Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Are you going to kill me?"

Looking back at Jian Banxian, seeing that Chu Yi wasn't even wearing a sword, he sneered suddenly, and was a little angry.

Even the Son of God and the Buddha did not dare to say that he was killed without carrying weapons.

"The world is for me, I am the world!"

The sword is half an immortal, the heaven and earth sword is hungry and cold, that is the divine sword, although only half, and not all awakened, but such innate weapons are very compatible with the host.

When the sword of the earth and the earth shook, the extremely large altar began to shake, and the earth and the earth turned upside down. The terrifying energy almost made people think that this side would be broken.


Wang Ying, Fatty and others quickly retreated, and the people in Jiange were also terrified and kept retreating.

Outside, many monks were shocked.

Master Jiange Pai nodded and smiled slightly: "Jian Banxian and Sword realized this trick, and it didn't take long for them to enter the gods. Yan Luoxianzun's swordsman, after all, he might have seen it. Beheaded."

"Kendo, not Yan Luoxianzun alone, but the sword half-xian is a wizard, opened up another path, and this path is simpler and clearer than Yan Luoxianzun's sword path."

"This is not the era of the past, nor the era of Yan Luoxianzun!"

They did not care about the three afterimages separated by Chu Yi, and everyone's attention was placed on Chu Yi's deity.

But at this moment, Jian Banxian finally didn't keep his hand, the world was the sword, and the sky was martial. He seemed to recede, but he was an amazing backhand to kill the enemy.

The boundless swordsmanship, sweeping across the world.

"Kendo is promising!"

Suddenly, a sword repairer shouted, eyes bright.

"This is the real swordsmanship, this is the invincible swordsmanship, Yan Luoxianzun is about to lose, and his swordsmanship has been exhausted in the ancient sword domain, and the swordsmanship of the sword half fairy has just begun!"

"Yan Luo Xianzun, Jiang Lang only exhausted."

These people suddenly realized that the swordsmanship used by Chu Yi was used before, and there was no innovation or improvement.

He lived a lifetime again, Kendo had not yet broken through, so many people saw the end of this evildoer.

The abbot said nothing.

Powerful celestial beings, Xuan fairy, Mokun and other strong men all watched, and they would not reach a conclusion until the end.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, this is not your time."

Jian Banxian cut off with a sword.

Chu Yi paused slightly, and looked at the opponent's sword way. The vast force of the world and earth became a sword, and he thrived. Finally, it burst out like a volcano, forming an extremely huge sword gas.

"If you meet someone else, you are naturally invincible, but you meet me, there is no chance of a half point."

Chu Yi put his hands together and stroked toward the void.

This is a basic swordsmanship that combines hacking and collapsing.

At the same time, in the other three parties, the three afterimages also used this trick, just because it was only an afterimage, which was instantly condensed and had a lot of power, but with the sword, there was still enough deterrent.

However, this trick, in the eyes of outsiders, is too common, as if it were just a simple vertical split.

A plain and simple move, pierced the void, penetrated the sword of the world, and under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Jian Qi easily passed the body of Jian Banxian.

"How can it be!"

Jian Banxian's eyes widened and his eyes were terrified. At this moment, he had used the sword body protection, but he couldn't stop the opponent's sword spirit.

His flesh began to disintegrate, as if a rock had been weathered for thousands of years, and someone was gently touching it, constantly collapsing.


There was a scream from Shiyou. He instantly noticed that something was wrong. The two feathers turned into two demons, blocking them in front of him, but the two demons enough to easily crush Yuan Ying's childhood were killed by a sword.

Shiyou's wings were chopped, **** behind her back, with great fear in her eyes, she never dared to stay, she didn't even look at the sword and half fairy, and fled wildly.

Da Qi also suffered a heavy blow. Although it wasn't Chu Yi who performed it in person, after all, this trick was envyed by God, fell to thunder and punishment, smashed his sternum, and even his weapons were cracked by more than half.

He coughed up blood, looked at Jian Banxian with horror, his scalp tingled, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and immediately escaped.

