My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1022: Kendo is immortal, and I am immortal

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"What a powerful kendo, his sword heart state is already complete!"

Outside, many sword repairs were exclaimed, and then their faces were ashamed, because they arrived at the realm of the gods, they could understand the sword heart, and it was a world difference compared with Chu Yi.

"This person hates the use of swords."

Dayan Xianzun's avatar came again. His avatars were all ordinary avatars. It was very simple to condense, but he looked at Chu Yi and was full of disgust.

The avatar of Tianqi Xianzun's eyes narrowed slightly: "Yan Luoxianzun was famous in this way, but fortunately died, and now there is a **** and demon leader, but it is more troublesome, unless the **** and demon teaches to let go. Otherwise it will be difficult to kill the **** demon leader."

"It doesn't matter." Da Yan Xianzun smiled. "I already have some information. I know that Yan Luo Xianzun's children have also been born. They are in the heavens. Then, you can find his inheritance."

"In this **** and demon religion, the Supreme Revived and the Immortal Venerable also appeared, which is no longer suitable for sneaking in."

"Yan Luoxianzun's swordsmanship, if I get it, can be integrated into my mind, and then when I use the mind, I can enhance your strength. In the entire fairy world, we will become top figures."

"Beijing King Xuan, you don't have to worry too much. Your brothers and sisters, if you want to fully grow up, it will take at least tens of thousands of years, which is enough for me to let you become an immortal."

His mentality is very special, he needs to integrate multiple ways of killing, and he can help others to improve each other’s path, which is why Dayan Xianzun rises so quickly, almost from unknown to Xianzun , Can be considered a shocking person.

On the other side, Luo Qing narrowed his eyes, slowly stood up, and spit out the weeds in his mouth.

"Second child, have you noticed that this **** and demon master is still the king of sin, and the swordsmanship he uses is a bit like the teacher."

"I'm not talking about sword tricks, but the habit of using swords. Teachers use swords, and they tend to use Yin and Yang swords. And these two tricks, I also saw the teacher play together."

"Coincidence," Ye Tian said seemingly casually.

"It's too coincidental, isn't it that the teacher has heirs to stay, is this person the teacher's son?"

Night sky was almost choked by his own saliva.

On this star, a lot of powerful people moved, and the gods and demon masters fought against the heroes in one person.

It was only soon that the crowd was attracted by another movement.

In one picture, a young man chopped off two people on the list, bloodied the sky, and hung their heads around their waists.

"Too strong, who is this person?!"

On Chu Yi's side, it was difficult to win or lose, so everyone focused on another place.

Soon, the ranks of the general list of the heavens changed and a new name appeared.


"I know him. He is the heir of the White Emperor. It is rumored that the star was born. It is terrifying!"

"It seems that the Dingtian Palace of mankind is not a master of the young palace. Some people say that it is the star."

Dingtian Palace is the base camp of mankind. There are two supreme beings, Qingdi and Baidi.

The young palace master in this Dingtian Temple is also in a superior position.

"No, the list of the heavens has changed again!"

People see that one name is dimmed, and the other name is like a rising star.

"Zodiac Giant!"

The celestial venerable spirit of Wanshen Township could not help but whispered, "The giant Zodiac has been extinct in the ancient times!"

A little giant, mighty and domineering, double boxing broke the world, as if to capture the world.

"The new powerful and the old powerful continue to emerge, and it really is the most exciting one."

The heavenly man and the old man also admire them. They are also a holy place of heaven and earth, and they also walk with the Son, who is on the top of the list.

"The Son of God, the Buddha is in retreat. When he came out, he was afraid to communicate with God. The first in the list, the mysterious San Galo, has never appeared."

"What death substance, this is the most brilliant generation, is comparable to Swire and can suppress all sins."

The abbot murmured: "Unfortunately, that man is dead, otherwise, how wonderful it will be."

"What the abbot said, could it be Yan Luoxianzun?" Ling Juexianzun sighed. "It's a pity, Yan Luoxianzun, how powerful the talent is. I'm going to read ancient books. Comparable."

"The proud sons of these days, although they are all evil, but some people have lived for thousands of years, which is far from the path of Yan Luoxianzun thousand years of fairy ancestors. He refused."

"It's also a fate."

"After all, there are no traces of him in this era."

The two talked without concealment, so many Tongxianzun were heard.

They couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion, because this group of people, in the same era as Chu Yi, were beaten by Chu Yi more or less.

