My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1020: Is it the same person?

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Shi You walked, and his figure was changing. His whole person seemed to have turned into a magic snake, with a spear like a snake tail, whipped out instantly.

Chu Yi grabbed it with a big hand, Jin Wuhua shaped, pecked past, with a ding, the endless Mars burst.

Then, the Jinwu was scattered and fell to the ground.

"It's a strange spear, it seems to have special energy on it. When the fire of Jinwu is touched, it will be dissipated by it."

Chu Yi's legs collapsed and rushed towards the world.

"Young Master, why are you so desperate, we were born in the same root."

When Shiyou turned around, the whole person circulated in the void and easily avoided.

He is flexible, his spear is like a snake, and his body is like a snake.

His arms were unpredictable, and his wings were like swords, cutting off Chu Yi's attacks.

"Humans, gods and demons, there is no place for your human beings. Everything you do is just for our appearance. Now that we have appeared, you can die."

Shiyou's attack was not fierce, but it was extremely strange and tricky. His gunshot was even more sinister and poisonous, and it was filled with venom.

"The Excalibur contains light."

Jian Banxian's voice rang faintly from behind Chu Yi's body, but in an instant, a blazing light resounded through the world, and the laurel was cut brilliantly, the cold water was cut, and Chu Yi's back was killed.

Chu Yi's body spirit burst suddenly, his stomach and back were enemies, and he fell into danger in an instant.

"God, demon!"

His hands spread out, the left hand is the phantom of God, and the right hand is the phantom of the devil.

The demon is like two huge guards, and the voice in his mouth is getting louder and louder. In the end, the **** tore the world's attack, and the demon fought the sword's long sword.

Chu Yi's pupils shrank, and he transformed into dozens of arms with the magic of heaven, and directly impacted the souls of the two.

The world is cautious, and the immortals in the whole body have skyrocketed, turning into a bronze mirror, which shocked the mind.

The semi-sword of the sword was even cut off, seeming to cut off the void in front.


Pig Bajie and Daqi are fighting each other, one person and one pig are dim and the sky is broken.

Pig Bajie simply ignored the opponent's defense and used a black vortex to condense above the trotters.

And Daqi is not easy to provoke, extraordinary skill, the surface of the whole body is not a physical body, but a cast of immortal gold, which is not invading.

"Is this going to be tied?"

The fat man was shocked. If this continues, I am afraid that it will drag on for a long time. In the end, several people will have to leave the game.

"No, the king of sin land can't hold it!"

Both Chu Yi and outside monks discovered this problem.

The king of sin land wanted to kill Yu Xiqing, but his skill seemed to be not so sensitive. Many attacks were avoided, but he himself could not avoid the other party's attacks.

"Too disappointed, you are weaker than I thought." Yu Xiqing at this time, like a dark queen, the black fairy on her forehead is like a crown, high above.

"What's the matter with the king of sin land?" The outside world, many people are puzzled. When they saw it with their own eyes, the king of sin land, with the realm of Taoism, achieved the overall list. This has not happened since ancient times. .

However, at this moment, it is not an opponent of the same level of the enemy, and there are even signs of beheaded.

"Amitabha, after all, sin land is just sin land. For several times, sin land was still punished by heaven. How could a real genius be born? They have faults and need to bear their own. The world cannot tolerate them. They can't turn over. Speak slowly.

Ling Jue Xian Zun nodded.

"In this way, the king of sin land, when it was in its infancy, was lonely. After all, it was not a lifetime genius. It is sad, but it can be regarded as a blame."

"It shouldn't be." Xianqiong Xianzun narrowed his eyes, his eyes were bloody, "Other forces don't understand the sin territory, but we understand it. This was the Yan and Huang tribes. Mysterious Yellow Sword, these two items will not easily recognize the Lord."

"No, the king of sin is in danger!"

Above the altar, Yu Xiqing's long whip turned into a skynet, and the black smoke came like flames.

"It seems that your friend can't hold it anymore." Jian Banxian smiled, his body was illusory, like a human, like a sword.

