My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1029: Killing Pantheon

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The small secret area, Jiuqu Yellow Water, rushed from the vast ground, and the waves were surrounded by a vast loess. Above the loess, there were only a few loose plants.

The yellow water of Jiuqu converges at the end of the small secret realm. There is a huge stone wall over there, like an axe, falling from the sky and falling into the secret realm.

Above the yellow water, there is a green lotus.

The green lotus contains buds, and the petals bloom slowly at a rate visible to the naked eye, revealing a glow inside.

This is definitely a treasure. After thousands of years, it has finally bloomed, and the entire small secret area is filled with floral fragrance.

Dozens of disciples in Wanshen Township approached cautiously, but suddenly, they stopped and looked back at Chu Yi, with a strong murderous intent in their eyes.

Because Chu Yi restored his appearance, it was Yan Luo Xianzun that year. Many of these young people only came to Daofu in those days. Naturally, they have never seen the true appearance of Yan Luo Xianzun.

"This Daoyou, please also go out, this place is already the territory of my godstown."

A swordsman smiled with a humble expression on his face.

"It's a lancet!"

In the car of the Wanshen Township, people walked out constantly, and one person recognized the disciple, and he was amazed in his heart, but immediately, it was fear.


"He is Yan Luo Xianzun, run away!"

The realm of psychic shouted, but there was no way to see what was outside.

These great powers already have feelings, almost no one will be Chu Yi's opponent unless the gang of evil spirits join forces.

This lancet is also a brilliant generation, but if you don’t get into the magic, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Chu Yi.

But by chance, he was going to break through here, and he met Yan Luo Xianzun.

"Brother, if you leave, I can spare you."

Chu Yi smiled, he stepped forward.

Many disciples of the Pantheon Town looked calmly. The lancet put his hands down and put a palm on the handle of the waist.

"Many strong men are trying to find a quiet place to make a breakthrough through breakthrough achievements. This is where I retreat. This Taoist friend is difficult for some strong men."

"However, I met you in person, the powerful generation of the fairy world, I have seen most of them, and I have the ability to remember."

He made a sound, and next moment, took out a bronze mirror.

"Blood soaring into the sky, it really is a sinner!"

The lancet shook his head, he took out the knife, toward Chu Yi, the next moment, the figure disappeared.

"Sword Shadow!"

Chu Yi's shadow suddenly burst into flames, forming a long-handled knife that split apart.


Chu Yi resisted with the palm of his hand, and the blade hit the palm, making a loud noise.


The lancet gave a slight meal, and the whole person was like a shadow, traveling through the void.

The inscriptions on his knife soared and collided constantly, and the amazing sound wave caused the yellow water of Jiuqu to boil and growl.

At the same time, many disciples from Wanshen Township gathered around and could come here, at least all the powerful infants of Yuanying Bajiu, forming a terrifying formation to crush the earth with a powerful attack.

This is a showdown without suspense, except that the powers of the fairy world are not optimistic about the side of the Pantheon.

Chu Yi thought of the royal sword with his gods. Wherever the long sword passed, each person's head was flying fingers on the piano keys, beating continuously.

The scene was so shocking that Xianzun and Tongshen in Wanshen Township looked at each other with wide teeth.

"People on the leaderboard?!" Liudao was horrified. Without any hesitation, he hurriedly retreated and abandoned this little secret.

Outside, the psychic realm was relieved. After all, with the talent of the lancet, in the future psychic realm, it would be considered a strong man, and there is no need to damage it here.

Chu Yi dealt with the body slowly and looked at the outside world again, laughing: "People in Wanshen Township, don't be too happy. Based on my understanding of your disciples, he will never give up so easily."

"Do you really think that I let him go, that was my intention, let him find more people."

"You you you!" The psychic gods of Wanshen Township were very angry. They wished to rush in and tear this kid apart.

on purpose? !

"What is he doing?"

I saw Chu Yi started walking around at the entrance.

"Everyone, now the Immortal Venerable teaches you how to pit people."

