My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1043: Enter Kunxu Cave

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The movement here is too great, the black vortex spouts energy frantically, and the whole secret area begins to shake.

Like a volcanic eruption, it was just a spout from Kunxu Cave, which was rich and extremely aura, almost making people think it was a chaotic stock solution.

The corner of the island is exposed, mottled and engraved with peculiar symbols, as if thousands of creatures are singing, dancing and offering sacrifices.

Those creatures seemed to recite the scriptures.

This is just a corner of Kunxu Cave, but it is shocking, as if it really came to the chaotic years.


"Kunxu Cave!" The abbot can no longer calm down, many immortal venerable men, each with dignified eyes, revealing greed, but unfortunately they are outside and cannot enter. I am afraid it is the heavenly court, and it is difficult to enter in large scale, otherwise it will be messy rule.

The Xuan fairy groaned with complex eyebrows: "Rumor is that this is the last place of refuge before chaotic fragmentation...According to historical records, chaotic fragmentation, countless chaotic creatures will die, even the supreme level will be destroyed, and that era In order to avoid natural disasters, many great powers do their utmost to create a Kunxu hole as a defense."

"I'm afraid this is the most powerful magic weapon, all the powers of the entire Chaos join forces."

"Unfortunately, still dead... With the chaos broken, everything is scattered."

The first Xuan fairy in the cloud is rumored to have entered Kunxu Cave, only for a short time, so it can only bring out some simple messages.

This is a place of refuge and a burial place for the gods. Now I go in, I am afraid it is a tomb.

But this is enough to shock a fairyland. If you can take out something from it, it will be extremely powerful.

"Fortunately, Kunxu Cave is not in the hidden realm."

At their level, they already know some secrets. There are fewer creatures in the hidden realm than in the fairy realm, but the average strength is far higher than that in the fairy realm. This is why the fairy realm was defeated.

"Kunxu Cave will eventually be born. We also took a look at how wonderful it is."

Many great powers are waiting for the birth of Kunxu Cave. In their expectations, many years of deductions have not been in vain.


Yu Xiqing glared at Chu Yi fiercely, gritted his teeth, and walked back a long distance.

With the energy exploding from Kunxu Cave now, it is not the time to enter.

Chu Yi also retreated, watching from afar.

The sky and earth changed color, the blood sun turned horizontally, and a splendid crescent moon did not know when to rise.

Relative to the sun and the moon, the scene is astonishing, forming a huge colossal pressure, so that this small world seems to be broken.

"Will come back later! This is a great opportunity to be able to spy on the Supreme Secret."

He Feng stopped and looked from a distance. At this time, the heavens were in chaos. He didn't dare to probe easily.

"Is this Kunxu Cave really the last refuge of the gods."

Rao is not afraid of Xiahou Chengtian, but also a little counseled.

The humming wind sounded from the black hole, like tens of thousands of beasts roaring.

In one place, the Son of God and the Buddha stood quietly, like two stone statues. Their eyes looked at Kunxu Cave from afar.

"Rumors say that the bones of my **** clan's ancestors found the remains of their ancestors in the Kunxu Cave, and they can directly prove that the demon religion is a fallacy." The Divine Son calmly said.

"Amitabha, my Buddhism, is rumored to have originated from a bodhi tree in the chaotic age, and finally took refuge, rooted in the Kunxu Cave."

Both eyes were burning, and they were both waiting for the last time to come.


Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie stood, he wanted to open the sky eyes, but let alone the sky eyes, even Shen Nian could not detect it.

The aura there is too strong, many symbols manifest, and I am afraid that the Supreme is useless.

However, Chu Yi still did not give up, not to mention the things in Kunxu Cave, even the Kunxu Cave itself is the most terrifying weapon.

He forcibly opened the sky eyes, reflecting the shape of the sword shadow in his pupils.


In my mind, a buzzing sound, countless weapons rising into the sky.

