My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1015: Final place

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The defeat of the Divine Son and the Buddha Son caused countless disturbances, enough to shake all the peerless demon.

However, soon after another news came.

Chu Yi is instructing Chu Feng and Chu Ling because of his special status, he does not want others to know that they are the children of the **** demon leader.

But at this moment, the fat man ran in with a loud noise, and behind him was Wang Wang who was somewhat surprised.

"Brother Chu, do you know what happened?" The fat man blushed, "Hey, you found a wife for God..."

"The Buddha Son is the Divine Son, and the Divine Son is the Buddha Son. When you were fighting before, in fact, both of them were using their unskilled methods." Wang Ying said directly.

The fat man almost didn't hold back in one breath, covering his chest.

Chu Yi was not surprised: "No wonder, I felt something was wrong. Fortunately, it was purposely sealed for ten million years, but the result was only a little stronger than the previous generation. This is completely unnecessary. The original identity of the Buddha and God Son was changed."

"This is even more interesting, at least to show that the relationship between Xitian Temple and Pantheon Township is closer than we thought."

The fat man's eyes widened: "Brother Chu, aren't you worried? I am afraid that the real Divine Son and the Buddha will have doubled their fighting power. If they are unparalleled masters, I am afraid they will all be taken away from the leaderboard."

"Fat, my father is invincible, why should I worry." Chu Ling gave the fat man a glance.

Although he didn't reveal the whole picture, the fat man suddenly turned upside down and smiled: "Brother Chu, how old is your daughter, but you can have a marriage... Hey... Don't do it, I will get out."

Chu Yi drove away the fat man and explained it again. In the end, don’t want to go in under Yuan Ying, which is too dangerous.

Chu Yi found several people of Qin Zheng through the gods and deities, and told them to stay in their respective cities.

Chaoyang rises early, chaotic chaos.

"The God Son and the Buddha Son are so powerful, I am afraid they will be comparable to the former Yan Luo Xian Zun." A long sigh sounded from behind Chu Yi.

The old village chief leaned on crutches.

"They also want to open up a whole new path, so if they change their identities, even if they don't succeed, they will be overwhelming."

The old village head raised his head and glanced at the unmoved Chu Yi, inevitably worried.

"The three young masters are not easy to mess with. I have seen one of them, and I can't see the depth. The teacher is careful."

Chu Yi turned around and smiled, "The village head, why have you ever seen me defeated?"

When the old village chief saw Chu Yi's confident gaze, he was in a trance: "Old, really old, so it's inevitable that there are more words. They are supreme masters, why don't you?"

"Thinking back then, the old man was also very energetic, and now the corners have been worn away by years."

"You are like me when I was young, I hope not to be what I am now."

The two had a long conversation.

"This time, the heavens opened, and the movement caused was a bit big. I am afraid that there are many people outside who are staring at the final place, eager to find long biomass, and even the gods and demon religions have moved."

"Unfortunately, when they discover the truth, they will be frightened. There is no biomass at all, but death." The old village chief lamented that he had little life and had no effect on him.

Chu Yi pondered: "The realms of the heavens are very big, but the places we can deal with are only the Eighty-one City and the final land, and maybe other places, where the truth is buried, will not be known until the day the heavens are broken."

The sky is getting brighter and the rising sun rises, but the light is unusual, tens of times brighter than usual and white.

Zhu Bajie jumped on Chu Yi's shoulders and looked away, squinting.

I saw a huge black line in the endless light on the horizon.

"The final place opened."


Above the wilderness, the spirit source roared into a fierce beast, strangely shaped, devouring all visible creatures.

It's just that a young man stood barefoot, the **** wings behind gently flapped, and countless spirit sources were destroyed.

"The young master teaches the magical powers and goes one step further." A middle-aged man quickly took many spiritual sources.

"Give it to you, you will be promoted to the full consummation of the infancy period as soon as possible. In this way, your memory will be restored. I am curious, why do you know our leader."

