My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1042: Hurt each other

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The outside world was still and silent. Even Pang Guxianzun twitched in the cheeks, hoping to abolish the leader directly.

Who would be so shameless, came up with such a method, peeing in public, you know, Chu Yi knows that many outsiders are watching this scene, and the result is so blatant.

The heavenly sage roared with grief and indignation, his beard upturned, the violent winds rolled, and the flames burned.

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

"It actually damages my family's artifacts and desecrates the spirits!"

"Stinky boy, I am incompatible with you!"

He was really angry. After all, it was an artifact gifted by Heaven. He had great power and placed it in his hands. Then he could fully exert the power of the artifact.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by someone, and it was destroyed by urine.

What an insult this is, even if the opponent uses Kendo to destroy it, but it's just peeing.

Heavenly saints burned flames all over their bodies, and the terrible coercion shocked everyone. The present leader of the heavenly man holy land, I am afraid, and the strength of the spirit of the Immortal Venerable are all between the two.

The Heavenly Sage originally sent the Pillar of Heaven and Man and knew that it was likely to be snatched away, but with his strength, when the other party came out, he could easily take it back, but no one could think of it and was destroyed.

This is an artifact, this is glory, which represents the recognition and commendation of the heavenly courts for their holy land.

"Shenmojiao, pay me the artifact!" Tiansheng was angry and looked at the godmom.

"It's all about us. Your counterfeit artifact is too fragile. If you look back, you can find one above." Pang Guxianzun sneered.


The heavenly saint smiled angrily.

How mysterious the heavens are, he has no contact at all, and now he can only comfort himself. This **** and demon master will definitely die.


"Cool, really cool!"

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie were satisfied, and walked out of the valley under the strange eyes of everyone.

"Teacher, how should I call you?" But for a moment, a flying bird landed in front of Chu Yi, slowly changing, and turned into the daughter of Tianfeng Ding Li.

She has a complex look.

Chu Yi seemed to have noticed that the other party was nearby, and was not surprised: "Shen Demon Sect did not deny my identity, so you will be my leader."

Chu Yi wanted to pat the other person's shoulder. Ding Li bit his teeth and stepped back, embarrassed.

"Why, it seems you don't admit it?" Chu Yi asked.

"No." Ding Li gritted his teeth, was it difficult, "Teacher, I just saw you peeing on the artifact..."

"Just, you don't seem to wash your hands."

"Cough..." Chu Yi coughed loudly, but fortunately he was shielded from the outside world, otherwise he would be joked.

He settled, condensed out the water, and washed his hands again, and Ding Li's expression softened.

She was dressed in a red dress, tall and tall, full of breasts, revealing a small part, and there was no trace of flaws on the snowy neck.

She moved closer to Chu Yi: "Master, in fact, I admire Yan Luoxianzun the most. I didn't expect you to be, it would be better."

With a big hand, Chu Yi swept the other person directly into his arms: "Then let you feel the temperature of Xian Luo Xianzun."

The beauty is in her arms, the fragrance is tangy, and her bones are full of flesh.

As soon as Chu Yi's arm was pressed hard, Ding Li's head was screwed down, but no blood dripped.

Her body slipped out with a grunt, no head standing, but the next second, she began to wriggle into a figure.

Not Ding Li, but Yu Xiqing.

Yu Xiqing looked at Chu Yi with a stern look and stomped his feet: "Master, you are so annoying, people are girls, almost killed by you."

"However, how do you know that I am not the daughter of Tianfeng."

Chu Yi smiled: "Her breast is bigger than your incarnation, and the shape is different."

Yu Xiqing's complexion sank: "It seems that the leader is not a good man. Observe."

Chu Yi raised his head and raised his head: "I am called to observe the subordinates, but if you do anything, you are not afraid that I will kill you."

"I'm in the gods, you can't kill me." Yu Xiqing smiled confidently, her eyes seemed to have a peculiar energy, and the whole body exuded a strange fragrance that had not been seen before.

