My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1024: More powerful

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The general list of the heavens shone with light, reflecting Chu Yi, how complicated everyone was.

The **** demon leader and the king of sin land that many powerful people want to kill, such as Wanshen Township and Xitian Temple, are all Yan Luoxianzun in the end.

Of course, the more entangled in my heart is to count on the side of the gods and demons.

The three celestial beings, such as the trembling man, the wise man, and the human wise man, trembling with their fingers, and Pang Gu, were even dull for a moment.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Don't tell this seat, you don't know, you have found a **** and demon leader, who happens to be the king of sin land, and it is exactly Yan Luo Xianzun."

Pang Guxian Zun asked.

The human-magic wise man was aggrieved: "I...I don't really know...I'll ask Supreme Master again."

In the headquarters of the Gods and Demons, the Dragon Master is studying sword scores. They were born too early, and many ways have not been perfected.

"Sovereign Lord, it's not good, our leader, not only the king of sin, but also Yan Luoxianzun, he succeeded in reincarnation..."

Snapping the dragon supreme, immediately smiled and said: "So what? And ask you, Yan Luoxian is in trouble, or is the king of sin territory in trouble?"

"Nature is the latter," the man-magic wise man muttered.

"That's it, go, what should I do, there are my old thieves in Immortal Realm, who should obey the rules, but the big Yanxian Zun and others, I am afraid that they will have some thoughts, look again."

The man-magic wise nodded, but felt a little calm in his heart and said: "It is a supreme, it seems to have long known the origin of the leader, made arrangements, and still does not move. Fortunately, it is the dragon-captured supreme, otherwise, if It’s the rest of the supreme, I’m afraid it’s impossible to be so fair.

The avatar of the human-magic wise man left, and the back of the Dragon Slayer took a long time to finally smash the sword spectrum.

"Smelly kid, even concealed from me, I was wondering why his talent for swordsmanship is so evil, what other masterpiece of swordsmanship do I see, just ask him for a copy." Qinlong Supreme cursed and laughed.

But his brow suddenly frowned, looking deep into the magic city.

"Those old guys seem to be waking up, and this is troublesome."


"Sovereign Lord said, everything is the same as usual."

It's just obvious that these three immortals are absent-minded.

Because before, they can be sure that the leader will not be their opponent after all, but now...

"I have studied Yan Luo Xianzun's kendo, and I have seen the master swordsmanship of Kendo. A very terrifying guy, placed in Taikoo, is a demon." Yu Yuxian sighed.

"Moreover, with the talent of Yan Luoxianzun, to restore strength, I am afraid that it will be better in hundreds of years, which means that he will be much ahead of God Son and Buddha Son and enter the realm of Immortal Venerable."

At this moment, even the most arrogant Celestial Immortal Venerable was silent.

Will the three young masters be opponents of Yan Luo Xianzun?

In terms of eyesight alone, there is already a gap.

What's more, if Yan Luoxianzun really becomes their leader, in fact, they will also have certain benefits.

"We don't have to think about it, we should do what we want, and wait until all the supreme within the clan wake up."


Above the altar, everyone was silent, and the disciples of the sword pavilion shivered.

This evildoer is back, and in the same era as them, they often hear the words of their elders, mentioning Yan Luo Xianzun, can't help shaking.

Especially Luo Que, with a hard face on his face, recalled that he was able to succeed in front of Yan Luoxianzun, and the class got axe.

"Niu Niu, I have to doubt my life. This is not true." Niuniu twisted her **** and ran over again, trying to get closer to Chu Yi, and shrank her neck again.

"My God, my heart is about to jump out!" the fat man shouted. It seemed that only in this way can he express his shock.

"How much identity do you still have!"

Chu Yi turned around and smiled: "It's really gone, I'm a very simple person."

"Bah!" The fat man disdain.

Chu Yi smiled and looked at the people in Luosha again: "You made me very upset and exposed my identity. At that time, you also shot some of my friends. It seems that you can only kill you."

Raksha Dao took a subconscious step back.

