My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1048: Lone Emperor and Swordman

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Outside, there was a lot of tranquility, but a lot of power was just about to move, and I wished to rush in immediately.

"This is a huge baby!"

These monks were stunned one by one. Through various pictures, they saw various treasures.

In the room, there are the supreme bones, the magic medicine of the age of chaos, many artifacts, and even the long-lost exercises and mental methods.

There are even countless chaotic stock solutions.

"In the age of chaos, supreme came forth, immortal venerable everywhere, it was a truly bright age, and treasures were everywhere."

The abbot said, with his heart, he could not bear greed.

"In the old days, the chaos was a disaster. The strongmen of all parties built the Kunxu Cave, and then built ninety-nine Yinshen Towers to attract the evils of the strong people of all races."

"This wealth that attracts God Tower is probably more terrifying than my Xitian Temple."

This is so amazing, but unfortunately they can only see and cannot get it. Even the Son of God and the Buddha, dare not enter these rooms easily, and can only choose some more ordinary rooms.

Even so, the wealth inside is extremely amazing.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, where did you go!"

Everyone is looking for, but unfortunately there is no other person's figure.

"The surnamed Chu, can you not follow me!" Ning You airway, using escape technique, the body turned into a green smoke drifting away.

In fact, Chu Yi does not need Ning You to lead the way at all. They have that golden streamer, which is faster and more convenient than Ning You.

"Daughter-in-law, don't deduce, keep up." The fat man grinned.

The latter rolled his eyes fiercely, but he was equally shocked.

A few moments later, several people came to a rooftop on the top floor.

It is very wide here, but the ground is bumpy and uneven.

The entire top floor is an octagonal. On each horn, there is a beast-god statue, with a strange shape, but all of them are broken up by half, as if cut by some sharp weapon.

Chu Yi looked up, his eyes were shocked, unspeakable.

But I saw two very tall stone statues in the center, which were humanoid figures.

One of them is a woman, and the one with her is a huge skeleton.

The volume of the two is more than one kilometer, and the top of the head almost touches the top of the pavilion.

The woman was wearing a battle armor, her teeth were biting on the skull's shoulder, and a jade hand broke the skull's chest.

In the armor of the skeleton, there are two huge sapphires in the eyes, staring at the woman, and a broad sword inserted into the woman's abdomen.

"It's two supremes, fighting here, and finally faced off for tens of thousands of years, and turned into a stone statue."

Ning You sighed, there was a sadness here.

"No, Yinshenlou is a product of the Great Destruction era, in order to lead many creatures to Kunxu Cave, why would anyone kill each other?"

There was a flash of light in Chu Yi's mind, and he always felt something was wrong here.

At that time, even the supreme must be self-defeating and had no time to take care of others.


Suddenly, Zhu Bajie whispered, and he staggered over, gently touching the stone statue of the woman.

It is crying, tears are falling, like finding a close relative, but it has been several times ago.

Chu Yi was shocked.

"Could it be said that this humanoid woman is the mother of Zhu Bajie, a horrifying creature from the chaotic age, and at the last moment, sealed the pig Bajie."

The stone statue of the woman was so tall that Zhu Bajie snuggled at her feet, pitifully.

It searched for a hundred years, and in the end, only one dead stone statue was found.


Suddenly, the woman's stone figure moved, and a teardrop slipped from her eyes.


"Not a tear mark, but the original imprint of the law of anger, hidden in the eyes of Zhu Bajie's mother."


Ning You swallowed her saliva and was about to step forward. Suddenly, she was horrified.

When the original mark fell to half, the skeleton stone image moved.

Two huge blue eyeballs projected light, shining on the original mark, and directly fixed it in the air.

"The descendants of the Lone Emperor's family are still alive."

In front of the hazy original mark, a figure appeared slowly.

It was the skull, but at this time, it was only two meters tall, holding the original mark in one hand.

"I didn't expect it, I still didn't kill it."