She rolled her eyes, "Master, I knew you were Yan Luo Xianzun, so I'll read the Kendo Master more times."

"But rest assured, I won't hit your mind now."

"Kunxudong was born. This time, it is absolutely impossible to escape. Whether it can be found is just a matter of time. And the major evils have begun to use all means. I am afraid they can be found in the near future."

"I want to invite the leader to join me in the Kunxu Cave and win the chance."

Chu Yi pondered: "It seems that you know some news."

"Shenmojia naturally has internal information, but the leader doesn't know." Yu Xiqing smiled teasingly, and did not hide it.

"In the Kunxu Cave, there is one of the eight commandments of anger, rumors, anger words added, you can open an endless violent mode, Xianzun can slaughter the god!"

Chu Yi was awe-inspiring. He and Zhu Bajie had the power of "eating law". Even if he exposed his identity, he never dared to expose the eight commandments, because it was a matter of great concern, and it would attract the supreme attention.

Nowadays, the power in Zhu Bajie is still evolving, and Chu Yi is absorbing and constantly improving. Naturally, he knows what a terrifying power this is.

Yu Xiqing didn't notice the change in Chu Yi's expression, and said, "Naturally, not only that, but also the traditions left by the legendary gods and demon ancestors, as well as the originating flames of the Tianren race, and even the chaotic liquid, etc. treasure."

"And I know that the entrance is hidden under a stone, which is three feet wide, gray, with light shining on it... Why do you look at me with weird eyes, who made you a puppet leader, Otherwise, you can get related news."

Chu Yi looked weird: "Look at your feet."

Yu Xiqing looked subconsciously, but saw that he was stepping on a rock.

"Three feet, no more, no less, gray light, and also presents a special shape...I think it should be the entrance of the Kunxu Cave." Chu Yi pointed.

Yu Xiqing paused for three seconds: "Ah!!!"

She shouted sharply, her voice piercing the sky.

"Master, your luck is so good, I was thinking that a king of sin, plus the **** demon master, and Yan Luoxianzun, will definitely be the first to find the entrance."

Suddenly, sounds of broken air sounded, and then, dense figures appeared all around, all wearing masks.

Yu Xiqing laughed and said: "Master, I'm so sorry. I took advantage of you. The screaming just now was just a signal."

"Although this group of people can't kill you, it's enough to trap you. How big is this mystery, and the final place can't be far away from Shennian, please invite you here to chat with my subordinates, I will first Enter, if there is something good, I will piggyback on you."

Yu Xiqing smiled cunningly, but she was very charming.

Chu Yi touched his chin: "It's really hard to deal with. How can you swallow it alone, it's not as good as everyone."

"Useless, here my subordinates set up a formation method, which is difficult for outsiders to see."

Chu Yi thought deeply, but suddenly, in his palm, the black vortex energy suddenly appeared, and a punch hit the rock.

Yu Xiqing did not stop: "Useless, with your power, it is impossible to show Kunxu Cave all."

However, as soon as the words fell, the whole ground was already trembling, and the gray rock burst instantly, forming a black hole.

A cold and cold energy burst out from the inside, but in an instant, it filled the entire secret realm!

Yu Xiqing was dumbfounded.

Chu Yi grinned: "You don't have to be polite, I'm worried about you. This kind of place is too dangerous. Let everyone enter together to resolve the risk."

In fact, before entering the valley of the holy land of heaven and man, Chu Yi noticed the anomalies nearby.

Because of the swallowing power in his body, he began to surge, as if he had found something that echoed it.

He determined that there must be other eight commandments nearby.

And this punch completely used the power of swallowing to move the rhythm inside!

This movement is too huge. The black hole continuously emerges and expands, directly exceeding a thousand feet. Behind the black hole, it is a huge island, only one corner is exposed, and the black hole is connected. The rest of the place is in the void. .

"Kunxudong, born!"

Not far away, a strong man shouted loudly.

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