My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1040: Celestial pillar

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"It seems that my identity has been exposed, but fortunately the vastness of the land, they know me, but not everyone knows my appearance."

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie went on the road again and went to the second half of the ancient road.

On the way, he heard the news of the split between Wan Xin Xianzun and Woody, broke through a secret realm, and went directly.

This is a big world, extremely extraordinary. As soon as Chu Yi came in, he could feel that the rules inside were very complete, and he even had sufficient aura, fearing that there would be indigenous people living.

"Feng Zhou is said to have been destroyed by some mysterious force, and it is probably the dead substance, but why did it turn into so many small secret areas?"

He was confused, but along the way, there were some more compositions in his mind, and there was a faint feeling. This altar, thousands of ancient roads, countless bubbles, combined together, as if it were a shocking array.

"Is the person who sealed the week, suppressing the dead substance, or the dead substance, born because of this battle?"

Chu Yi moved forward. There are many monks in this small world, but their faces are in a hurry.

"Kunxu Cave appeared!"

"Rumor is that it is the ruins of chaos. Many creatures were the last place of escape in the chaotic era. There were corpses of chaotic creatures, various treasures, and even eight precepts!"

This is a terrible news, but it is from the Son of God and the Buddha.

They found this secret area and found the traces of Kunxu Cave, so almost all the monks ran to this side.

Of course, I am still looking for an entrance.

"The legendary Kunxu Cave is about to appear. It seems that this life must be different." Chu Yi was a little dignified.

This secret realm is too large. Some people find that it actually connects to the other ten secret realms. There are many strange monsters in it.

He found a period of time, in addition to collecting some treasure medicine, but still did not find the figure of Wan Xinxianzun and Woody.


Suddenly, he found a valley, and the valley looked down from the top. It was a place where dragons and phoenixes interlaced. The mountains were like dragons, and the water was like a phoenix.

A stone stick appeared at the place where the dragon and phoenix met.

Above the stone sticks, there are some strong men with wings, which are surrounded by flowers.

"Heaven of Heaven!"

Chu Yi looked far away, but saw the disciples of the Holy Land of Heaven and Man, with many strong men, worshipping.

"Prisoners are trapped!"

Chu Yi saw this formation at a glance. Once these formations were completed, the entire small secret area was afraid that only talents from the Celestial family could enter. They wanted to swallow the Kunxu Cave alone.

The Celestials are no better than the Protoss, but naturally they have extremely special places. Their wings are where the fighting power lies. And the royal family of the Heavenly Man Holy Land is very proficient in the formation. This is a talent engraved in the heritage.

Chu Yi did not block his own picture. This scene was also seen by the outside world. The heavenly sage of the Heavenly Man family was a little embarrassed.

"Kunxu Cave is a great opportunity. If people of the Heaven and Man family want to enjoy it alone, I am afraid that some snakes will eat it."

The fairy fairy sneered.

The other Xianzun's complexions are also not good-looking.

The God of Heaven Sage is here, and when he heard the words, he only opened his eyes: "You, those who have the treasure, why do you care?"

"Kunxudong is not a simple treasure." Lingjuexian glanced at him, and now their group can't wait for Chu Yi to directly destroy the opponent's formation.

"No, that's the pillar of heaven and man!" The abbot suddenly said solemnly, and then looked at the heavenly saint unexpectedly. "Unexpectedly, you are really at ease in this holy land of heaven and man. I brought all these artifacts into it. inside?"

"How much is paid, how much is the benefit, abbot, we are not easy."

Heaven Sage bowed and smiled.

"Even if Yan Luo Xianzun saw it, it would be useless. No one could destroy the pillar of heaven and man. This was what the heavenly court rewarded in that year. The holiness is extremely high and represents the highest glory."

"This old guy!"


Immortal Venerables of many forces have poor looks. Once they are swallowed by the Heaven and Man Holy Land alone, the entire Heaven and Man Holy Land will become the supreme existence, second only to Heavenly Court.

This is something that all parties are reluctant to see.

"Good guy, even the Pillar of Heaven and Man has moved over. It's really amazing. The Holy Land of Heaven and Man has always come out."