Chu Yi smiled and said, "There will be a lot of people waiting for the coming of God's Township. If I am lazy, I can only use various side doors."

"Look, this terrain, the arrangement of floating heart array, when it is the best, in this concave ground, another arrangement of chaotic heart array."

"Don't say I'm malicious, it's just a confusing formation."

"You also know that except for Kendo, all the other formation traps have only a trick."

Chu Yi took out a lot of materials.

"This is Soul Eater, oh, this is not related to the mind, but just a poison array. I have studied the **** pattern. This poison will inhibit the growth of the **** pattern. Of course, after my deployment, the **** pattern will be used as the channel. , Infected with poison mist."

"Relax, it's really not painful to die. If there is a Protoss who wants to die happily in the future, just come to me."

"Just nine thousand nine hundred spirit stones." Chu Yi blinked.

Outside, everyone was horrified.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, not only is the sword powerful, why is it so poisonous."

The toxic master was stunned, and even he had to admit that the other party would not be too far away from him in this course.

"These three big formations, once they break out and enter with magical power, it is difficult to save lives."

Everyone was speechless, but there was a chill in my heart.

This is because the opponent is not only talented, but also has extraordinary combat effectiveness, and the rest of the methods are not weak. This is the most terrifying.

And after going through the last life, this life, Yan Luoxianzun must be more cautious in doing things, plus many forces behind him, the relationship is complicated, and it is even more difficult to deal with.

Ling Jue Xianzun's expression suddenly changed, because he saw that there was a sharp energy fluctuation in that little secret realm, the entrance was broken, and a group of disciples from Wanshen Town rushed in.


"Go away!"

The power of Wanshen Township shouted one by one. Even if their hearts were firm, they could not watch their disciples die.

Chu Yi was sitting in front of the Yellow River in Jiuqu, and his eyes were surging. He naturally would not provoke others, but the people in Wanshen Township and Xitian Temple chased him for no reason.

Even the two major forces have joined forces and have killed many criminals over the years.


His thoughts moved, and the void formed. There was a terrible power bursting out here. Those disciples who rushed into the Wanshen Township broke apart one by one and exploded.

Millions of gods and disciples died, and Liudao stood shocked, stunned and trembling!

Chu Yi glanced, and a sword gas penetrated the opponent's sternum.

He was too indifferent, and his eyes were full of murderous intentions, which shocked everyone.

In the past, Yan Luoxian Zun opened a killing ring and beheaded hundreds of people. This is a naked demonstration!

"People don't offend me, I don't offend anybody." Chu Yi smiled, "I was thinking, besides a few stolen dog thieves, who shot in the dark, yes, and the sword pavilion. A lot of my Xianzun friends, Xitian Temple and Yunduan seem to have a lot of moves."

"Your disciples and descendants are in this final place. Rest assured, I will broadcast live and devastate them one by one."

This remark made all the outside forces change color.

"Amitabha, a person who should have died, lives in this world with a more sinful identity. Our Xitian Temple will definitely kill this son with all his strength."

The abbot said, very majestic, this is a statement.

Ling Jue Xianzun nodded, his eyes cold and indifferent.

"Yan Luoxianzun, unfortunately you are the king of sin land, and even the gods and deities can't protect you." The mysterious fairy in the cloud said, also meant to warn the gods and deities.

"The guy who caused the trouble." Pang Guxianzun had a headache. If Chu Yi could make peace with several major forces, they wouldn't go after him. Unfortunately, what Chu Yi said was obviously to get justice.

"Without my shot, those great forces are bound to kill him, well, very good!" Dayan Xianzun and Tianqi Xianzun smiled at each other.

There are a lot of powers waiting here, and even if Chu Yi achieves psychic power, it is absolutely impossible to leave alive.

In the small secret realm, Chu Yi looked at the green lotus. Suddenly, the yellow water of Jiuqu began to surge, and the river was whirling, constantly echoing, turning into nine yellow dragons, a huge dragon head, and biting him hard. Here.

The sky was torn and the river was turbulent. This sudden eruption made Chu Yi startled.

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