"In this way, it's still four to two."

Chu Yi turned his head and looked over there. The King of Sin was doing his final struggle.

"In this kind of war, the energy absorption of the avatar can't keep up with the degree of consumption. It seems that it can only stop here."

Chu Yi frowned.

At this time, Yu Xiqing had a long whip that directly pierced the chest of the King of Crimes and terrified energy.

"The King of Sin, the breath of life is declining rapidly!"

The outside world, even a psychic monk, is overwhelmed by these overlords.

This is the king of sin. He used to be famous, but now he is really killed?

Moreover, this should be the first arrogant person to die on the overall list.

"Sinful land, it really is not favored by heaven." Pang Guxianzun stared at him.

Heavenly punishment, is it so serious that it blocks the rise of future generations of sinful land?

"Amitabha, good is good, good is good, evil is good." The abbot read the sutra.

Only suddenly, he stopped.

The king of sin land, the body burst, the Yanhuang battlesuit shattered to the ground, like pieces of golden tokens, the Xuanhuang sword fell to the ground.

However, there was no blood splatter, only a relic, a scarlet energy drift, and some special materials became powder.


Many great powers were shocked.

"The king of sin land, did not enter, it is his avatar that entered?"

"No, the list of the heavens cannot be reflected on the avatars. What's wrong? The list of the heavens is wrong?"


"No wonder it is so weak!" Yu Xiqing frowned. "Why do you want to carry such an important treasure?"

"Is it true that the deity is nearby?"

They are in the final place and naturally do not know the outside world.

Jian Banxian smiled: "In any case, the king of sin land is gone."

Yu Xiqing smiled: "Also, since he only dared to come forward with his avatars, I think the deity can't be stronger."

"Then this treasure belongs to me."

"I advise you not to take it casually." Chu Yi smiled, but he also knew in his heart that the outsiders are not stupid, maybe they are still confused, but it will not take long to figure it out.

"It seems that this layer of identity cannot be concealed."

"Don't take it? This is somehow an artifact. Wait for me to go back and analyze it in secret."

Yu Xiqing grasped the Xuanhuang sword.

But suddenly, the Xuan Huang Baojian shivered slightly, she screamed, and her palm was cut.

Later, Xuanhuang Baojian fell into the hands of Chu Yi.

"The Excalibur has spirits, how could you drive the Sword of the Sin King!"

Yu Xiqing was frightened.

"Guess what?" Chu Yi smiled slightly, he thought, and the cracked Yanhuang suit suddenly stood up one by one, like a legion, all neatly, walked to Chu Yi, and then posted on Chu Yi's body.

Jian Banxian scalp numb: "I have a bad hunch!"

He turned over and took out a bronze mirror, shining it toward Chu Yi. The next moment, whether it was the fairy world or the final place, all the people he saw were stunned.

I saw blood on the top of Chu Yi's head, spread all over the sky, vast and mighty, stretching thousands of miles.

Everyone was shocked!

Because ordinary sinners are just a little bit of blood, but Chu Yi has turned into blood.

Jian Banxian, Yu Xiqing, Da Qi and Shi You are all dumbfounded.

The outside world can't calm down.

"Don't tell me that the king of sin land is the same person as the **** demon!"

An Xianzun looked strange.

"Yes, no wonder why such a strange, why the king of sin land is mixed with the **** and demon leader, this is simply the avatar of the **** and deity leader."

"No wonder, both will be swordsmen."

The abbot was stunned, and Spiritual Immortal Venerable was stunned. For the first time since he became Immortal Venerable, this was the first time he was so shocked.

How terrible it is that the two great geniuses turned out to be the same person.

People in the ancient world, the abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple, the goddess of the gods, and even Woody and others were all petrified.

"In the end, is this person a spy placed on the sin land by sin land, or a traitor placed on the sin land by sin land?"

Both of these identities have a great future, but now they are alone.

Everyone looked over to the **** and demon religion, and saw that Pang Guxianzun and others were all surprised.

The man-magic wise man just felt cold all over, and then yelled, "The old man was pitted!"

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