My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1056: The strongest team

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The wind is weak, and a lot of seawater is drawn from the sea, and it cannot be calm here.

The gas field inspired by the six great peerless geniuses, even if it was Kunxu Cave, also felt.

After all, these six people should not be underestimated in any era.

"Shall we shoot?" The devil and Taikoo Kanlong discussed.

If they do not save Chu Yi, then the two of them may be difficult to come out in their entire lives, and even if they end up sleeping endlessly, they will run out of life and die together with this era.

But if they help each other, the two are not reconciled and their teeth are tickled.

"Don't save it first, this kid, it's too shameful, the ghost knows what else to do, even we all say it, let alone others."

"Let's take a look first. After he is beaten up, we will take the opportunity to take him away."

"It's just that I have been uneasy in my heart. I always feel that there is a special force in this final place." Taikoo Kanlong was sensitive and could not find the source of unrest.

"It should be that you have slept too long, and there is some disorder." The devil didn't care.

Taikoo Kanlong can only hold this matter in his heart.

Shen Zi's face was honest and his head was round, and he said to Chu Yi: "Although it is a little embarrassing, but after all, you are Yan Luoxianzun, and if we want to catch you alive, it is absolutely impossible to rely on one person alone."

"It doesn't matter, we haven't been in a realm for a long time." Chu Yi said calmly.

The invincible domineering in his words shocked everyone.

Nine-day mysterious girl giggled, her eyebrows flew like a moon, she changed a set of beautiful clothes, and the whole person was gentle and gentle.

"It has long been heard that Yan Luoxian respected the domineering. At that time, he once let go of the brave words. You entered Yuanying, and Yuanying was invincible.

"No wonder, you look down on us."

The child of Nine Nether looked cold, like a flying shuttle, full of sharpness, and then the Nine Heavens Xuan Nu said: "But this is not your time, not to mention, your last life, after entering the Immortal Venerable, still died."

"Awe." He pointed to the position of his heart. "You don't have a heart of awe. Although you sing forward, the fall of the previous life is inevitable, and this life is also inevitable."

"The one who can survive is the strong."

The son of the Nine Serenity snapped a shot, and a flying shuttle flew out of his right pupil. The flying shuttle seemed ordinary, like a wood, but in an instant, turned into thousands of shuttles, intertwined Netting.

"The land of the Nine Nethers, the heaven and the earth, so we have the richest property in the Nine Nethers."

"You guys, let me try this once overlord first."

Although the son of Nine Nether is indifferent, he is actually fanatical and has a strong desire to fight.

When he thought about it, he caused an endless huge wave, and the sea water flew into the sky, intertwined with many shuttles.

The wind coming out of the mountains carries a chaotic sorrow.

The water pouring from the sea is like a lighted flame.

The two are intertwined to form a vast expanse of sky.

The eyes of the son of Nine Nether were fanatical and full of awe, and there was an unspeakable feeling.

He is naturally natural, and every grass and tree can be transformed into his own energy.

"You will be stronger than Jiu Youming in the future." Chu Yi said remotely.

The two were already high in the sky, surrounded by mountains, the tallest of them, without seeing the top of the mountain.

The mountain breeze hunted and the sea continued to surge up, and the space here became firmer and harder to destroy.

Chu Yi's clothes crackled, and such a gangster wind, when a baby came over, would be easily chopped.

But Chu Yi's soles were rooted, and his body was still. He didn't even bend his back for half a minute.

He could feel the fighting in his body, and he could also feel that God's thoughts were like swords, almost puncturing his body.

He was not a person who was originally quiet, otherwise he would never challenge him and crush everything.

How powerful is the son of Nine Nether, whether it is the mind or the flesh, or even all kinds of mental and physical exercises, all fit this natural world.

The so-called son of the Nine Nether must be a body of nature.

He walked naturally and obeyed heaven.

"If it was the last life, I might be with him, but unfortunately, this is not the last life."

