tree in his eyes disappeared, and the cassocks on his body disappeared. Instead, he wore a blue tabard.

What made the people in Xitian Temple and Wanshen Township even more frightening was that a **** pattern was born on the forehead of the Buddha.

On the other side, Shenzi's hair fell down one by one, and there were six scars on his head.

His eyes gradually calmed down, his pupils gave birth to bodhi, he changed his cassocks, and the beads hung on his chest.

He is slender and has a smell of dust.

"Buddha." The former Divine Son smiled.

"Son of God." The former Buddha returned the salute.

The Buddha became the Son of God, and the Son became the Son of Buddha.

"This!?" Both sides were utterly confused, completely ignorant of what happened.

Now the Divine Son laughs: "You don't have to panic, this matter is only known to the elders."

"I am the real Son of God, and he is the real Buddha."

"At that time, our Gods Township and Xitian Temple had always wanted to cultivate peerless men. Although I was scheduled to be the Son of God, although he was scheduled to be the Buddha, we exchanged identities after the two of us entered the cult."

"The Son of God is going to be a Buddha and practicing Buddhism."

"Buddha came to be a **** son and practiced the Divine Clan skills."

"It is not until now that we feel self-satisfied and have been fulfilled. Both the spirit and spirit, and the Dao Xin, are extremely fulfilled, and this is the only way to change back to our true body.

The Buddha is the Son of God, and the Son of God is the Buddha!

Everyone marveled, and the old man in Wanshen Township was pleasantly surprised: "Miaozai Miaozai, if the two now challenge the **** demon leader and the king of sin, can they win?"

They are ecstatic, the Son of God and the Son of Buddha have not yet lost.

The **** son has a round face, but his eyes are haughty, and some are stern: "This is natural. What we used before is not what we are good at. They are all outstanding people in the world. It is also expected that we can beat us. We just want to help others. Hand, perfect yourself."

"Now, we are the strongest state."

Buddha said: "But now that there is no time, the final place will be opened. After entering, we will look for a secluded place to achieve spiritual communication."

The Divine Son and the Buddhist Son smiled at each other and took everyone to the distant horizon.

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