Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Everyone looked away, only felt the brain concussion, deafness in both ears.

That is the god, the **** of the real heaven, the supreme of heaven.

Although it is only a phantom, but the momentum alone will definitely not be much worse than the gods.

He stood in the void, his face blurred, only to see a few outlines, a golden body, and holy wings.

"Tianting should also solicit the souls of all ethnic groups. I think this is the supremacy of the Tianren family in the Tianting. There are at least ten in this. How terrible this Tianting is."

Chu Yi knows some secrets, and he can also calculate how many supreme gods there are, but Heavenly Court is too horrible. Just showing a corner is enough to overthrow all fantasies.

He remembered the Yanhuang family, the six major sins. According to Yun Sheng, during the peak period, there were hundreds of Supremes of the Yanhuang family, and even the Patriarchs of the Yanhuang family, beyond the existence of the Supreme, this can command the fairy world.


Above, the **** ghost shadow, what a horror, standing there, crushing the void, rumored that a god, how important, if you do not control yourself, just fall on a planet, the planet will be crushed.

The majesty is so powerful that almost everyone can't open their eyes.

Outside, many great powers are also gazing. This artifact of the Heavenly Man Holy Land is too special. It is related to the Heavenly Court and allows them to see the secrets of the Heavenly Court more.

The people of the gods and demons did not blink.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, this is just a ghost image, and God has not come down, and this is a rare opportunity. If you can withstand such coercion, the Dao heart will become stronger."

Chu Yi laughed, "You have a **** in your heart, you will be afraid, but what is a god? But it is stronger than you, but it has been more years of practice than you."

"God will also be injured, and God will fall!"

"What's more, with their power, they can't urge all the functions of the artifact. At most, they use the power of God to suppress me."

"Look at him, but not wings, but flesh and blood, but ants!"

Chu Yi shouted. His eyes were like swords, and he looked directly at the gods. The pressure on him was increasing, because the **** also looked over.

Everyone was so shocked that almost all of them could reach this level. They were all geniuses with extraordinary insights. No one had spoken before. Now, under the circumstances of life and death, they can only listen to Chu Yi's words.

Dozens of people opened their eyes and even opened their eyes.

They looked directly at the gods, their eyes looked like a torch, and they seemed to penetrate the gods.

The celestial column buzzed.

"Look at God, by the way, you can strengthen the Tao heart, refine the flesh, and expand the mind!"

Chu Yi laughed loudly, his eyes fluttered, the eight-armed demon appeared, constantly absorbing the divine power.

Mukong was furious: "I waited for the ants to dare to face the gods, this is a death sentence!"


He spouted a bit of blood and landed on the pillar of heaven and man, the mottled brown light flashed, and the pillar of heaven and man rotated.

On it, a **** riding a unicorn ran out of the pillar.


Divine prestige doubled, and overwhelming, the monks bleed one after another, screaming, their hearts are even more fearful, and some parts, can't help but crawl on the ground.

"The blasphemy, die!" Mukong snorted, showing his hideous face.

"What a unicorn is nothing but a horse, what gods are nothing but a family of heaven and man."

Chu Yi was under great pressure, as if carrying a mountain, but he still stood on the spot and honed himself continuously, his spine never bending.

"It's all a ghost image transformed by God's thoughts. For me, observing the statues can enhance my Dao Xin and God's thoughts."

The eight-armed **** and demon became even brighter, and a new arm lit up and radiated light.

Even, Chu Yi also used the heaven and the universe. His idol, centered on himself, spread out in all directions, like a huge sky net, to catch the gods.

Pig Bajie flew up, without fear of coercion, kicked the gods on horseback on one foot, mounted on a unicorn and shouted with joy.

Below, countless people were uplifted. Those monks were already bleeding in their eyes, but after seeing this scene, they clenched their teeth one by one.

"God will also be kicked off the altar!"

Chu Yi originally wanted to destroy the holy land of heaven and man. By the way, we can see if he can take away the pillar of heaven and man. But he did not expect that he used these gods and thoughts to improve his own mind.

