My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1028: I'm going to see him

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The immortal world is vast, the creatures do not know the geometry, and even the Supreme cannot know.

Even so, Yan Luoxian respected the new news, and it still spread like a storm. At least the powerful people above the realm of gods are known.

"Yun Luo Xianzun, you said that the king of sin land and the **** demon are the same person, or Yan Luo Xianzun!"

In Qingfengyu, Qianfan Sect's complexion changed suddenly. When he brushed it, he stood up from his seat. The majestic breath was not controlled at all and hit the Quartet.

"How can it be!"

"Yun Luo Xianzun, obviously dead, it is impossible to appear at all, how could it be the **** demon leader and the king of sin?!"

He had great fear in his heart, his expression was complicated and changeable, his scalp tingled, and the whole person was completely discolored.

But this news came from one of his friends. Now Yan Luo Xianzun appears in the final place. All the monks there have seen it and can be quite sure.

"It's over!"

"I offended him!"

He offended the **** and demon leader, that's because the whole fairyland repelled the **** and demon religion, not to mention, everyone believes that this **** and demon leader is just a deferred plan, a puppet.

But now, the **** demon has become Yan Luo Xianzun, at that time, crushed all existence.

Qianfan Sect Master had fought against Yan Luo Xianzun, and naturally knew what kind of demon he was.

"Do not!"

"My Qianfanzong, I will not be finished."

"He is the king of sin land, and this identity alone is enough to invalidate his identity as Yan Luo Xianzun, and other major forces will certainly shoot him."

Sovereign Qianfan comforted himself, but he was still very hesitant in his heart.

An ordinary life planet, the creatures here, are no more than a Taoist realm.

During the harvest season, people worshiped a statue of the Bull Magic Stone. According to legend, this statue of the Ox Magic Stone descended from the sky, bringing the harvest of the planet.

Suddenly, the image of the oxen stone shivered slightly, countless pieces of rubble rolled down from above, and its surface cracked.


The villagers were horrified to find that the statue of the bull demon came alive, with a bull head, a huge axe, and strong muscles.

"The teacher is still alive!"

"Mavericks, I finally waited!"

"My avatar is in the final place, maybe I can see the teacher first..."

Niu Mo rose into the sky and broke into the void.

At the Qingshuilou platform, one old and one young, still playing chess in confrontation.

The old man narrowed his eyes and sighed slightly: "The old man lost again. Before we played chess, one hundred rounds, the outcome was half and half. Now, you have 70% chance of winning, and the time of one round is getting shorter and shorter."

"Not enough, still not enough." He Feng shook his head. "Now, my deduction has entered a bottleneck. Fortunately, the avatars are in the heavens. More or less, they just wait for the avatars to come out."


Suddenly, the young man's complexion suddenly changed, and immediately after that, the old man's complexion also changed, and the two almost stood up.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, still alive?!" The old man stunned.

"He is the king of sin land, he is the **** demon leader, has been alive?"

He got the news just now.

Opposite him, the young man slapped on the chessboard, the chessboard rattled, hundreds of chess pieces were shaking, and the next second burst suddenly.

"it is good!"

"It's been hiding me for so long!"

What kind of talent he is, as long as there is a message, he can perform everything in a short time, especially his siblings, the expressions of gloating.

"Second Brother...Well? It turned out to be communication!"

The zephyr was furious.

At the headquarter of the heavens, the night sky shook with a tremor, because on one side, Luo Qingkong slowed down a step and was connected with the wind.

"Fourth, what, the teacher is still alive, I really don't know, I just knew it, and I didn't hide from you, don't you know how to deduce... you don't know, how could I know."

"Yes, Brother 2 knows, Xiaoqi also knows, Xiaojiu knows first."

Luo Qingkong shirk responsibility.

"Don't put a curse on me, old fourth, I tell you, I'm a good man anyway."

"It hung up!"