"If Yan Luo Xianzun is alive and is an enemy of these evil spirits, I am afraid that it can crush everything." The human demon wise people admire it quite.

"I have heard of this person, it is really evil, and Kendo can go to this level." Even the Heavenly Heavenly Immortal Venerable nodded slightly.


Above the altar, the battles are endless, Chu Yi is getting more and more courageous, and many sword arrays are recruited at will.

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

Suddenly, a scream was harsher than the sound of battle and cut through the sky.

Jian Banxian subconsciously stopped and looked over.

I saw the people of Raksha Dao, with a terrified look, looked at Chu Yi.

"What are you talking about? What Yanxian Zun?" Shi You frowned. This person was brought over by him, but now he is talking wildly.

The Raksha Taoists were unbearable: "Young Master, don't you ask me, why do I remember the **** and demon master, because the **** and demon master is Yan Luo Xianzun."


"Impossible! Don't talk nonsense!" Shiyou was impatient. After he woke up, he learned a lot of things and merged into this era. Among them, Yan Luoxianzun impressed him deeply.

Whether it is the achievement in Kendo, or the achievement of a thousand years of immortality, it is horrifying.

The Luosha Taoist looked at Chu Yi: "Yan Luoxianzun, you don't need to quibble. I'm the Lord of Luosha, my East Xuzong, I was destroyed by you, and I was killed by you."

"Unfortunately, you did not expect that I was reincarnated successfully!"

"I want to avenge, I want to tell the world, you are Yan Luoxianzun."

After he finished speaking, he found a quiet piece around him.

Chu Yi's expression was slightly tight.

"Haha, it's really funny, but also Yan Luoxianzun... Well, Brother Wang, why don't you laugh." The fat man smiled and looked at Wang Ying.

Wang Ying looked dignified.

This name, as if it were magical, made all the powerful people in the outside world horrified.

"Impossible, under heaven, no soul can escape." Wan Xinxianzun shook his head, he was a man in the heavenly court, and naturally knew.

"How can the **** demon master and the king of sin land be the Yan Luo Xianzun, the spirit of the Yan Luo Xianzun, but there is no trace."

Many Xianzun nodded, they all checked, and even the Supreme had gone there, and wanted to revive Yan Luo Xianzun, but when they arrived at the scene, they could only shake their heads helplessly.

Da Yanxian Zun and Woody, although smiling on their faces, thought it was a joke, but they also felt nervous when they heard the words Yan Yan Xianzun.

"Hugh nonsense." Jian Banxian scolded, apparently not convinced.

"Yan Luoxianzun, don't you dare to admit it?" The Luosha Taoist grinned, his expression exasperated.

"Everyone, I swear with my soul, if he is not Yan Luoxianzun, immediately strike thunder!"

Suddenly, the Raksha Daoists yelled, blood was allied, and they made an oath. Above the sky, blood clouds rolled. This is the most strict kind of oath. Once violated, even the supreme cannot be saved.

Everyone was horrified, and the back spine was cold, because there was no thundercloud to land, and there was no punishment to kill the Raksha Dao.

All eyes, no matter the outside world or the altar, all looked at Chu Yi.

Fat people are crying: "Brother, you tell me, this is not true."


Dayan Xianzun shouted, unable to take care of the scene. In front of many Xianzuns, he flew straight to the top of the leaderboard.

"You have disappeared in smoke, it is impossible to survive, let alone reincarnation."

Chu Yi at the altar seemed to hear Da Yan Xianzun's question and suddenly smiled.

The pupil of Jian Banxian shrank, and the Excalibur in his hand buzzed, clamoring.

The sword in the sword pavilion's hands, the sword in the sword symbol, was not at all controlled, and suddenly broke free, rising into the sky and surrounding Chu Yi.

Chu Yi raised his head slightly and looked at the Raksha Taoist: "I'm careless. I was supposed to chase down your Yuanying. I didn't expect you to succeed in reincarnation."

"It's... trouble..." He scratched his hair.

Da Yanxianzun's pupils shrank suddenly. He could not hear the sound inside, but he could see Chu Yi's mouth shape.

His body stepped back involuntarily, and there was a quiet piece on the whole star, except for the sound of stepping on the soles of his feet.


It seems that in response to the words of Dayan Xianzun, Chu Yi's voice is melodious.

"Nothing is Impossible."

"Kendo is immortal and I am immortal."

"Fairyland, I'm back..."

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