My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1021: One player battle

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Why is this true? Is it true? My **** demon leader can be a human being, but how can it be a sinner?"

Xianqiong Xianzun was furious.

This is definitely a shame for a great religion.

"I don't know...this..." The human-magic wise man just felt like falling into an ice cellar. He thought that Chu Yi was holding it in his hand, but now he finds out that he doesn't understand the real body of others at all.

However, just picking a random person is the king of sin, and this chance is almost zero.

"Hahaha, I'm really laughing at the king!" Nine Nether Hades looked up at the sky, and the black mist shivered.

"The gods and demon religions have been pitted by sin, and the gods and demon masters are the kings of sins."

"No wonder, on this list, there has never been a figure of the **** and demon leader. This is the case."

Everyone was in shock and looked at Chu Yi, so shocked.

This person actually has two identities, playing with the gods and demons, and is still alive now.

However, soon, people realized a bigger problem.

The king of sin land entered the overall list with the realm of Taoism, which is equivalent to saying that the talent of the **** demon leader is also the same.

What a horror this is, no one before, no one after.

Even the former Yan Luoxian Zun had no such honor.

In one place of the head of the gods and demons, the incarnation of the man, the demon, and the wise men who appeared in the head suddenly appeared and ran continuously.

"Catch the dragon supreme, capture the dragon supreme, the big thing is not good, my **** demon leader, turned out to be the king of sin land."

Xialong Supreme opened his eyes and showed a smile: "This seat knows."

At this moment, the human-magic wise man is dumbfounded: "You... do you know?"

"At that time, several of me and the Yanhuang family were close friends. I was able to detect the blood of Chu Chu."

"What about the king of sin land, and what about the **** and demon leader, now Yanhuang is down, and it is very difficult to turn over. Chu kid is in sin land, he is burying his talent, he is the right choice for my **** and demon religion, we Why don’t you consider who he is, as long as he has the title of my **** demon on his head."

"He, of course, is our leader."

"Go, let those three don't shoot at will. After all, the leader is the leader, and it's not that they say it is invalid. The rules of the ancestors don't say that the leader can only be the leader."

"This... this is ridiculous..." The demon sage stunned.

Qianlong Supreme swept lightly, the latter shook his body and quickly retreated.

Pang Guxian stood proudly, and many creatures around him were all watching the joke of their gods and demon religions. After all, a great power leader turned out to be the king of sin land. This is so funny.

"What do you say about Dragon Dragon Supreme?"

Wisdom wiped away the sweat, said: "The Supreme Master said that the leader is still the leader, everything remains unchanged."


Heavenly Sky Immortal Zun snorted, "He is covering up."

"Sky Dome, don't talk much." Yu Yuxian Zun interrupted, "The supreme nature naturally has supreme consideration. They lived a long time and knew some truth."

"Since the leader is still my devil leader, everything will come as before."

"Your gods and deities, but see it open." Xuan fairy lightly laughed, she was covered with petals and stars.

Pang Guxian respected: "My gods and deities, since I dare to let a human being become the leader, then let the king of my sin land be the leader, as long as he can survive."

Everyone looked strange.

On the altar, everyone looked sideways for a long time.

"My mother, I was found. This is done. I haven't finished here. I have to finish as soon as I go out."

The fat man is worried, he must scratch his hair.

Niuniu quits far away, ready to run at any time.

Jian Banxian was the first to return to the gods: "The king of sin land turned out to be the **** and demon leader, which is a big conspiracy."

Yu Xiqing couldn't care about the injured palm, his face was shocked, his mouth twitched: "Are you the king of sin?"

"As you wish." Chu Yi smiled easily. "You are not surprised, are you surprised? The God Son is the Buddha, the Buddha is the God Son, what is it, or am I a powerful person? Dead, now it’s finally exposed."

The Yanhuang battle suit shines brightly, the fairy above circulates and shines.

Shiyou's eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes were slightly cold: "Human demon wise people and human deity wise people are really worried about IQ, but in any case, as long as you kill you, then everything is not a problem."

