My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1025: True kendo

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Everyone was excited. Many monks who communicated with the gods were the characters of the era of Chu Yi. At that time, they hated Yan Luoxianzun. Now when they see each other so powerful, they inevitably have some pride. They look at their descendants and eyes. There is more pride in it.

It seemed to be saying, see if you, my son, I was defeated by this man, and I am not embarrassed at all.

"He is really stronger than the last life." Da Yanxian Zun murmured, his whole body was tight, and several forces that had hatred against Chu Yi did not look good.

"Teacher..." Luo Qingkong smiled slightly, "The teacher returned, this group of people must be obedient, otherwise they will beat it again as they did then."

Ye Tian crawled out of the pile of rocks at night: "I said your kid, he was really ruthless enough, I don't know if I eat by my face."

"Who made you hide from me one by one, you don't even say such big things." Luo Qingkong said angrily.

"The eldest don't know." Ye Tian suddenly smiled.

Luo Qingkong's eyes widened, and then he smiled strangely: "Haha, that guy, doesn't he boast about the world? He never knew it, no, I'm going to mock him."

"However, our avatar is still in the final place, and in the end, it should be able to meet."


The sword light flickered, chopping the flesh of the Raksha Taoist into powder, and then slowly disappeared after a while.

"Space together." Shiyou frowned. "Also, you have been into Immortal Venerable. Although you are not in cultivation, you know space together better than we do."

He spoke while walking in the air, waiting for the position parallel to Chu Yi, the wings behind him had become extremely scarlet, and the divine pattern was bright, turning into streamers after stream, blurred, with gun shadows.

Sword Banxian's whole body was awe-inspiring, and the sword contained light. Under the sun's light, it even gleamed. There were patterns floating on the sword body, as if thousands of people were dancing the sword.

"It's worthy of Yan Luoxianzun. In today's battle, both sides of our swordsmanship will win and lose."

Yu Xiqing and Da Qi are also ready.

They have never been deterred, they are all arrogant, they want to kill Yan Luoxianzun.

"Last life, there were also many peerless geniuses who wanted to challenge me, and they all lost."

"How about you four people, how can you make me afraid." Chu Yi carried his hands on his back, three long swords circulated around him, his expression proud.

At this moment, his style of Yan Luoxianzun revealed no doubt.

Chu Yi naturally understands that the four people on the opposite side are peerless masters. In this era, geniuses come out in abundance, but he is much stronger and more confident than the previous life.

As long as a few people do not enter the psychic, then there is nothing to worry about.

Jian Banxian said: "My sword pavilion has most of the swordsmanship of Yan Luo Xianzun. I have studied it for a hundred years and think that I have seen through your swordsmanship. If you have not made any progress in this life, I am afraid that it will fall."

"You are too confident." Chu Yi grinned.

Jian Banxian shook his head: "If I don't have full grasp, how can I challenge a pioneer of kendo, I just want to tell you today that your kendo is wrong."

"Although I haven't seen anything so far, but the Vanguard Sword Territory has reached its limit. Going further, it is no longer possible. I have seen the ceiling of your kendo."

Jian Banxian laughed loudly.

Chu Yi's fingers gently collided with the sword of Daguangmingjian, urging Zhenyuan, the body of Daguangmingjian exploded toward the sword half fairy with incredible speed, like thunder and lightning.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, you are too arrogant. You are not alone in the path of Kendo."

The sword half-centred laughed, the robe agitated, like a real dragon was walking on his body surface, the silver long sword waved, and a figure floated out.

The silhouette dances the sword and sways the world. In an instant, everyone is in a trance, thinking that this world has become a sword.

"My Excalibur, named Heaven and Earth Sword!"

At this moment, he was extremely domineering, even more terrifying than the two of the original Buddha and Divine Son teamed up.

The sunlight crooked, penetrating the space, shining on him, like a war suit.

As soon as he shot, he was full of strength. The Excalibur and Heaven and Earth resonated, swaying the power of this side.

As the No. 1 sword pavilion, he took another path of kendo, similar to the hidden realm, so horrible.


The silhouettes danced with long swords, one by one in ink color, as if to smash the sky as a long sword, and the swords and awns crossed each other like a huge electric drill.

