My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1051: Shun Yinshenlou

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The Eight Commandments are the existence of legendary levels, even the supreme are looking for, where the most original power is sealed.

There are always legends about the Eight Commandments in the fairyland, but it never seems to be seen. This seems to have become a habit.

So much so that when Chu Yi used it, all but the Wanxinxianzun were special, and everyone did not respond.

Looking at the horrible black vortex, the understatement engulfed the realm of the three psychic gods. Whether it is the psychic **** or the immortal lord, all of them were awe-inspiring.

The recitation of the abbot's mouth stopped, and the old saint's drooping eyelids finally opened completely, and a terrifying light erupted.

Spiritual Immortal Venerable, Nine Nether Nether, Mokun, Xuan Fairy and others... They were shocked in their hearts, they only felt that they looked away from time to time, who could think of a dead Yan Luo Xianzun, who was still in his hand after the resurrection Pinching such a hole card.

Looking at the expressions of the gods and demons, they obviously don't know.

In fact, thinking about it makes you understand how important these eight precepts are, and who will give it to a Yuanying Realm. Such things can only be held by the existence of Xianzun or above.

Over the ancient world, Ye Tian waited for people to stare, but immediately showed a smile of ecstasy.

They were also worried that Chu Yi's cultivation practice would be suppressed if he failed to enter the psychic realm, but now, there are eight precepts in hand, even if under siege, it is no problem to leave at least.

Many great powers in the ancient world, at this moment, my heart trembles, and part of it, I wish to slap myself in the face.

Regardless of Chu Yi's status, as long as he has the Eight Commandments in his hand, as long as he does not die, he will surely become an extremely terrifying existence in the future, far exceeding the achievements of his previous life.

As for Dayan Xianzun, Wanxin Xianzun, Tianqi Xianzun and Woody, a heart is sinking.

"Eight Commandments!"

"Why would he get the Eight Commandments if he is a person who will die long ago."


Woody shouted crazy in his heart, he knew that with Chu Yi's strength, even if he now fights with each other, he is no longer Chu Yi's opponent.

The deep feeling of powerlessness and frustration, like a ghost, haunted him.

And some monks who had dealt with Chu Yi at that time were also very unhappy.

This person who had died once did not surpass them after a thousand years, but now stands on their heads again.

"I think back to the horror ruled by Yan Luoxianzun."

The genius children of several forces at that time now looked at each other and could not help but feel dazed.

Especially the gods and deities, two wise men and three immortals, have completely petrified.

"I remember that we, the gods and demon religions, spent all the hard work to get an original mark of the Eight Commandments..." Yu Yuxian respected Shen Nian's voice.

This is the secret of their **** and demon religion, and the **** and demon formula was created based on that original mark. Even, the **** and demon religion has grown to the present level, and a large part of it must be attributed to the Eight Commandments.

"This..." The man-magic wise man was dumbfounded. Chu Yi exposed his cards repeatedly, which shocked him constantly. This time it was better. He directly smashed everyone into a dizziness.

Now, even the Supreme Awakening of the Three Great Veins, it is impossible to deny the identity of Chu Yi as the leader, and even rush to recognize it.

At the top of the pavilion, the energy engulfing the vortex is too large. Although the area is not large, if it is not careful, it will dissipate.


Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie jointly urged, the black vortex directly engulfed Wan Xin Xianzun's avatar.

Ning You's eyes were horrified. She didn't even think about it. She left quickly because she was not sure whether Chu Yi would shoot her.

The little sage was furious, he used all his strength to leave the scene, and with a swish, he disappeared.

"Brother Chu... This is really powerful..." The fat man stuttered, and was also dumbfounded by this sight.

It's just a vortex, but it's like a ghost, engulfing one life after another.

The vortex dispersed, and the figures of Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie shook at the same time.

Even these two people are difficult to support for a long time. It is conceivable that if you want to display it, you must at least have the strength above the realm of God.

"Everyone, you must have seen it... Isn't it a surprise, do you want to rush in to rob me?"

