My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1023: He is back!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Yan Luoxianzun? !

Everyone's expressions were stiff, and they were stunned one by one. Even the Immortal Venerables felt incredible.

Because, time and time again, it was all this person who made them feel like they were mentally retarded.

"Impossible! How is it possible that he died long ago and disappeared, even the Supreme has confirmed that it is impossible to survive."

Dayan Xianzun's scalp is numb, and he can't bear this stimulation. At that time, Yan Luoxianzun's cultivation progress was too fast. Many people suspected that he had a treasure. The same is true for Dayan Xianzun. When he was in divine power, he already wanted to kill the opponent, but unfortunately he has never been successful.

Then, finally set a trap to kill the other party, but now it has appeared again.

"I don't believe it!" Woody's face was fierce, and bloodshot in his eyes, almost bleeding, staring straight at the picture.

That man, how could he come back, how could he come back!

Wan Xin Xianzun, almost couldn't stand, so his Dao Xin was a bit broken at this moment. You know, his avatar had been in close contact with Chu Yi, and there was no slight doubt.

Thinking of his previous situation, he couldn't help shivering.

"It is absolutely impossible for him. He is the king of sin land and the **** demon leader. How could it be Yan Luo Xianzun?" Someone who knew Yan Luo Xianzun shook his head.

A group of people were stunned, because of this identity, it was even more terrifying than the king of sin and the **** demon leader.

You must know that Yan Luoxian Zun was recorded in history, but Kendo is the avenue. Once successful, the achievements are extraordinary, and the other party has achieved the Xianzun in thousands of years and the Supreme in the future, almost no problem.

"I don't believe it, it's too weird, maybe someone is in it, or this person is an apprentice of Yan Luoxianzun."

The abbot did not say a word, and the Spiritual Immortal Venerable in Wanshen Township was silent. If the other party was only a Yuanying Realm, even if it was the king of sin land or the deity leader, but in the end, they would not be on the same level.

Although the top list is full of evil spirits, it is no problem to enter Immortal Venerable, but generally speaking, most of them are after thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

It is not known what will happen.

But if this person is Yan Luoxianzun, it means that within hundreds of years, he may enter Xianzun.

For hundreds of years, for them, a snap.

At this time, Chu Yi stood on the altar.

A group of people on the opposite side were all frightened, even if they were not in the same era as Yan Luoxianzun, but after all, it was only a matter of thousands of years ago.

Especially Jiange, part of the reason for the rise, because Yan Luoxian Zun opened up the sword.

Jian Banxian sighed: "It's impossible. I have seen that battle in ancient books. Yan Luo Xianzun, it's impossible to survive."

Yu Xiqing's teeth bit her lip, apparently in disbelief.

Chu Yi stood far away, surrounded by a group of swords, horrified sword spirit, as if to pierce the sky.

He seemed to be aware of the outside world's eyes and smiled at the sky.

"Don't you miss me so much, are you surprised?"

"Da Yan Xianzun, I know you want to kill me, but it's useless. This is the final place. You can only watch me restore your strength."

"When I go out, there will be revenge, and there will be complaints."

Da Yanxian Zun had a dark complexion and purple lips, and this avatar almost burst.

Chu Yi talked as if chatting with an old friend, and then his face changed, and the facial features suddenly rose up to restore the appearance of Yan Luo Xianzun.

At this time, he was handsome and extraordinary, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and there was a faint momentum, but he was not too sharp, just standing there was awesome.

"It's him!"

Outside, Da Yanxian Zun grinned his teeth and couldn't help yelling. In this way, he was too familiar and carved in the depths of his soul.

"how come……"

Woody's hands and feet were cold, as if the sounds around him were far away from him.

"Teacher, are you alive?"

A person who had died actually survived and reappeared in front of them.

No wonder, when I first saw the other party, my instinct became hostile.

He now regrets it very much, how good it would be if he had beheaded everything and killed him.