Chu Yi's large and bright sword body exploded in mid-air, and a round of blazing sun shone on all sides.

His thoughts moved, and the thoughts turned the heavens and the devil into everything, escaped into the void, and burst out of the blazing sun, turning into a long sword.

In Chu Yi's eyes, Shennian can also transform swords. For him, it is not difficult to use the swordsmanship to display the heavens and monsters.

Shen Nian Long Sword scoured everything with an unmatched light without encountering the slightest obstacle.

"not good!"

"He actually used the Divine Thoughts as a sword. This skill was already terrifying and was infected by his sword intentions, and the Daguangming sword also belongs to the top holy weapon..."

On him, the sword pattern broke out, and finally a sword shield was laid to resist Chu Yi's attack.

"It has always been heard that Yan Luo Xianzun, who can pick out the heroes, we will try."

Daqi suddenly erupted, his height soared, the pillars were like cannons, and there was a horrible beam of light condensed and smashed towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's palm turned, with the Yin and Yang swords in the array, and many long swords spun out like a huge whirlwind.

"You should be wrong, not a hero, but a bear bear."

The next second, a long whip penetrated Chu Yi's body.

"It's not good, it's composed of Jian Qi!" Yu Xiqing had a meal and immediately turned into a black mist, wanting to leave.

But seeing the dense surroundings are all Jianguang.

Countless sword lights form a pair of wings, and the wings flutter gently, and the long sword dances.

"Long Jianyu!" Someone whispered from the outside world, "I was defeated by this trick."

"There is still the trick just now, the sword wind turns."

Many great memories, quite emotional.

"Song and sword, and drunk and pass away." Suddenly, Chu Yi held the Xuanhuang sword, and a sword was swung out, and the sword light turned into a woman's phantom.

The woman was voluptuous, her body was white, and she exuded a hazy halo.

She held a pipa, flicked and danced, and the sword song was like a cloud. She was scattered by people, and it fell like raindrops.

Shiyou's pupils shrank, he had to use his wings to defend, and his spears resisted.

"This is the mythical figure of the previous generation?"

The hearts of the four people were shocked, and many sword arrays and swordsmanship, in the hands of Chu Yi, were hand in hand without thinking.

Sword shadows are everywhere, and they will continue to interfere with their Dao heart during battles.

The sword is the real killer!

Outside, those Tongxianzun were silent, especially Kendo monks, and now looking at Chu Yi's sword again, they couldn't help but be embarrassed.


"We don't have to fight hard with him now. We are on the verge of entering the realm of psychic powers. Once we break through, he is not our opponent at all."

Da Qi shouted, apparently already intending to get out.

They have to admit that this man is too horrible, is worthy of being the pioneer of Kendo, and has almost no weaknesses.

Yu Xiqing smiled dexterously: "Master, you are too strong, I will play with you later."


"When I fully integrate the Excalibur, this way, I must be walking ahead."

Sword Immortal no longer attacks. He naturally knows that if he goes on like this, it is just a waste of time. It is better to enter the secret realm as soon as possible.

Shiyou calmly, just stared at Chu Yi.

"Teacher, you have entered the psychic god, you should know that there will be a talented psychic god."

"The changes that I wait for are in the spirit, different from you humans."

Chu Yi smiled coldly: "I ask you, how long can you become a fairy? Even if you are given a thousand years, it is fast enough."

"When you haven't walked a few steps, I have already become a fairy."

"You are sure to retreat, maybe, the next time you meet, you and I are no longer at the same level."

Everyone was speechless and indignant.

"However, I am here, but I don't want to come, I want to leave!"


Suddenly, Chu Yi's breath broke out.

"Even if you are strong, we can't stop even connecting with God if we are all going!"

The four people dispersed and escaped in four directions, but it was not very fast, because they were extremely confident.

They can't beat Chu Yi, but Chu Yi, don't think of defeating them.

"You don't know his horror at all." The outside world, a mighty person, saw Chu Yi's expression, and he was immediately excited. That was to move on.

Chu Yi shook his head and divided three afterimages, while he himself used his fingers as swords, chasing the sword half fairy.

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