My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1046: After the shadow

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi stood in the corridor and looked up. On the ceiling, there were dense symbols. It was similar to the existence of lighting. When he thought about it, he could make these ceilings light up.

"The direction has completely changed."

He carefully sensed that the previous eight precepts were still in front, but now they are around the back.

Of course, this is not that the Eight Commandments are moving, but that it seems simple here, but there are terrifying space techniques that create a maze.

At each step, it is possible to trigger the organ, so that it appears in other places.

"Trouble, this level of labyrinth, unless it is dedicated to the deduction of the power, otherwise at my half-hanging level, I am afraid it will be deduced to hundreds of years later."

Chu Yi had a headache. When he practiced the Tai Chi Sect in the last life, he was not very interested in this course and had a serious partiality.

Although this life is okay, it must not be used here.

The levels of the two are too different.

Therefore, he and Zhu Bajie can only judge the distance by induction and keep trying.

There are many rooms, but Chu Yi didn't dare to open it at all. Who knows what creatures live in it, and those strong men, if they leave a grudge, they must be terrified.

One person and one pig can only walk along the corridor.


Suddenly, Chu Yi heard a scream, a door in front of him was kicked open, and the figure rolled out.

"I'm innocent, I just watched you fall into devil, so I saved my life!"

"What do you do, you clearly opened your mouth to me, what do you kiss me!" There was a woman's roar inside.

"Oh, isn't that anxiety, so he said it."

Chu Yi looked strangely at the person in front.


"Huh? Brother, I finally saw you, ha ha ha, I told you, I found my wife, I kissed her, and I will be responsible for her in the future."

A figure came out of it, and a woman slapped it on the fat man's head.

"If you want to die, you can say earlier, Miss Ben should be kissed by the pig."

Chu Yi looked at it, and saw a silver-haired girl in front of him. The girl was extremely delicate, grinning at the fat man and pulling his ears.

"Miss Ning, long time no see."

Ning Youxie glared at Chu Yi fiercely: "It's not a good person, I'm still wondering, how could someone squeeze Miss Ben from the list of heavens, it turned out to be the famous Yan Luo Xianzun."

She was dissatisfied, but there was not much hostility in her eyes.

"Daughter-in-law, don't make a fuss. My brother will joke when he sees it." The fat man was cheeky and wanted to touch Ningyou's little hand.


Ning You shook her head and returned to the room.

Chu Yi thought about it, and followed.

The fat man hurriedly closed the door, but heard the outside, and a loud sound rang out.

The two looked dignified, and Chu Yi was puzzled.

"What is the situation?"

Ning You sat on a wooden bench, and she no longer concealed her daughter's body, long hair and waist.

The whole room is clean and tidy, with a round Daopu, except for nothing else.

"It's just some mechanical puppets outside, but you can understand it as a cleaner, but for foreign creatures like us, once they are seen by these cleaners, they will be cleaned up."

What she calls cleanup is killing.

Chu Yi nodded, after all, this is a place of chaos and power, naturally extraordinary.

"However, why are you all here?"

Chu Yi asked that although he was the first to enter the Kunxu Cave, he was chased all the way by Taikoo Kanlong and the Demon King. In fact, he did not come here in a straight line, so he spent a lot of time.

The fat man sat shyly next to Ning You, and then said, "After our group entered, we came to the beach, and were originally looking for the entrance to the mountain. Suddenly, the wind was violent, the sky was dim, and the sea water poured up, Immediately afterwards, a bone appeared."

"Many people walked here along the bones and found this intriguing ship in their mouths."

"But as soon as I came in, I lost my way. This room was found in a hurry when we evaded. It was safe."

Ning You spoke, her eyes were silver and white: "As far as I know, many people have died, most of them were eradicated by cleaners."

"You don't know the direction?" Chu Yi looked at Ning You. During the ancient times, Kunxu Cave was opened. He didn't believe it. No one from the Nine Nine Lands came.

After all, even monks appeared in Qiantian Temple, which was the predecessor of Xitian Temple.