Luo Qingkong sneered: "It's really cool, the old Si Si usually controls the world, but now he is desperately corrupt."


Suddenly, a meteor hit his head.

"The oldest man, too careful, cursed me!"

He quickly took out Fu Mi and pressed it all over his body.


In the clouds, white clouds are scattered, and the cloud islands are rolling.

A small cloud island, a group of maids are washing clothes and washing dishes.

"Come on, these clothes are for the celestial ladies. They must be spotless, and the gems on it must not be damaged."

A middle-aged woman, with a graceful appearance, continued to scold.

"You, hurry up!"

"Do you really think you were the nine days ago Xuan Nu, but just the person who made the big mistake, if it wasn't for Xuan Nu that the princess sees you pitifully, and let you a waste person have a job, otherwise, you will have been killed."

The middle-aged woman sneered coldly as she said, and kicked Xia You.

The latter's expression narrowed.

"Still staring?"

"Unfortunately, such a beautiful person can't live for a hundred years."


A breeze blew through, but saw several young women coming, and the young woman took some clothes with a smile.

"Have you heard? I heard news from the Zhutian General List. It seems that Yan Luoxianzun was still alive and reincarnated successfully, and his identity has been exposed in the Zhutian Realm."

The young women talked.

"However, it is terrifying to hear that he is the king of sins and the **** demon leader."

"Those are all arrogances of the heavens, we will just look at them."

"Who said you are still alive?" Suddenly, Xia You stood up suddenly.

"Ah?" The young woman was startled and immediately angered, "We talk, do you have a small maid to interject!"

How big is the cloud, these top forces basically occupy a territory of the star field, not to mention, many people have not known Xia You for hundreds of years.

"Shut up!"

The middle-aged woman and several maids in charge here scolded you.

"Why, are you still guilty of thieves? Now that you have lost everything, you will grow old in a few decades and die in a hundred years. Even if the man comes back, would you dare to appear in front of him?"

"An immortal Venerable Yan Luo, a maid who just brushes the bowl, hum..."

The middle-aged woman sneered. Here, she is ordered by the current Jiutian Xuannv. Because there are backers behind her, several people are unscrupulous.

"I'm going to see him!"

Xia Youhuang stood up danglingly, his face pale and coughing constantly.

"On the contrary, you are a maid and still qualified to enter and leave at will?"

The middle-aged woman also has a cultivation base, which is the realm of Yuanying.


Suddenly, a bright glow broke out in Xia You's body, which turned into mottled water and directly flicked the middle-aged woman.

The endless fairy light fluttered from its skin, turned into satin, and the dress fluttered.

She coughed up blood and her face was rosy.

"You dare to resist!"

Several stewards acted together, but they were bound by Xia You in place, and then all turned into smoke.

Everyone is awe-inspiring, that middle-aged woman dare not breathe.

People who thought they hadn't cultivated suddenly burst into terrifying power.

Xia Youyu was a little bit disregarding her tired body. She screamed and the next second, a white cloud in the sky rolled, turned into a crane, carried her, and drifted away.


On the stars where the leaderboards are located, a powerful person looks strange.

Dayan Xianzun turned into another avatar, staring at the picture.

He wants to see, he wants to know, to what extent now Yan Luo Xianzun has reached.

Chu Yi left a small secret area and continued to walk on the road.

The stone path is mottled, the stone is messy, and it is covered with moss. Occasionally, some creatures can be seen infested. Very quickly, they are caught in bubbles, looking for opportunities.

"The bigger the mystery, the more behind, but the time has not yet passed, and the last part of the road has not appeared. You still have to wait."

Chu Yi looked at the outside world: "Everyone, next, is the next little secret, let us see what we will encounter."

He slammed the bubble and quickly entered.

"Yeah, what a coincidence. It happened to be a disciple of Wanshen Township."

"Ling Jue Xian Zun, let's bet, if they don't attack me, I won't kill them."

Ling Jue Xian Zun heard the words and almost tilted her nose.

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