"Whether you are the king of sin land or the leader, you will definitely die."

Shiyou's twin feathers shook violently. In an instant, countless blood drops dropped into the air. The blood drops continued to creep and expand, but for a moment, they turned into horrible ghosts.

There are nearly a thousand ghosts in strange shapes, each of which exerts its magical powers.

Numerous spells were densely packed and attacked towards Chu Yi.

The cold light in Chu Yi's eyes was surging. These ghosts were not simple, but they sacrificed some ancient creatures, some of them, even Chu Yi had not seen in ancient books.

Chu Yi held the Xuanhuang sword, the sword stood on the sky, the air of Xuanhuang moved the world, and the huge aura formed a hook. Above the hook, there were sitting small people, and those small people were real spirits, blurry, like It's chanting, and it's like a sacrifice.

The little people threw themselves together, stood up together, and in a moment of sword qi, they carried the hooks and overwhelmed them, snatching away the heads of the ghosts.

The Xuanhuang sword dimmed, and Chu Yi pressed his hand against the hilt, then evaded violently. At his position, the black mist surged and a long whip emerged from the inside.

"Yu Xi girl, you made me sad too much. At first, you and I did not expect that it would be empty."

"Master, don't you deceive me?" Yu Xiqing smiled sweetly.

"Master, if you call for surrender, I might save you."


A long sword, like a butterfly, lightly tapped into the void, and the next second, Chu Yi had to turn to meet the enemy.

"Demon Master, don't be distracted." Jian Banxian opened his eyes, and in his eyes, Jianguang burst out.

Chu Yi frowned, and the Yin Yang sword was cut off.

His mind kept flashing, and the blade of the Great Bright Sword rolled towards the world.

One man and three men!

And these three are all arrogant, what a horror this is.

Outside, many people were shocked.

"The **** demon master, the three long swords in his hand, are all extraordinary. He can even arouse them all. If he takes the sword of Yan Luoxianzun, the heart sword realm must be more than ten heavy!"

The patriarch of the sword pavilion, with white hair and white eyebrows, stood on a platform.

"Jian Banxian, although he has studied Yan Luo Xianzun's swordsmanship, is still dominated by his own swordsmanship."

"Speaking of Xinjian Realm, it is far inferior to the **** demon leader."


Suddenly, behind Chu Yi, a sword symbol rose into the sky, the sword symbols spread out, and the dense long sword burst out of it.

Sword moves the sky!

The long sword was like a meteor, and it fell down like crazy, stab it to everyone, and even with Da Qi was wrapped in it.

"Sword array! Be careful!"

Jian Banxian felt a threat, his pupils shrank sharply.

"Heart Sword Eleventh!"

The sword is born in the void, and the long sword falls again. This area is too scary. If it is on an ordinary planet, I am afraid that it will be completely penetrated by these long swords.

The three young teachers also felt a trace of pressure.

"Be careful!"

Yin and Yang rose from the ground, and Yin and Yang turned into two swimming fish, one black and one white. Under the guidance of Chu Yi, they even spit out a dense sword.

The three joined forces to perform magical powers, a terrible explosion occurred in mid-air, and the entire altar was turbulent.

The people in the sword pavilion stepped back and forth, horrified.

They walked with the swordsmanship of Yan Luoxianzun, and naturally understood how terrifying the sword was, and even many disciples did not dare to open their eyes.

In the state of heart sword, if one is careless, they will turn their sword into heart and cut themselves off.

Fortunately, Chu Yi didn't pay any attention to them, otherwise, this group of people would definitely die.

"This this……"

Raksha Taoist stood far behind the person, his mind became more and more chaotic, as if something was echoing, pictures flashed from his soul, he looked at Chu Yi, only to feel extremely cold all over his body.

"Sword... Immortal..."

"what exactly is it?"

"Why am I dying?"

He hugged his head in agony, and it seemed that the **** demon leader in front of him had something to do with his death.

Suddenly, the pictures were all frozen, a drop of cold sweat slipped from his chin, and it made him shiver with coldness.

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