My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1037: Jianguang not accept

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The witch is very old and coughing constantly, as if he will die at any time, Chu Yi can feel that the breath of life in his body is passing away, obviously it has not been able to support it for long.

Heaven Court issued a decree that six continents were the land of sin. Countless Yan and Huang descendants could only stay in the land of sin for life and be punished.

They are able to go out, but they cannot leave the land of sin for too long, and the witch among them is okay, but they cannot go back for years.

This witch, apparently, has not gone back for many years, and the curse in his body has been killing him.

Chu Yi had studied in the land of sin that year. In the body of the descendants of Yan and Huang, there were no less than three curses, there was the curse of the powerhouse of the hidden realm, and the curse of the heavenly court, which were all punishments and terrifying.

Fairy Guqin Fairy looked cold, looked at the old man in disgust, then turned around but showed a gentle smile: "You, this old man, seems to be dying, although he is a witch of sin, but we also need to respect Old, give him a happy."

Luo Han praised: "Fairy Guqin deserves to be kind and kind. He treats this kind of prisoner with a heart of love, but there is a formation to maintain near this witch. If we want to break through, we need to join forces."

Tiens nodded and strode forward: "I am all for the purpose of communicating with the gods, the mana is boundless, and dealing with him, but now, the most critical thing is to use him to lead the king of sin."

Chen Yanying: "This is the truth. Only when the king of sinful land is removed, the whole sinful land will be settled down again, instead of coming out everywhere and forgetting the identity of his sinner as he is now."

"We are not criminals, nor criminals, just humans." The old man said, the wrinkles tightened as his mouth wriggled, and he kept lingering, what seemed to be hiding in his arms.

"Sin and punishment are a matter of fate. What are you, a descendant of sinners, to discuss."

"And what treasure is hidden in your arms, take it out and see."

Tiens King's eyes pointed to the strange shape of the other party.

"Everyone, join forces quickly to break through the formation and kill the evil spirits."


The four of them shot directly, all of them were magical powers, and all were geniuses of the first level. Looking at the entire fairy world, they were able to rank in this generation.

However, at this moment, a long sword lay in front of them, resisting their attack.

The old man suddenly raised his head, his turbid eyes surging, and the objects in his arms seemed to sense something.

"God of God!"

Guqin Fairy and others were surprised, and their faces were stunned.

Tiens King's hair was upright, but he was immediately overjoyed: "Everyone, this is a good opportunity. This **** and demon leader has not entered the psychic god. The four of us will be able to kill the **** and demon leader!"

Fairy Guqin, Chen Yan and Luo Han were all a little bit excited.

"Slaughter the earth, destroy the devil, this is the best gift for us to enter the realm of God!"

Luo Han froze all over his body, which condensed on his back and turned into an ice gun, making him look powerful and sturdy.

His small world spread out of the body instantly, and the invisible energy wrapped the world. The next second, the snow drifted here, and the snow was an ice gun, full of sharp edges.

Many monks are envious. They still stay in Yuanying. They want to become a psychic. I am afraid that they have to wait for several years. Not all monks can achieve it in a short time.

This is also the difference in talent.

"I practiced the Dragon Sect, used dragons as prey, hunted the dragons, and used them for cultivation. Brother Luo really had the arrogance and style of my sect. I dare to call the **** of the plate **** and demon face-to-face!" .

The Dragon Refining Sect is also quite famous in the whole fairyland, but it is the Second Grade Sect.

However, his voice just fell, but he heard a crackling sound. The whole person was pumped and flew out. Several teeth fell to the ground. The face on the right was swollen and blood was flowing.

At this time, Chu Yi stood in front of him coldly.

"How can it be!"

Luo Han was shocked. It stands to reason that his small world is around. As long as the other party enters, he will be able to react, and in his small world, he is invincible.


Everything is too fast!

In the end, is he a psychic, or is the **** demon master achieving psychic?

"The Dragon Refining Sect is blacker than the Demon Race, trafficking in human beings, and forging human puppets forcibly, destroying them."

Chu Yi said coldly, he did not frown, he learned what they had just said, and issued a decree.

"Why are you!"

"I am better than you."