"The surname is Chu, my uncle!" Yu Xiqing scolded. Although she was not seriously injured, she was cut off her clothes, most of her body was exposed, and her hair was cut off. .

"Sister, don't send it slowly," the fat man shouted, angry and angry.

However, the eyes of the outside world still fell on the side of Jian Banxian, a silence.

Yan Luoxianzun stood proudly, even without a sword on his body, with only two fingers, he beheaded a peerless demon.

At this moment, everyone had a cold back.

"Jian Banxian is dead?"

The Jiangge Pavilion Master was ignorant.

Everyone was stunned. The genius of this level actually died when the final land opened. This is a situation that has never happened in previous years.

"No, the point is not this, but the sword." Sword Xiu shouted and tried to remember the sword, but he didn't see anything.

"Look at the altar!"

Everyone heard it and looked at it, but they were horrified to find that it was enough to resist the Altar of the Gods, and it was enough to kill the altar of Immortal Venerable, and the steps at the foot of Chu Yi's feet were broken.

A sword mark, about three or four meters long, appeared in front of everyone in this way.

The abbot's pupil suddenly shrank, and he held the beads violently, making a crisp noise.

In an instant, the audience was silent, which was heavier than before.

Everyone knows that the altar is extraordinary, it is the starting position of the entire final land, even the Supreme can not break in.

But some people can leave a sword mark there, which is more terrifying than killing the sword half fairy.

"A new kendo realm, or a new sword move!?" someone shouted, very excited.

"Who said that Yan Luoxian Zun Jianglang was exhausted? It's really quick to hit the face."

A bunch of sword repairs were very exciting, and their eyes were almost glaring out. They wished to go in now and watch the sword marks.

Pang Guxian looked awkwardly, with a strange look on his face: "This is his real strength, the swordsmanship."

Even he had to admit that he couldn't see through the sword just now.

The man-magic wise man and the man-god wise man looked at each other, and the two thought that they had found a master who could control them. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be a great god.

"Under the same realm, Heavenly Heaven Immortal Venerable, can you win him?" Yuyu Immortal Venerable asked.

The former lingered for a long time, although he didn't want to admit it, but the opponent's kendo was so amazing.

Those who can create a co-founder, which is not a peerless talent, has a supreme existence from the ancient times to the present.

"Kendo genius, you see, this is the genius that crushed several generations of evil spirits."

"No! Not a genius!"

"He is respected in Kendo and no one can beat him."

Da Yan Xian Zun, Tian Xian Zun Zun and Woody, all with cold hands and feet.

"Do not!"

"You can't let him go on like this, you must kill him!"

Da Yanxian Zun snarled, his eyes full of fear, and now Chu Yi, of course, could not threaten him, but once the opponent recovered his strength, he could not escape to death.

In particular, if the other party enters into the Supreme, there is no place for him to hide in the entire fairyland.

However, Wan Xinxianzun's soul is chilling. He looked at Chu Yi's sword just now, and he couldn't help thinking of Heaven's Punishment.

"Last life, I was afraid that he would take this step and make me interfere with his cultivation."

"I didn't expect that he still succeeded in this life!"

Wan Xin Xian Zun, the face as gray as death.

"Several, my heart is good, don't die dead, lest the teacher can't find the target to kill." Seeing the night, sneered.

"Woody, the day you betray the teacher, you must know that the retribution will come sooner or later." Luo Qingkong said coldly.

Wu Dibao smiled: "You are too happy to be too early, he has not recovered his strength, in the final place, he will die at any time, even after coming out, there will be many people who want his life."

"Okay, let's wait and see."


The faint sword marks disappeared quickly. The altar was mysterious and full of great energy. Even the supreme, don't want to destroy him.

Chu Yi received the long sword and looked towards the other side of the sword pavilion.

The latter fled and scattered, not even having the courage to look at him.

The long wind hunted, and the sword was still in the air.

The young boy with black hair and black pupils, with three long swords in his body, smiled at the outside world.

Three thousand swordsmanship, only me!

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