Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Mu Keer was unmoved, and those devouring insects bit the void, and then quickly flew over.

In front of Chu Yi, the eight-armed demon appeared, even more terrible, and there were already four arms glowing, just like the real demon, the runes circulated, killing the Quartet.

After all, Chu Yixiu is still at the level of Yuanying. He is strong because his realm of swordsmanship is too high. Basically, he is in the realm of God, and he may not be able to comprehend the eleventh heart sword.

But in terms of his mind, after all, it is not a special evil. The eight-armed demon collided with the soul swallowing insect. In a flash, it made a crackling sound. Although it was not broken in the first time, it could not kill the swallowing soul. insect.

Such terrible bugs were bred out of human souls. They are extremely horrible, seemingly beautiful, but full of horror.

"It's even more terrifying than the soul-eating insects I met in my last life. This nine-day mysterious girl is really poisonous and specializes in feeding this kind of insect."

In the last life of Chu Yi, he once played hands with Xuan Fairy. Although the other party has a soul-eating insect, after all it is extremely powerful, but in quality, it is far inferior to that of Mu Keer.

Mu Keer took a sip with a mouthful, and even spit out a huge spider web. Those devouring insects fell into the spider web, absorbing energy, and then quickly split, the number increased exponentially.

Eighteen flying swords emerged around Chu Yi, half of them flying in the moonlight and half in the sunlight. For a moment, they were picked from the sky like a moon and a moon.

Jianmang is like a white snake vomiting letters, the sound of hissing sound, breaking the void, and walking like a wind dragon walking, sometimes light like a swallow, and sometimes heavy like a mountain.

A sword click, or provoked, the whole building ship, Hanmang shot everywhere.

Chu Yi's swordsmanship is changeable. He does not have a unified style. In his eyes, the three thousand swordsmanship is his swordsmanship. The so-called swordsmanship style he controls is like a fish.

This time, he did not underestimate his opponents. Because of the existence of this level, the achievement of the psychic, even the first entry, is absolutely frightening. The veteran psychic strongman is not necessarily their opponent.

The tens of thousands of swallowing insects were also lining up, and Mu Keer meditated on the formula, and there were characters pouring out of her mouth.


Suddenly, the breath of the god's soul rose into the sky.

The two collided, Chu Yi was shocked and fell to the stern of the building, and Mu Keer fell to the head of the building.

Far away.

She was shocked in her heart that she was in a state of magical power. It stands to reason that winning a Yuanying baby was a breeze, but it did not succeed.

"God demon master, the yang energy is so full, your swordsmanship is full of yang energy, no wonder it can fight my soul-eating insect."

Chu Yi sneered: "The clouds are really degenerate, and even the Soul Swallower has been refined to such a point that it seems that you have a lot of human souls on your hands."

"This is not the main thing of the gods and demon religions." Mu Kerr was as bright as light. She moved step by step, breathing, and came to Chu Yi.

With long sleeves and good dancing, she is very enchanting, and her figure is blurred, leaving a residual image in the void.

Those residual images gradually solidified, and finally turned into nine figures, fingers like petals, tangled around, and the endless **** burst out.

"You just got into the psychic, the foundation is not stable, it seems wrong to use the nine-day formula."

As soon as Chu Yi's palm was squeezed, the Yin and Yang swords started automatically, and the sword came out. In an instant, the endless rivers burst open, and the water formed thousands of swords.

"You don't get into God, you control so many long swords, there is no power of the world, I think how long you can support."

Mu Keer didn't give in at all, and the two of them instantly confronted thousands of moves, and turned them upside down.

"With your heart, it is not worthy to be a nine-day mysterious girl."

"What is the mysterious girl, with good intentions and red dust in her heart."

"The first nine-day mysterious girl that year was to love a mortal."

"But a mortal can only live for a hundred years. Even if she uses many methods, the other party can only accompany her for thousands of years."

"After a thousand years, she was still young and beautiful, but he became a dust, and then the mysterious girl was heartbroken and made an oath, taking the cloud as an island, only for his year to see each other in the cloud."

Chu Yi shook his head: "Unfortunately, these years, the cloud has long forgotten this story, it is really sad."

