Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Devil King, Uncle Kanlong, look at this. You protect me in the Kunxu Cave. After I go out, I will help you lift the seal."

Chu Yi said with a smile, how terrifying the incarnations of these two supremes are, with his current cultivation practice, it is impossible to overcome. If you can have two people standing on their backs, it is definitely walking sideways.

"Boy, don't think..."

The Demon King was about to reject the evil, but he saw Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie rising from the sky.

Chu Yi stabbed with a sword. Behind him, the dense long sword like the Milky Way waterfall, the Changchuan hung horizontally, and nearly a thousand long swords went straight away.

Zhu Bajie played a supernatural power, and a little light fell on the long sword, making Chu Yi's long sword soaring.

The Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong were at a loss, and the two changed color at the same time.



"Now humans are more cunning than the ancient goblins!"

They dare not underestimate Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie, especially Chu Yi's swordsmanship, which is glorious.

Both are supreme, and it is impossible to see the curvy roads inside.

They were shocked that the outside world's swordsmanship had actually developed to such an extent.

Chu Yi's long-handled sword formed a hanging sword river. The sword river was mighty, and the sword was like a fish, a vortex, and a rock.

Sword formation, this is already a very deep state, and it is also the foundation of the eternal sword domain.

Of course, with his cultivation practice, once the Eternal Sword Domain is displayed, I am afraid that Yuanying will take the lead in collapse.

The premise of the eternal sword domain is originally based on the small world in the body. Without the small world, it is impossible to exert a state.

Although the Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong are avatars, they are the strongest weapons.

Two people punched the sword river one by one.

Chu Yi's sword moves changed, and in an instant, the sword array that was originally white and blank, there was an instant flame burning.

The flame formed, turned into petals, attached to Chu Yi's sword.

Pig Bajie swallowed the mountains and rivers, punched a punch, and the dragon flew.

"Boy, how dare I use my Fu Shen Lu to deal with me.

"Let this king teach you what a real **** is!"

Taikoo Kanlong also grinned abruptly, his belly bulged, and he exhaled a breath of dragon, which turned into a roaring dragon.

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie shined at the same time.

The two collided, and this piece of void was clattering, but it was not broken. Obviously, the space on the pavilion was not simple.


Chu Yi turned around, the blood in his body was boiling, and the roots of his hair became flames, as if he had turned into a demon.

This is the second layer of Fu Shen Lu.

Zhu Bajie also performed the second layer of the Swallowing Skill.

"The devil, Taikoo Kanlong, you are old! This world is ultimately the world of our young people."

Chu Yi was extremely arrogant. This time, he even abandoned the sword way and fought with Fu Shenlu.

"Stealing Ben Wang's exercises, but also want to deal with Ben Wang!"

The devil was furious, his posture changed, and the fire of extinction turned into wings.

They were fighting, Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie naturally fell into the disadvantage.

But the Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong were frightened by the Vietnam War, because this man, a pig, had realized two peerless exercises to such a degree in such a short time.

"not good!"

"The devil does not use Fushenlu, we have been deceived, which is tantamount to feeding them!" Taikoo Kanlong's face changed suddenly.

The demon king raised his head fiercely and saw Chu Yi's smiling eyes.

"Boy, you play us again!"

Chu Yi sincerely said: "I really didn't play with the two seniors. I really study. If you can't get out, we can take your inheritance out."

"Who are you cursing!" A bone spur appeared in the palm of the Demon King, and there was an immortal burst on it.

Chu Yi's scalp tingled, dodge quickly, that bone spur directly penetrated the floor.

"Two, say something well, don't use your hands." A straightforward fat man probed his brain.

"Fat man, you shameless man, I will treat you as a junior. It seems that the Moon Shadow family is also lonely and as mean as human beings." Taikoo Kanlong was indifferent.

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie looked at each other, thinking about how to escape.

At this moment, two footsteps sounded from behind them.

"Brother Chu, long time no see."

"Or Yan Luoxian Zun..."

Chu Yi looked back, it was the Divine Son and the Buddha Son, but the Divine Son at this time, some baby fat face, the Buddha at this time, slender body.

