My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1050: Devour everything

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The light of darkness surging, like a viper hidden in the dark, waiting to move.

This mysterious and terrifying feeling made the little saint and Wan Xinxian all change color.

Their backs were cold, and they felt like they were being targeted by demons, but they couldn't detect it.

"What means is this?!"

Wan Xinxian was terrified, and his special avatar was formed by the condensed heart light.

This time, thousands of avatars entered the realms of the heavens in the realm of Yuan infants, and then they became one again, creating an avatar of the realm of gods.

They didn't know that Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie used the power of the partial law of food to escape into the void and needed some means.

This is their first exposure, but no one has recognized it yet.

"The saint strengthens!"

The little saint's whole body of light rose sharply, the cloak hunted and hunted, turned upside down, and turned into a fuzzy figure. It is rumored that this is the ancestor of the Tianren family.

In the Holy Land of Heaven, the reason why there are little saints is because these generations of little saints have awakened some of their ancestors.

He has a saint body, three pairs of wings into six pairs, and is growing madly.

He was holding a scimitar, a holy weapon, and in his hand he was already able to exert half of his power.

In fact, even if there are artifacts in the body, in addition to certain special functions, in terms of combat power, it is not as good as the holy artifacts or even half-holy artifacts.

After all, the artifact cannot even be fully urged by Immortal Venerable.

The fat man and the pig bajie stopped the three psychic gods, the fat man had many magic weapons, and he was all baby, even with a mechanical puppet on his body.

And Chu Yi, will face Wan Xinxianzun and the little saint.

The little sage came with a knife, his body muscles soared, and the blue muscles on his forehead appeared. From a younger brother, he became a fighting state.

He is like a diamond, like a yaksha, his face is deformed, and the saint behind him is like a demon, constantly changing his form.

Chu Yi didn't care about this kind of evil spirits. After achieving the spirit, all of them were invincible.

Chu Yi exhibited the Demon King's Fu Shenlu, and the flame of extinction was like a petal, which was open all over him.

He used this technique to provoke the voice of the gods and demons.

In an instant, the lines of gods and demons appeared on his arms.

At this time, Chu Yi, the flames burning all over his body, flashing a tingling black light in his eyes, breathing, just like a roaring **** and demon.

One hand is a god, the other is a demon, and the flame is turned into a spear and a long knife.

"Although you are the Immortal Venerable Yan Luo, you are still the king of sin, or the **** and demon leader, and eventually become a demon."

The little sage saw Chu Yi's physical change, full of magical energy, and smiled disdainfully.

Although he hated his face, it was a sacred breath.

He rolled up with a knife, and the nine golden rings on the handle clashed, causing space fluctuations.

This knife cuts through the space, drawing storms, generating electricity in the void, and obviously this holy weapon is related to space.

At the same time, Wanxin Xianzun spit out a streamer, as if a sky soldier was cheering and cheering, the sky light landed and roared.

Chu Yi's fists slammed away, and the flame of extinction immediately turned into a demon and directly collided together.


The top floor of the pavilion shook, but no fragmentation was seen.

Even the gravel of those statues has not been rolled over. After all, the one who died here is at least the level of the Immortal Venerable.

Chu Yi was shocked by the power of terror and turned a few heads. He had to admit that even if he was already extraordinary in this life, he faced the two psychic realms, especially the little saints in the holy land of heaven and man. Enemy, too hard.

After all, the power of the world in the realm of God is too different from the true unit.

The little saint's body turned around and easily removed his strength, steady.

He didn't pause, pulled up, scimitar like a moon, cut through the sky like white snow.

Wanxinxianzun is an avatar, so help the little saint with auxiliary means.

His heart turned everything into an endless mental attack, wave after wave, making it difficult for Chu Yi to gather energy.

Both of them are old-fashioned, seemingly disdainful, but not careless, and obviously studied the fighting characteristics of Chu Yi.