The skeleton was rotten, but he was wearing the momentum that would overwhelm the sky. He was projected from the two huge blue stones.

His voice was very obscure, and it was still Yuyuan language at first, but after speaking a word, it became a modern fairyland language.

Chu Yi hurried forward, holding Pig Bajie in his arms, looking up and looking away.

The skull is black, and only the tail bone is golden, giving birth to a short tail.

It is said to be a skull, but strictly speaking it is not. The surface of his bones is covered with dense scales, like a pangolin.

Near the spine, some sticky carrion remained, and a thick liquid continued to be secreted.

"What is the lonely emperor?"

Chu Yi questioned loudly, no matter how tough the other party was, because it knew that it was the obsession of Zhu Bajie and wanted to find his home and relatives.

The skull chuckled, and the upper and lower rows of teeth collided constantly, making a disturbing sound.

"It turns out that this era is already ignorant."

"What is the lonely emperor?"

"The Lone Emperor's family, because the Lonely Emperor's family, inherit two precepts and have a mission..."

"However, for you, needless to say, let this history completely disappear in the years, the truth will never surface."


In the eyes of the huge skeleton stone statue, two blue bursts shot towards Chu Yi.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton flew down.

His ribs bounced up one by one, buzzing, turning into lances and swords.

Pig Bajie was distraught, staring at the stone statue of the woman.

Chu Yi's head was sun and moon, because the fat man also cast the Moon Shadow Eucharist.

He had the resources, and even practiced to the third picture. The moonlight became even brighter, and there was really a round of moon-raising, which began to rise slowly.

"Sun and Moon Eucharist!"

"Hahaha, I laughed to death. The Sun and Moon Eucharist is a man and a woman, and the combination of Yin and Yang can only give birth to offspring to achieve the true Eucharist. It seems that this generation, even the Sun and Moon Eucharist will disappear."

"I greet your eighteen generations of ancestors!" The fat man was furious. He sacrificed a pendant, which was like moonlight, and merged into Chu Yi's attack.

The sun and the moon manifested, and the mountains and rivers reversed, directly smashing the skull attack.

But the other side was not afraid, the tailbone was shiny, and a big snake was born.

The snake was covered with mucus all over, and it fell from the sky, almost thousands of meters long.


Chu Yi avoided the snake head, the snake head penetrated the void, and appeared from behind Chu Yi.

Ning You's scalp is numb, how solid the void is here, even if she can only break a short section, but this big snake can shuttle freely.

This skeleton was supreme during his lifetime, but even in the chaotic age, even the supreme corpse will rot for the most part, and it is impossible to leave combat power, but the other party still did it.

Obviously, he is more terrifying than the average supreme.

Chu Yi was in a hurry. He was not touched by the snake, and apparently avoided it, but the surrounding space, like a blade, directly broke through his physical defense.

In an instant, flesh and blood were blurred.

This is a big disaster, he wants to fight a creature from chaos.


Serpents shuttled and appeared constantly, and the space rolled like waves.

Chu Yi raised the sword, and suddenly, he hacked it out.

The long sword is tangible, but the sword gas is invisible. The dense shadows of the sword traverse the sky and directly attack the two huge blue stones.

Chu Yi knew that the skull appeared because of the blue gem.

The skeleton was silent, but suddenly, it was shocked. I saw that the two gems enough to withstand the endless years began to crack under Chu Yi's sword.


"Are you a swordman?"

"The descendants of the Lone Emperor clan found the swordman?!"

"Do not!"

The skull projection disappeared, but the horrified cry still echoed around.

Kaka Kaka!

The blue gem turned into a powder, and immediately afterwards, the huge skeleton stone figure also began to collapse, even with the woman's stone figure, also turned into fragments.

Chu Yi was stunned.

He is not an opponent of the Skull, so he wanted to try to break the blue gem, but he did not expect that after using the basic sword skill of fusion, he succeeded so easily.


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