Their temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, and their cultivation practices have become deeper and deeper.

"Great." Chu Yi praised inwardly, he estimated, I am afraid that in this life, the Buddha and the Divine Son will be more terrifying than the Nine Heavens Xuan Nu, the three young masters of their gods and deities.

Because once the gods and goddess of the west and the heavenly temple gave out arrogant words, the gods and buddhas of this world should surpass the former Yan Luoxianzun. After experiencing the heavens, they might be able to break Chu Yi’s record and achieve the fairy ancestry within a thousand years.

"Peerless person, this life is really not simple." Chu Yi's eyes flashed.

Suddenly, he walked over, bent over and respectfully said, "Brother Divine Son, Brother Buddha, you are from the Pantheon Township and Xitian Temple, but they are well-known and decent. Now I am being hunted down by a fierce and a demon king, please show me Helping hands."

When the Son of God flew, the Buddha looked at the Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong, his face suddenly changed.

"Sin obstacles, so rich devil qi!"

"Dare to scold us for being innocent. It turned out to be the people of the Pantheon Township and Xitian Temple. No wonder there is no one in the eyes, and they have killed!

The Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong didn't keep their hands, and in an instant, the void began to crack.

The Divine Son and the Buddha Son have reached the realm of divine communication. What kind of horror is there between them, there will be endless brilliance between them, and the gods and Buddha will accompany each other to fight the enemy.


The space was quiet first, and the next moment, the terrifying waves rolled away like a volcanic eruption.

Chu Yi's eyes flickered, followed by Kendo, and while the space was broken, he found a way.

"Everyone, see you in the future." He grinned, took the fat man and the pig bajie, turned and entered a corridor, and disappeared.


Seeing this scene, the Demon King, Taikoo Kanlong, the Son of God, and the Buddha Son couldn't help but scold.

Several of them are here to fight for your life and death, the culprit escaped!

Outsiders, the monks of Panshen Township and Xitian Temple were so angry that their teeth tickled. They wanted to rush in on the spot without killing them. They just beat Chu Yi.


In the pavilion, Zhu Bajie's perception became stronger and stronger, and they broke into a room.

Inside the room, there was a pile of bones, which was obviously a behemoth.

"Senior, we have no hostility, just pass by."

Chu Yi took out three incense sticks and ignited worship.

These rooms cannot be entered casually, and it is likely to encounter horrible undead creatures.

Once you enter, you also need to worship.

After the worship of Chu Yi, the corpse turned into powder, but there were bone patterns slowly flowing, reflected in the void.

The owner of this corpse is a fierce beast, the bone pattern records his time.

Chu Yi and others watched carefully, and faintly shocked when he saw the corner of the chaotic age.

In the end, the bone pattern turned into a streamer, which was detected by Zhu Bajie, and then walked slowly along the wall.

"Keep up with..." said Zhu Bajie's milk voice.

"He may have contact with your clan and know what is happening here." Chu Yi was determined.


"It's really exhausting to miss Ben... Finally got rid of those guys."

Ning You wiped a sweat, holding a map in her hand, continuously deducing calculations, and finally came to the top floor of the pavilion.

She smiled with a smile: "This Yinshenlou, but there are eight commandments manifested, all major forces have records, but this time, I was still captured."

"The maps in the hands of God and Buddha are not complete without me."

Ning You smiled slyly. Her map was not from the Nine Nethers, but was discovered occasionally by herself from a secret realm.

She opened a door, then froze suddenly, and saw three faces.

"Daughter-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time." The fat man smiled wryly.


Ning You closed the door and opened it again, but still those three faces.

"Damn it!"

She was covered with black lines.



The split of Wan Xin Xian Zun and Woody also came to the last passage.

"What I have in hand is from the court of heaven. It is naturally more detailed than the maps in the hands of those powerful forces. I am afraid that even the Son of God and the Buddha can hardly find it here."

Wanxin Xianzun and Woody looked at each other.

"Tianting is very optimistic about the Northern Xuan King. This time, after getting the Eight Commandments, it allows us to watch the three days of the original mark."

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