The ancient world can't be calm at all.

Sect Master Tianxian, Master Xuanxin of Daleiyin Temple, all felt trembling.

A king of sin land, a **** and demon leader, at this moment, Yan Luo Xianzun was added. The combination of these three identities shocked everyone.

Especially, as soon as the identity of Yan Luo Xianzun was exposed, no one doubted Chu Yi's talent.

Such talents, from ancient times to the present, from Taigu to today, several people can compare with him.

This is complete, it is a demon.

The old host next to him, an excited man, finally sighed, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Teacher? Come back?"

Luo Qingkong stood blank, rubbed his eyes, and looked again, it was still true.

"The second son, the teacher is back?"

He turned excitedly, but found Ye Tian's face indifferent.

"Ah? Brother Three, you didn't know it. The teacher came back long ago. We also participated in the conferences of the heavens of the ancient world. By the way, brother, little nine, little sister, they all know."

Ye Tian patted Luo Qingkong's shoulder at night, "It's okay, don't think about it, the teacher didn't tell you, it's not that you don't like you, really, don't think about it."

Luo Qingkong had a sudden anger, and immediately pulled out a trident: "Night beast, Lao Tzu is desperate to fight with you!"

Compared to the excitement here, at the center of the Zhutian monument, no one spoke for a while, like silence.

"Amitabha." The abbot finally spoke out, with endless emotions. He had a complex look, and finally understood why this person had such achievements. If it was Yan Luoxianzun, it wouldn't be surprising.

"I didn't expect that it was him!" Ling Jue Xianzun's face was entangled. He had invited such a genius, but he was still rejected by the other party.

Everyone's heart rolled like a raging wave. From the car, he walked down to a realm of gods, with a handsome face, looking very young, he was the last **** son.

"He's back..." He only whispered, but silenced everyone.

"That demon!"

Some strong men hated, "I used to be chased and beaten by him, and this kid came back."

Even some immortals were speechless and couldn't tell the feeling. They and Chu Yi were not in the same era. However, because Chu Yi's cultivation practice was too fast, they were also challenged. Finally, they were undoubtedly defeated.

The one present was undoubtedly the leader of the whole fairyland for a period of time, but this face made them tickle their teeth and recalled the years of being crushed.

The entire fairyland, from top to bottom, from the Son of God to the son of the Nine Nether, from the descendants of the Supreme to the descendants of the Divine Beast, are not opponents of this person.

Xuan Fairy's eyes were shocked, and she felt cold in her heart. When this person came back, once she knew about the last nine days of Xuannv, she was afraid to be furious.

"Why should this seat be afraid, he has so many enemies, he is completely overwhelmed, not to mention, I am in the cloud, and the Supreme sits."

A group of powerful people are really shocked. After experiencing the age of Yan Luoxianzun, they can understand how terrifying this person's talent is.

A bunch of arrogant sons were beaten with temper.

In the picture, Chu Yi said: "Eh, I know you are shocked, but I have given you a thousand years. Anyway, one thousand years is enough for me to become an immortal. You guys should have some strength. Growing up, don’t let me down."

This was a naked provocation that made many powerful people speechless and grinned.

"This guy is still so arrogant!" a powerful man laughed and scolded. "Laozi was interrupted by him last time without a full horn."

"Revenge is coming back, and before he gets into revenge, quickly avenge revenge, otherwise he will return to Immortal Venerate within a few years."

There is a part of the psychic realm with smiles and expectations.

"I said, how could this kind of evildoer die so easily, I didn't expect to hide it now, and fight with a group of young people."

"No, no, in fact, Yan Luo Xianzun is still relatively young."

"What kind of **** son, what kind of Buddha, the son of the Nine Nethers, all finished, just let them also experience the horror crushed by Yan Luoxianzun."

Many strong men are admirers of Yan Luoxianzun.

There are more kendo monks with tears in their eyes.

"Kendo is promising!"

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