Heavenly Demon Vientiane was originally an extremely terrifying exercise. Chu Yi had never been in control, but at this time, Heavenly Demon Vientiane finally revealed its terrifying ability.

The silk thread formed by the Dao Nian thought, as if alive, kept intertwined in the void, making his divine thoughts go far and far.

"you guys!"

Mukong was furious. He rose to the sky and reached a certain height. He inserted a dagger into his heart and took out a mouthful of blood.

The blood penetrated into the pillar of heaven and man, and his face was pale and crumbling.

But the pillar of heaven and man became brighter, and this time, two gods appeared directly.

One is a female, and one is a **** and man who looks like a child.

As soon as these two gods appeared, a group of monks collapsed and knelt down on the ground. At this moment, it was difficult to get up.

The gods are like mountains, even if they are disciples of the heaven and human race, it is difficult to maintain the formation at this time, they can only bow down first.

Kneel down, prostrate to the ground, bow your head, you can't see, only in this way will reduce stress.

Zhu Bajie was sent out by Zhen Fei and landed on Chu Yi's shoulder again.

Chu Yi's Qiqiao bleeds, and there are bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

The surface of his eight-armed demon began to crack.

"Shiver, feel the real divine power! Yan Luo Xianzun, you are just Xianzun, not a **** opponent, all blasphemers, kill no amnesty!"

Mukong bowed his head, but he was still cursing.


Chu Yi shouted, "In my heart, there is no demon, no Buddha, no god."

"I am the devil, I am the Buddha, I am the god."


There was a huge vortex formed by the heavens and monsters, and there were tens of thousands of threads of God's thoughts, even at this moment, it turned into a four different images.

It punched out, and all ten gods were defeated. The column of heaven and man roared and shook.

"You blasphemy!" Mukong got up angrily.

"God wants to destroy me, I will kill God."

"After all, I will become a god!" Chu Yi shouted, flew up, and stepped on the pillar of heaven and man.

"Dare you!" Mukong coughed up blood, and his blood was used to urge the artifact, and his ability was a little inadequate.

This time, he abandoned the flesh, leaving only the Yuan infant, and the flesh turned into blood directly, smashing the entire column of heaven and man.

In an instant, on the pillars of heaven and man, ten gods hunted, and the majestic majesty seemed to manifest itself.

"Zhu Bajie!" Chu Yi shouted.

Pig Bajie looked up.



Chu Yi smiled insignificantly: "This pillar is engraved with a shadow of the gods. It is the least to be blasphemed. It is too difficult for us to conquer, it is better to destroy it directly."

"What kind of artifact is nothing but a condensed divine shadow, not a real artifact."

Pig Bajie yelled, very excited, and immediately untied his pants.

Chu Yi smiled shyly at the outside world, but was dissatisfied with his movements. He also unbuttoned his pants.

Two streams of heat washed down from the top.

All the great people can see this scene, and they are all dazed. There are many female human monks, and their cheeks are flushed and their face slightly changed.

"Sorry, let you feel inferior." Chu Yi laughed.

Everyone's face was black.

Ye Tian and Luo Qingkong turned directly, not wanting to admit that this person was their teacher.

The celestial sage of the celestial family was immediately stunned, and then furious.

"Big blame, those who blaspheme will be struck by thunder!"


Sure enough, a lot of thunder appeared in the sky, but instead of chopping towards Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie, it was chopping towards Tianrenzhu.

This is because the **** above is unbearably insulting, provokes Thunder, and destroys itself.


The endless sky thunder landed, and the shadows of the gods one after another with a smell of urine angered and destroyed themselves in the thunder.

They are gods and cannot be blasphemy.

Chu Yi looked at what had become an ordinary pillar of heaven and man, and lifted his pants.

"I estimate that these gods are all Virgos, isn't they just being peeed on them, is it necessary to destroy themselves?"

He sighed.

Below, all the people of heaven and humans vomit blood, Mukong immediately fainted to death.

Many monks, seeing this scene, have long been unable to speak.

This is Yan Luo Xianzun, **** and demon leader, king of sin?

However, some monks reacted and admired them.

Who dares to pee gods?

Throughout the ages, I am afraid this is the only one.

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