Luo Han suddenly shrunk his pupils and his hair fell upright. He wanted to recede, but he couldn't move his soles at all. He only felt his throat hurt and was pierced by a sword. The horrible sword gas directly invaded his body world. Strangling Yuanying and destroying Daofu.

This happened extremely quickly, making Guqin Fairy and others silly.

You know, Luo Han is a supernatural being, even if it is slightly inferior to them in strength, it is absolutely impossible to be easily killed by a Yuanying infant.

The people who suffocated the fire, even the outside world was horrified. The master of the dragon-dragon sect was a gloomy fairy venerable. Originally, there was joy in his heart. Expecting several people to join hands and slay Yan Luoxian in front of the entire power of the fairy world. Respect, unfortunately contrary to wishes.

"He is too strong, I still remember, Yan Luoxianzun, the flesh of the previous life is weak, I did not expect this life to make up for the shortcomings."

An immortal statue exclaimed.

"He is already a swordsman with his words and deeds. If he reaches Tongshen, apart from a few evildoers, no one is really his opponent."

Pang Guxian Zun is also speechless, just because Chu Yi's realm far exceeds this level, and can already be comparable to Xian Zun.

Yuanying kills the gods, which is light, but from ancient times to now, how many people can do so easily?

"Another resentment, Amitabha." The abbot said lightly, but everyone heard the murderous intention.

On the Dapeng bird, the mist diffused, and finally revealed the true face. It was a hundred Buddha statues, filled with qi, sitting on top, with a golden light.

"Golden Buddha Formation!"

Ling Jue Xian Zun's gaze condensed.

"This kind of formation method is born, when the Yan Luo Xianzun comes out, I am afraid that it will be killed in an instant!"

This is a deterrent. Xitian Temple has been kind to people for many years and has not shown its edge, but this time, it seems that it is intentional to show its strength.

Many people are worried, once Yan Luoxian Zun came out, how to escape?

Xi Tian Dian, already determined, wants to exceed each other.


In the mysterious environment, Guqin Fairy and others were horrified.

"God of God and Demon, why do you, you are God and Demon, and you will not be squeezed out of the whole fairy world, but the other party is the land of sin, you are like this offended the entire fairy world."

Although Guqin Fairy was terrified and shocked, she said softly.

But Chu Yi didn't take care of her at all. Pieces of metal rolled up on him to form a Yanhuang suit. When his palm opened, the sword of Xuanhuang appeared.


"The king of sin land, he is the king of sin land!"

Because this is the treasure of the King of Sin, but it is an artifact that ordinary people cannot get.

The **** demon is the same person as the king of sin land?

Chu Yi ignored it, but walked respectfully to the old man, kneeling on one knee.

The old man had tears in his eyes, and finally stretched out his arm. In his arms was a scented candle. The candlelight was solemn, and the flame rose, like a cry from the end of countless creatures.

"King, I am the witch of the dead earth, bringing the spirit of our ancestors."

The flames were surging, hula, turned into a fire dragon, and fell into the mysterious sword.

There were more lines on the sword's body, which were shining brightly.

"I should go, it's my pleasure to see the king."

The old man's body began to leak, the skin sag sunk, and finally turned into a human skin, which fell to the ground.

The only person in the dead soil is the soul of the god, he just walks in the fairy world with the help of a skin sac.

Chu Yi put away his skin and turned back, his cold eyes seemed to pass through the soul of everyone.

Guqin Fairy, Chen Yan, Tiens shocked, their eyes were horrified.

Chu Yi looked up to the sky and seemed to look to the outside world: "You, you should have seen. My sword, carrying the flames, does not turn over the sinful land, and the sword does not receive light."

"Heaven destroys you!" The outside world, the Sect Master of the Dragon Sect, said angrily.

Chu Yi seemed to feel something, and smiled slightly: "Then I will be turned upside down!"

An inch of cold mansions, a sword of light.

The Xuanhuang sword came out of the sheath, and in an instant, a yellow flame burned the sky.

This war shocked the outside world.

The three Tongshen joined forces and even lost, even saying that there was no power to resist, and they were all beheaded.

Chu Yi dragged his long sword, the tip of the sword was bleeding, all the way from the secret realm to the mottled ancient road.

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