Chu Yi proudly, this is a big era, will reappear the glory of the chaotic period, he is cautious, but not afraid.

At this time, he has already stepped into Tongshen, possessing the power of the world, and many of the methods of the year can be fully implemented.

What's more, in this life, his sword is more perfect, and his body and mind are much stronger than the previous life.

Now it is not a thousand years ago, but he is also not the Yan Luoxianzun before a thousand years.

"Even if it is an ancient, chaotic monster, I'm still invincible!"


" will pay the price for it as you did in those days."

The son of Jiu You once witnessed the rise of Chu Yi, so he knew something about those things.

His eyes narrowed, and he was blooming in his pupils.

"I grew up from adversity, no one beheaded me, and you are the same today."

He chopped it out with a flick, and the dense shuttle behind him carried the sea water and the mountain breeze.

His attack was extremely fast, and the coverage area was extremely large.

Before the Thousands of Shuttles arrived, they already sent violent friction with the space, and the endless flames burned, and the rock-solid space here was burned slightly twisted.


It's like the sound of metal pieces rubbing against bones.

If it is a general Tongshen standing here, I am afraid that even Shennian will be affected.


In this regard, Chu Yi just punched out, his sun shadow holy body, cultivated two pictures.

Jinwu surrounded the sun, like a scorching sun ball, rolling away.

Using the power of the world, this trick has also increased several times.


The endless sound wave broke out, and the whole world shook it, but the space was still stable and never broken.

But this horrible scene still makes many outsiders stunned by the outside world.

Such an attack, they may have to be serious.


The child of Nine Nether looked slightly, and took three steps back involuntarily.

This time, although they are not their own tricks, they have also tried out some parts.

"I'm not as good as him!"

This is a huge blow to the son of Jiu You.

"Yan Luoxianzun, too powerful." Shen Zi said solemnly, "Although the two are temptations, they have already used their own way of thinking, mental thoughts, exercises, and even mental and physical strength."

"The son of Nine Nethers loses slightly."

The devil nodded slightly: "It is Yan Luo Xianzun. He has the realm of Xianzun in this cultivation practice. He can't say that he can beat him alone."

The devil grinned, and he held his right hand up in the sky. The **** whirlwind rolled up, and a huge war halberd appeared, covered with bones.

Buddha frowned, but didn't say much. After all, they are now joining forces and standing in the same camp.

"Son of Nine Nether, let's go together, the land of Kunxu is about to be opened, so as not to have branches outside the festival."

"But!" The son of Jiu You didn't force him, he was so powerful, he directly admitted that he was not Chu Yi's opponent.

But in the future, when he enters into Immortal Venerable, he is confident that he will be stronger than Yan Luo Immortal Venerable.

The devil's battle halberd has been split.

The little saint dropped a wing, turned into a mountain, and rolled away.

Nine Heavens mysterious girl chuckled, her bracelets clanged, and streamer after stream turned into various symbols, finally converging into a huge sky wolf.

The Divine Son chuckled, and he only gave a palm, the lines in his palm turned into sky marks.

The Buddha greeted the enemy with a Daopu.

The son of Nine Nether urged the wind of heaven and earth.

For a time, in the high altitude, the wind and the electric switch.

Everyone was dumbfounded. These six people joined forces and turned upside down. It was the strongest combination.


Chu Yi's fingers bounced on the body of the Yin-Yang sword, and in a flash, the fire and water were two breaths, and they fell into the void.

At the next moment, everyone was shocked to find that a void was dimmed, but a void was bright and abnormal.

Water is the month and fire is the day.

Day and night are not alternating, but appear together.

The last time when Chu Yi performed, even with the help of many formations, he only reached Yuanying, but this time, the day and night sword formation was the most complete.


He stabbed with a sword, and the world seemed to collapse, turned upside down day and night, impermanent, and even made people feel uncomfortable.

Can kill the enemy day and night.

"The real day and night array is related to time." Chu Yi's eyes were black and white, and the whole body was dancing with sword light.

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