"You are an outsider, what is the right to comment on my cloud."

Mu Keer's strength soared, and suddenly, as if he had changed a person, the tactics became extremely strong.

She flew up and pressed Chu Yi, pushing the other party out of the building all the way.

"You are not my opponent, you are not as good as me in a single energy."

How powerful she is, with nine days of phoenix dance, her dress fluttering and her eyes turning silver.

However, at this time, Chu Yi did not evade, suffered a blow, his chest snapped, and the whole person was beaten and flew out.

Mu Keer was about to be proud. Suddenly, her back became cold and she felt a terrible murderous force, locking her completely.

She looked down involuntarily, but she saw the surface of the river, not knowing when four huge vortices appeared, and the bottom of the vortex was full of murderous intentions.

That is clearly four huge eyes!


A big fierce stood up from the inside, walking upright, with his back straight, but with four legs on the ground, his hands like a sickle.

"Asshole, Lord Demon, you pit me!"

Chu Yi left a long way off the road and sneered: "You didn't pay attention and you blamed me. I don't take your dog's life this time. I keep it next time. Of course, the premise is that you can survive under the eye of that guy. "

It was an ancient beast with flaming flames, but there was not much spiritual wisdom, only the physical body was left to walk, but the strength of one body was comparable to the peak of Tongshen.

Mu Keer was furious.

"Cunning guy."

The ancient beast engulfed the building ship, and even the maids were swallowed into the stomach.

It roared up in the sky, its sharp voice pierced the void, and finally swallowed Mu Keer.

Chu Yi saw this scene when he left, but he was not at ease, with Mu Ke'er's strength, even if he lost his presence, he could at least escape.

"It's really dangerous. Such instincts, instincts are too strong, and hiding is too good. I wouldn't even find out if it was a reminder of Ba Bajie."

Chu Yi quickly left this secret realm.


The outside world cannot be calm. Although Chu Yi and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu did not win or lose, for them, it was the worst news.

Because Yan Luoxian Zun is still in the realm of Yuanying.

"His state is too high to make up for some of the gaps, unless more than two psychic shots, and must be the person on the total list, in order to kill him, otherwise, only let him escape."

Spiritual Immortal Venerable was cold.

He knew that since he had offended the other party, he must be killed before the other party grew up.

"Amitabha." The abbot frowned slightly. The stronger Chu Yi showed, the more uneasy they would be.

Chu Yi came out of the mysterious realm and started walking again. He practiced the devil and the omniscience. Shennian is not his specialty, but it is also powerful. Some mysterious realms can know the specific situation with a little sweep.

"Sinful Witch!"

Suddenly, a group of people screamed and rushed into a bubble.

Chu Yi's expression condensed and quickly followed.

I saw that in the mysterious realm, nearly hundreds of people were surrounded by a witch. The witch was a bit rickety, supported on crutches, and sat on the rock.

"The people of sin land are really daring. They ordered that the six sin land be used as prisons, so that you and your clan will be there for generations, and you will never come out forever. Unexpectedly, you dare to escape from prison."

It was a psychic, with a flame burning all over, holding a magistrate's order, as if in charge of the death of another person.

"Luo Han of the Lianlong Zong!" Some people muttered, envious in their eyes, the other party achieved the magic, almost no one except the peerless evil.

"The Dragon Sect has always thought of himself as the right way. And once, he cast a divine net and killed a lot of sinister demon."

"Brother Luo, why don't you wait with me to kill evil spirits?"

Suddenly, the mysterious realm was torn apart, but a few moments later, several figures entered, and the terrifying air, surging and surging, were all in the realm of spiritual communication.

"Guqin Fairy, Tianshi King, Chen Yan, no, it should be called Shuangyan King!"

The three of them came together, broke through the shackles, and entered into the magical spirit.

Luo Han bent over and smiled slightly: "Several Daoists, Luomou is fortunate to be able to demons and eliminate demons with you."

"However, this witch is not easy to deal with."

"It's okay, break his formation, kill others, refine his soul, and sacrifice to my fairyland." Tiens King shouted.

Upon hearing the words, Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became colder.

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