Shi You was in front of him, and he looked at Chu Yi with complicated eyes: "I have seen your sword, and I know that you are a great character, but you have offended many people. With the identity of the land of sin, you I'm afraid it's not a good life in this life."

"No matter who you are, in front of me, it's just a defeater." He narrowed his eyes, full of war.

Da Qi grinned: "Yan Luo Xianzun, I heard that it is a generation of arrogance, crushing his peers invincible, I also regret that I have not battled him, and now it is just right."

"Teacher, you really shouldn't expose your identity. In this way, I don't know what to do with you." Yu Xiqing opened her smile and looked at Chu Yi again and again.

They are the ancient evils, and even the future successors of the gods and deities, and naturally have their arrogance.

"Last life, you can be proud of the fairy world, but this life is different, many evils are born, comparable to the ancient times, I don't believe that someone can push invincibly."

Jian Banxian stepped forward and looked directly at Chu Yi: "I am sorry that you were not born in the same era as you. Your swordsmanship deviated from the essence of the sword in my opinion. Next, I will show you, What is true kendo."

The four were opposed, a strong breath swept through the sky and shattered the clouds.

Raksha Taoist breathed a sigh of relief.

The outside world can't be calm, and many powerful people nod their heads one after another. This is the real arrogance. Even in the face of the top figures of the previous era, they still have invincible confidence.


"Must kill him!"

Woody clenched his fists, his nails fleshed, and his palms bleed, but he didn't feel anything, just staring straight at Chu Yi.

"While he hasn't recovered his strength, it is better to kill him in the heavens."

Tianqi Xianzun's face is equally ugly. He doesn't have any background, just a casual repair. If Yan Luoxianzun retaliates, then he must be unable to escape.

Fortunately, several people's deities are well concealed, and nothing is exposed.

"Supreme Tribulation, something went wrong?" Only Wan Xin Xian Zun alone, countless thoughts flashed in his heart.


Da Yanxian Zun, his eyes fierce, said fiercely, without concealing his intention to kill.

The Spiritual Immortal Venerable in Wanshen Township floats in mid-air, and there is an invisible aura around him: "Whether you are the King of Sin, or Yan Luo Xianzun, or the deity leader, but killed me in the Kingdom of Gods No one will die, no one can save you."

"Amitabha, this person is too devilish. Tongxuan Xianzun once saw disaster and blood on his body. It seems that my Xitian Temple also needs to allow many monks to spend him."

The two forces have had conflicts with Chu Yi in this life and it is impossible to reconcile.

They have been high for hundreds of millions of years, and no one can challenge their authority.

"What is the evil spirit of the previous era, the three gods and deities teach the young masters together, plus the sword half fairy, is the invincible existence." A psychic realm said.

He was still very young and came with the clan, his eyes full of excitement.

"It's really ignorant." A psychic next to him smiled coldly. "When Yan Luoxian became famous, you probably didn't get to Daofu, so I didn't know."

"Yan Luoxianzun will lose, this is the biggest joke I have ever heard."

"Look at it, the whole final place, I don't know how many evildoers, he will be beaten to doubt his life."

"The four of you want to challenge me, but I must kill the Raksha Taoist first." Facing the momentum of several people, Chu Yi was proud and not afraid.

"It's not a challenge, it's killing you." Shiyou laughed. "You should have died long ago. This is not your time, but you survived. It seems that the myth of that year is about to fall."


Chu Yi smiled slightly, and the Yin and Yang swords pierced out immediately, and the sword tips bloomed.

"Too slow!" Shi You sneered, ready to fight back, and suddenly the long sword in front of him disappeared.

Chu Yi is still standing on the spot.


The people turned back suddenly, but they were horrified to find that the Raksha Taoist behind them, the head fell to the ground, no drop of blood was splashed, and the eyes on the head now only noticed that his head had fallen.

"No! Don't kill me!"


Suddenly, from his body, there was a sword gas, which directly cut the flesh and head into powder.

The audience was silent.

Outside, someone gasped.

"He is back, stronger than the last life!"

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