He saw this scene. Every weapon was an artifact, and it was a world of creation. Those waves, symbolized as layers of giant waves, like the sea, surrounded the entire Kunxu Cave tightly, leaving only one place. Entrance.

Suddenly, the entire Kunxu Cave seemed to come alive. Although he had no eyes, Chu Yi still felt that Kunxu Cave was staring at him.

The horror almost made him think he was going to die.

He quickly closed his eyes. In his mind, Kunxu Cave was closed layer by layer. When he opened his eyes again, Kunxu Cave was still like his eyes, only the symbols were flying.

Suddenly, under Chu Yi's feet, there was a loud noise, smoke, and a stink.

Chu Yi's hands flicked away, his wrist turned, and Shen Nian manifested as two thick arms, which passed through the soil and shot directly to the ground.


The dirt turned over and the pieces rolled, as if something was swimming underneath.

At the next moment, the land was clamoring and the whole piece turned upside down.

A faucet came from behind Chu Yi.

Zhu Bajie immediately photographed the past, the two collided, the void exploded, and Chu Yi took the pig Bajie and kept retreating.

He glanced at him suddenly, and then there was a trace of shame on his face.

"It turned out to be two seniors. Why didn't they come out and say hello to me so that the younger ones can pick up the two."

Not far away, two figures, one black and one white, appeared slowly.

Although they are all human shapes, Chu Yi still feels it. This is Taikoo Kanlong and the demon king.

Although Chu Yi was laughing, the sweat behind him permeated slightly, anxious.

How come these two guys!

He also cheated the opponent's exercises, and now come to the door, he is definitely not an opponent of the two.

The devil's dark face and teeth grinned and said: "Boy, you didn't expect it, there are two lotus seeds under the nine-turn green lotus. I and the two of them used the two lotus seeds to refine the divine thoughts and cast the avatar. Although it is far less powerful than the deity, it is more than enough to kill you."

Chu Yi laughed and said: "Then congratulations to the two, who can come out, and just happened to be born in Kunxu Cave, which is a great opportunity."

The white-skinned Taikoo Kanron sneered: "Yeah, it's a great chance. So, we would like to thank you for failing."

"No need to thank, really don't need it. In fact, I found this Kunxudong. If the two of you want to thank, then you have to give us the last two layers of those two exercises."

The demon stared: "Good boy, he is so thick-skinned, and he still remembers our exercises. I'm afraid you have a destiny and no use."

"The devil, why bother with him, catch him, help us unseal the seal, we kill him, and then enter the Kunxu cave with our deity."

"It was really bad to be teased for the first time."

The two shot at the same time, this time without hesitation.

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie shouted.

"It's over. Why are you so unlucky? I met these two guys here."

He used three long swords to escape the opponent's attack, and then looked at Kunxu Cave, and once he gritted his teeth, he flew towards the hole.

Immediately, many people saw it and it was all a meal.

The time and space around Kunxu Cave is chaotic and very vague. Everyone cannot detect that it is Chu Yi, only knowing that someone wants to break in early.

"It's really dead!"

"Now break in, I am afraid it will be smashed."

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie looked dignified, if they were not chased by the Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong, they would not go to this step.

They shot at the same time, and the engulfing power in their hands was transformed into a soft white light, which burst out with one punch and one hoof.

Compared to the huge hole, they are too small, and the punch seems to have no strength, like hitting the water.


At the next moment, there was a slight noise inside, and there was a mottled **** road that extended all the way from the depths and fell on Chu Yi's feet.

"Can you enter?"

"Yes, this is not to enter in advance, but to test the qualifications of the entrants. They are powerful and approved by Kunxu Cave before they can enter in advance."

Chu Yi embarked on a **** road and rushed into his brain.

At this moment, when he looked back, he saw the Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong, a little slower, but also led a path and followed closely.

"Why chase me!" Chu Yi shouted and ran faster. Fortunately, the distance between the two parties was not too close, and it was impossible to catch up after a while.

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