The little sage was extremely fast, and every feather on the six pairs of wings was shaking, and a few landings appeared in all directions of Chu Yi.

His knife was just a stroke forward.

In an instant, it was like a thunderstorm, a blade of wind, and a blade of blades roared.

Chu Yi's hands were lying across his chest, the gods were fierce, and the lines on his arms were resisted by swords and guns.

A bang.

His body was smashed out hundreds of feet, tumbling continuously, and finally fell on the fence fiercely.

Around, a piece of space is broken, but the pavilion has not changed at all.

This leads to the Shenlou, I am afraid and the artifact is equivalent.

"Sage Seal!"

The little sage chased after victory, leaped into the air, head down, behind him, the saint phantom made a heavy seal.

Above the mark, there are temples undulating, and creatures bow down to the Holy Mountain.

"What Yan Luo Xianzun, I have studied your kendo, in front of me, your kendo is useless, and the kendo is gone, the rest of the means, but I am."

"Meeting today, it is you who died, I was born, and made me a unique leader!"

The little sage is so powerful that his wings cover the sky, and under the mark of the sage, he is like a pilgrimage object, clean and sacred.

The old sage, old with gratification, said: "The **** demon leader, it seems that he will die under the disciples of my family. I will take these eight precepts, everyone."

Pang Guxian Zun said coldly: "Old saint, if you think it is too beautiful, be careful to overturn the boat in the gutter."

Having said that, he was really shocked, comparing the little saint with the three young masters now, I am afraid that the little saint is stronger than them.

The reason why it is now is because the gods and demons have their own means to wash the three young masters at each stage.


The sage seal of the little sage fell, and suddenly, his whole body was creepy, and a terror streamer emerged from the void, just like the black light before.

The mark of the saint fell on the black mangoes, then began to twist, and finally disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The old saint took a moment and stood up, staring at the black vortex that appeared in the void.

The more he looked, the more he felt his soul seemed to be pulled in.

"what is this!"

The outside world, a powerful immortal, has a dignified gaze. You have to know that they and Kunxu Cave, after a certain amount of time and space, still have the feeling that the soul is being pulled. I can imagine how terrifying this thing is.

"Huh! It's finally okay, and it consumes a lot of my mind and Zhu Bajie."

Chu Yi exhaled. Can he be beaten? With his strength, even if he is not an opponent, he will not be so embarrassed.

Just now, he and Zhu Bajie joined forces to use a method of the law of food.


The little sage was cold from the back, and his Yuanying was pulled out of the body by force.

Even his physical body must be involved.


This time, it was pig Bajie who spurred the vortex and pressed the quartet, and the black faint light directed the three psychic gods.

I saw the three men, one by one in their place, their bodies were broken down, like a stream of water, absorbed by the black vortex.

Kaka Kaka!

The inner world is broken, and the endless energy has not erupted, but it has become extremely quiet under the glare.

Three Daoyuan infants are extremely powerful, holding various weapons to break the black vortex.

However, their attack entered silently.

All this is creepy, you know, these are the three psychic gods, easily swallowed by a black vortex.

If the little sage is not exceptionally talented, I am afraid that he has also died.

Chu Yi was also shocked. This was the first time he and Zhu Bajie joined forces to urge the Eight Commandments, which had such a terrifying effect.

"This this……"

Wan Xinxian respected God, his avatar and his deity were screaming, and the sound was sharp, attracting all powerful attention.

"Wan Xinxian Zun, did you ever know what kind of treasure it is?"

Wan Xinxian Zun murmured, his face panicked: "You, if I read correctly, it should be one of the eight precepts of the law of food!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings quieted down instantly.

The abbot and others all looked incredible at Chu Yi in the picture.

In the hands of Yan Luoxianzun, why there are eight precepts? He has never used it until now.

"The law of food swallows everything..."

"It's over!"

The old saint looked dull: "The little saint is not his opponent. Even the law of anger will be taken by Yan Luoxianzun."

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