He believes that several top forces absolutely know some of the secrets of this Yinshen Tower, otherwise, the Son of God and the Buddha will not go to the sea and guide so many people to follow.

Ning You was seen with a guilty conscience. To be honest, Yan Luo Xianzun was still her idol.

"Well, I do have a part of the map, but the labyrinths here are changeable, and we can only play while walking."

"We are connected by divine thoughts so that it is not easy to be transported to different places."

Ning You said that after a while, everyone left the room directly.

There was a **** smell in the air, and the places where the mechanical puppets passed left a long blood stain. The blood stains were not completely dried up. Apparently someone was killed and found by the mechanical puppet.

"My mother-in-law, it's so scary here, I might as well not come."

The fat man shuddered, and he was terribly dead.

Suddenly, a whirlwind exploded from behind several people, slashing swords and shadows, cutting into several people's throats.

Chu Yi raised his sword and blocked all attacks.

The fat man grunted and rolled to the feet of the two figures.

"Two seniors, you quickly rescue me, this demon hijacked me and my daughter-in-law."

The fat man hugged the devil's feet.

The devil said with a grin: "I didn't expect it would be ashamed to wait for a genius like you, and to hook up with another's daughter-in-law."

"Heart is not correct, disguised as a Buddha, it is even more magical than me."

Taikoo Kanlong and the Demon King chased after Chu Yi, and he didn't get sick.

"Two seniors, please help, I am a disciple of the Nine Netherlands." Ning You Chu Chu pitiful.

The two just came over and did not understand the situation.

However, the devil sensed: "It is indeed the land of the Nine Serenities. I saw your ancestors back then, and I taught him a set of exercises."

"You are the predecessor of Taikoo Kanlong, my grown-up said, we are world friends." The fat man was very excited.

"Are you?" Swire Kanlong looked at the fat man.

Behind the fat man, a moonlight rose, and Taikoo Kanlong shocked: "Moon Shadow Body!"

"Unexpectedly, this generation of Moon Shadow Eucharist turned out to be a boy, fat boy, you get up first, I really have a relationship with your ancestors, and the relationship is not small. At that time, we were deadly friends. , The vicissitudes of the sea."

Taikoo Kanlong finished sighing and looked at Chu Yi: "It seems that today, you can't run away. Without me, you can't survive here. Go out with us."

"Look at the sword!"

Chu Yi was furious, a sword pierced, Jianhua little bit, arrived in an instant.

Taikoo Kanlong was about to be intercepted. Suddenly, he saw his feet hard to move.

But the fat man urged the cold water to freeze his feet and the demon's feet.

At the same time, Ning You opened his mouth, and a dark petal fell into an endless flame, trapping the two.


"Let's deduce a good road."

"No problem!" Ning You chuckled.

The fat man grinned: "Is my acting just now good?"

"Two seniors, stay slowly."

Chu Yi had already talked to Fatty and Ning You, so when he saw these two enemies, he immediately acted and unexpectedly trapped the other party in place.

The devil was furious: "Asshole, actually deceived this king!"

Taikoo Kanlong also gave an angry roar. They tried their best to break free, but they had spent several hours waiting to get out of the predicament.

"How can the human race become more and more cunning, more cunning than during the ancient times!"

Taikoo Kanlong was badly corrupted, and they were teased again and again.

"Quickly and quickly rehearse to find out where they are, this king will tear them up!"

Several people left Chu Yi quickly. They walked continuously according to the map, avoiding mechanical puppets.

But with a bang, Ning You suddenly passed into a room and disappeared.

Chu Yi looked at the empty room and looked at the fat man, because they came to the place where they just met the devil.

"Is pitted!"

"She dumped us!"

"Sure enough, none of these days' arrogants are good to deal with."

"Fat, you see clearly, this is the shadow!" Chu Yi's face was black.

The door is closed.

Opposite Chu Yi, the Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong walked slowly, with a greasy smile on their faces.

"Boy, look at where you are going this time."

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