Chu Yi grinned and deliberately looked outside, making everyone jealous.

Don't say that there are a few people in the spirits, even the night sky, they want to beat people.

"Calm, look, there are eight precepts here, but you can only look at it."

Zhu Bajie used the law of food in the body, and the two seemed to have a traction. The law of anger did not resist, and it gently entered the body.

After all, these two original marks are controlled by the ancestors of Zhu Bajie, who are naturally familiar with their bloodline and will not have much resistance.

And what Chu Yi has to do is to directly print it from Zhu Bajie.

"Two Commandments!"


Outside, a group of powerful howling, this is a real howling, envy, jealousy, many emotions are difficult to suppress.

You know, this is rarer than the artifact. If you understand the Eight Commandments, you may be able to directly achieve the Supreme.


At this moment, Chu Yi gave a slight pause and heard the shocking expression of Zhu Bajie's Shen Nian.

"I didn't expect that the person in charge of this attraction tower is the relative of Zhu Bajie, and the law of eating and the law of anger can activate the attraction tower to activate any one!"

Chu Yi's eyes showed a greedy light, which made the fat man on the side horrified.

He grinned, two rows of white shaking teeth, as if mocking the outside power.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, but to make you jealous again!"

"Yin Shen Lou, get up!"

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie shouted together. At the next moment, the power of the Eight Commandments was infiltrated into an intact stone statue on the top floor.


The stone statue shone, and the whole pavilion was shaken.

At this moment, the Son of God, Buddha, Demon King and others were all ejected and exposed directly to sea level.

"what happened?"

The Son of God and the Buddha stand on the sea, peeping at the bottom of the sea with supernatural powers.

I saw the huge giant stone statue and started to get up. The chain dragged the Shenshen Tower, slowly leaving the bottom of the sea, flying towards the sky, and then escaped into the void and disappeared.

"What the **** happened?"

Nearly tens of thousands of creatures were shocked from the Yinshen Lou, and they were all horrified.

But only outsiders could see the scene just now.

Da Yan Xian Zun can no longer hold back, this fragile avatar collapsed again.

Everyone was stunned, and finally all crazy.

People's understanding of the Eight Commandments is not thorough, and they are still in a vague stage, but they know a lot about Yinshenlou.

There are many powerful corpses and inheritances there, and even the Yinshen Tower is itself an invaluable treasure.

Today, he was abducted by Chu Yi alone.

How can this not make people crazy, and the value of a tower that attracts gods is probably comparable to the wealth of the entire pantheon.

This time, Yan Luo Xianzun, made a big profit!

The two original seals of the Eight Commandments, a tower to attract the gods, I am afraid that even the Supreme will be crazy, can not help but want to shoot.


"My gods and demons must send a few supremes to protect them, otherwise, when the leader comes out, no one will let him leave safely."

"go with!"

"Quickly notify Supreme Master Qiu, the other Supreme Masters in the teaching must be fully awakened within three years."

Pang Guxianzun and others all knew the seriousness of the matter.

They can not ignore the identity of Chu Yi as the king of sin, but it is absolutely difficult to ignore the Eight Commandments and Yinshenlou.

Once the gods and demon religions are obtained, the strength will inevitably explode in a short time.


On a sea, Chu Yi stood quietly, watching Yinshenlou break away.

He set a coordinate to allow Yinshenlou to temporarily enter a space debris. After all, with his current strength, he could not break through the doors of several rooms at all.

"Fat, the main body of this Kunxu Cave, I want to find the entrance, I am afraid it will take a lot of time. During this time, I will temporarily leave Kunxu Cave, go to other small worlds to retreat, and shock the gods. If you are here , Be careful."

He repeatedly told him to glance at the distant islands, and the true Kunxu Cave was the rolling mountain inside.

But he didn't have any greed, and left quickly, because he felt that there was a terrible breath, and he seemed to be looking for himself, an existence that was more terrifying than the joint of God and Buddha.

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