"Good... grab..." Pig Bajie saw the treasure and his eyes glowed, but it was an artifact, how precious.

Chu Yi thought for a moment, and took the pig bajie to walk towards the valley brightly and arrogantly.

Around the canyon, there are many celestial beings in the celestial holy land, and there is also a realm of communion, but it is a little old, and it is obviously only a recent breakthrough to psychic.

Here, there are many other monks who want to get into the valley and have a glimpse, but they are all stopped.

"Everyone, this is not your sacred place of heaven and man, and it cannot be monopolized."

A monk opened his mouth, and many souls responded, fearing that the Heavenly Man Holy Land would find Kunxu Cave.

The old man of Heaven and Man slightly opened his eyes: "My family of Heaven and Man, do whatever you want. This is strength, so why not explain it to Seoul."

The old man looked at the crowd and suddenly waved his hand. Suddenly, he thumped, and more than thirty coffins landed on the ground.

"It's just that the old man is good at making coffins. If you don't want to go anymore, then live in the coffin."

The old man smiled gently, and took some white flowers, and placed them on the coffin.

The atmosphere is a bit gloomy.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "There are not enough people, you are here, there are more than 30 people."

The old man looked at Chu Yi and smiled: "This coffin is naturally prepared for you."

"You can't say that, this is for people who don't know the current affairs."

Immediately, Chu Yi looked at the old man again. "I heard that there is a mental method in the Holy Land of Heaven and Earth called the Great Compassion. It is slow to practice and even reduces the lifespan. But once it reaches the god, it will be extremely scary."

"And in this generation, there seems to be only one person who can practice successfully, that is, the Mukong in the holy land of heaven and man, and it is on the top of the list."

The old man quickly arched his hands: "Dare not be."

"Your vision is extraordinary, what is your origin."

Chu Yi smiled: "God of God and Demon."

"The King of Sin!?"

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

For a while, everyone looked at Chu Yi with trembling eyes.

Chu Yi also hands over: "Dare not dare...are a little nickname, not enough."

Whether it is people in the holy land of heaven and man, or a group of monks of all ethnic groups, everything is shaking.

Such a legendary figure appeared in front of them.

"I don't know if I can enter in my small capacity?"

The old man Mukong got up, and the coffin was taken away again by him. He said in earnest: "Three identities, no matter which one is eligible to enter."


"You can also enter." He looked at dozens of monks again.

Mukong leads the way, and Chu Yi follows, and a group of monks looks at Chu Yi in surprise.

Even a female monk summoned up the courage to shake hands with Chu Yi and almost embraced.

This is a pioneer of kendo.

Approaching, everyone's face changed, and finally no longer concerned about Chu Yi.

The stone stick looked into the sky and looked like it was so huge, it looked gray, but the lines on it radiated a golden streamer.

Below the stone sticks, ninety-nine disciples of the Heavenly Man Holy Land are neatly organized, presenting a circle, sitting in columns.

"This is the holy weapon of my family, the pillar of heaven and man."

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Mukong Daoyou, you invited us to come in, it seems not to watch the pillar of heaven and man."

Mukong sighed: "I also want to invite you to simply watch, but Kunxu Cave is of great importance, so even if Yan Luoxianzun came, I would have to kill people and kill my mouth."

"But anyway, I have prepared the most luxurious coffin for Yan Luo Xianzun."

Everyone suddenly changed color.

But Mu Mu was awe-inspiring, and a stream of light did not enter the column of heaven and man. The image of heaven and man stretched out his wings. In an instant, the terrifying pressure, like the sky turned upside down, rolled towards the crowd.


Everyone's heart thumps, and the so-called **** is the supreme, but the supreme of the heaven and the human race, will be called the god.

Mukong nodded: "This pillar of heaven and man was cast by the shadow of the ten gods, which is equivalent to the power of ten gods."

"Yan Luoxianzun, I know that you are not your opponent. You are too scary to fight with you outside. You have no chance of winning. I can only invite you inside and kill with **** town."

Mukong backed away and pulled a distance away from Chu Yi. The next second, a **** with golden wings, really manifested from the pillar of heaven and man and fell into the void.

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