Shiyou glanced at the middle-aged man.

The man was trembling, not because of the other person's eyes, but because of the memories in his head, and there seemed to be great fear in the depths.

If Chu Yi is here, he will definitely be able to feel it through the breath. This person is the master of the East Xu Sect, Raksha Tao after reincarnation.

Raksha Taoist took a deep breath, and now he has gradually got some memories, especially when he first saw the **** demon leader, he felt familiar.

And this familiarity brings unparalleled fear.

"I am the Sovereign Sect of the Eastern Xu...

He meditation in his heart, but he can be sure that the fear brought by the **** and demon leader is not the **** and demon leader itself, there seems to be something else.

"Quickly, when Yuanying is completed, everything will come to mind."

Shiyou withdrew his gaze, he was not interested in this person, not even Chu Yi. In his eyes, as long as he was strong, everything would come to him.

"The final place is open, let's go."

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I really want to see what expression the outside mighty would see if he saw those dead substances."

He did not worry too much, because he believed that the development of fairyland was enough to contain the dead matter.

The two took a step forward, traversed the sky and earth, and fell into the black line.

"It's finally opened, it's not easy." Xia Houcheng sorted out his clothes.

Ruhua rolled her eyes: "Yeah, it's not easy for you. Wandering around the casino here, let me help you catch Lingyuan."

"Sister Sister, this is your fault. The teacher said to help each other." Xia Houcheng said with a cheeky face. "And going to the final place, brothers and their avatars are useless at all. They have to look at us in the end."

He looked at this fellow with a black line in his face: "People are thinner than cucumbers and don't have three or two flesh. The skin is thicker than the wall and the shells can't penetrate."

Xia Houcheng smiled shyly: "Thank you for the compliment."


On this day, countless monks rushed to the final place, and in the fairy world, it was also very calm.

The general list of the heavens stands in the vast universe.

It was a gray planet. The planet was huge and endless. The equator was the list of the heavens.

One hundred and eight names on the total list shone brightly, reflected in the void, separated, and there seemed to be something to appear.

Here gathers powerful people from all walks of life, and the non-psychic realm is embarrassed to appear.

On the side of the ancient world, Master Xuanxin of Daleiyin Temple, Sect Master of Tianshen, Ye Tian and others are all here.

Ye Tian deity appeared, looking at one place, there was an ordinary human man, next to the man, followed by Woody.

Seeing the night sky, the man nodded with a smile.

"Da Yan Xian Zun, how dare you appear!" Ye Tian narrowed her eyes.

"Why don't you dare to show up here? I heard from you that your old Ye Family will die too. When the deity of this Lord recovers, the first one will destroy your Ye Family first."

"You can try it." Ye Tian's complexion grew colder, and he stopped talking.

Seeing this scene, the old abbot of Daleiyin Temple shook his head and said, "Don't worry about him. Your talent is stronger than him. One day, you can beat him personally."

"What's more, your avatar is still inside. At this moment, you are about to enter the final place. You have more opportunities than you can get."

"The old Leiyin Temple is immortal and has been gone for a long time."

While talking, suddenly two figures appeared one after another.

The old abbot nodded slightly: "Tianqi Xianzun, Wanxin Xianzun."

Ye Tian sneered: "Why, one by one, I'm not afraid of being found hiding place?"

"Midnight, you don't have to worry about this, and you want to find our deity, unless the Supreme comes forward, but we have not offended the Supreme."

Apocalypse of Heavenly Enlightenment is a family of heaven and humans, but at this moment it is quite low-key and turns into a human being.

Wanxin Xianzun just smiled and nodded.

"Second Brother, if you don't like us, you can kill us." Woody smirked.

"Don't be impulsive." The Yejia people shook their heads.

Throughout the ancient world, even some powerful creatures around have seen it, and they are very interested, because knowing the inside story, these people are related to Yan Luoxianzun.


Suddenly, a water dragon descended from the sky, and the endless water flooded the four people.

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