My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1057: Insurmountable peak

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The world is dim, everything in Chu Yi's eyes seems extremely slow.

The so-called time is either a special creature, a magic weapon that can be mastered, or a supreme level of existence.

The time involved in Chu Yi's sword array is also very shallow, but this is so. For other monks of the same level, it is already extremely terrifying.

He came to the son of Nine Nether, lifted his sword, and his pupil suddenly shrank.


A crisp voice sounded, and in the incredible sight of the son of Nine Nether, his attack was easily penetrated by a layer of sword light, and the endless sky was like a piece of paper, making a torn noise.

The last sword light hit his chest and the whole person flew out.


Chu Yi kicked over and hit the child's cheek directly. The child groaned and retreated.

When he turned around, the tip of the sword shattered the sky wolf of the nine-day mysterious girl, and the dense long sword exploded out of the darkness, destroying all the immortals.

The next second, he appeared in front of Jiutian Xuannv and smiled softly: "I said, you really shouldn't presume Xia You in front of me and deliberately anger me."

Facing Chu Yi's sword, Jiutian Xuannv looked horrified. She wanted to avoid it, but she always felt that her time was different from Chu Yi's and was not in the same time dimension.

The horrible sword gas pierced the night sky.

As a sword cut through the day and night, the world finally returned to normal.

But, at this moment, when everyone looked at it, they were all dumbfounded.

The six awe-inspiring evildoers who were originally awe-inspiring, at this moment, were all embarrassed.


"He has mastered the fur of time, that is the realm of God!"

A huge shoe mark was printed on Shenzi's face, but he had no time to erase it, just staring at Chu Yi.

The God in his mouth is supreme, this is the supreme means.

"Nine Heavens Mystery! Are you okay!"

Suddenly someone screamed, but saw Jiutian Xuannv standing on the spot, a blood flashing across her left face all the way to the chest.

Blood was splattered from the long wound, and the horror of the sword surrounded the wound.

Around her body, pieces of colorless things collapsed, which was some kind of treasure to protect her.

Unfortunately, Chu Yi was cut off with a sword.

Jiutian Xuan Nu stood standing blankly, and Jianyi made her wounds unable to recover automatically.

Just a trick, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu was defeated.

When everyone looked at Chu Yi again, their eyes changed one by one. What a terrifying character this is.

"Yun Luoxian Zun!"

The fairy fairy's breath soared, the veil fluttered, and opened, revealing an extremely delicate face.

However, that face had anger.

The realm of spirits may not be understood, but their gang of immortals are very clear.

Just now Chu Yi's day and night sword formation, the main energy, all attacked the nine-day mysterious girl, which made Mu Keer almost seriously hit and seriously injured.

Undoubtedly, Yan Luo Xianzun, this is aimed at their clouds.

"Horrible guy."

This trick even moved many immortal venerables. All those involved in time are supreme means. Although they are immortal venerables, they are also difficult to use. They can only use certain treasures in their hands.

Obviously, Chu Yi only aroused time with swordsmanship.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, really invincible in the world, six people joined forces, did not win him in the first time."

"Amitabha, you don't have to be nervous. This sword formation is too esoteric. It involves time. Even Yan Yanxian Zun can only use it once in a short time."

The abbot's old eyes shined.

Everyone nodded. If the other party can use it again and again, it has already surpassed the category of human beings, even those special magic weapons have no such horror.


"Nine Heaven Xuannv, you are on the side first, forcing out the sword intention. I will join forces and take down the evil spirit."

The Buddha said, "You guys, it is impossible for him to use that method."

Buddha didn't give Chu Yi a chance to breathe, and even the horrified emotions flew away in his heart.

He immediately converged, and one bead after another flew, forming a huge door.

The door is black, like a huge vortex inside.

He flew up and sat on the door frame, writing three ancient immortal symbols with blood.


The Buddha used a big trick, the sky was dense with thunder, and it seemed to be preventing the appearance of creatures in this door.

Chu Yi used the Xuanhuang sword. In a flash, the sword spirit turned into a huge sword spirit, which was the true spirit gathered by the Yan and Huang tribes of all generations.

"There is no door to rebirth in the world, and there is no reincarnation. If you can rebirth, then let my people enter into reincarnation."

The sword gas is horrible, showing the color of mysterious yellow, and the whole sky is like the sun shining.

A sword and a door collided, and the sound of the boom made the distortion of the void more intense.

This was a big collision, the two sides had no temptation, and even came to the bottom of the box.

Xiangshen Gate was taken off, the son of Nine Nether stepped up, his head split apart, and every part turned into a snake head.

There are nine points in total.

"Taiwan Kanlong, your descendants?" The Demon looked at Taigu Kanlong.

Taikoo Kanlong shook his head and said, "No, it's just a close relative. He is a nine-headed dragon, a descendant of dragon and dragon, and has been changed again."

Nine quiet sons meditated on the formula, and nine giants appeared on the top of the nine heads.

Chu Yi's face remained the same, with a clear whistle, the bright sword turned into nine rounds of scorching sun to greet the enemy.

"Yan Luoxianzun, why didn't you show that day's trick, did you have no time to prepare?" The little saint tentatively said, he was alert, but suddenly remembered the situation and guessed a few points.

It's not that Chu Yi didn't want to use it, but they attacked violently, leaving the other party with no preparation time.

The little saint said, behind the body, the figure of saint xianzun appeared again, one arm, out of shape, each big hand holding a weapon.

"Sage of Thousand Arms!"

He is close, terrible to the extreme, every move can make an ordinary psychic fall.

"Sword out!"

Chu Yi greeted with a sword, and a sword came out. In an instant, the world seemed to become a line.

The line was cut continuously, and arms fell over there.

Zhu Bajie stood on Chu Yi's shoulder and stood up violently.

Above its left hoof, there was flame, and the flame burned, even forming a greasy face.

Above the right hoof, there is black light.

The two blended together, following Chu Yi's sword light, and flew away.

The little sage was able to resist, but suddenly realized the ultimate danger. He instinctively ignored the pig bajie before, and now the other party is suddenly in trouble, and it is definitely a killing trick at the bottom of the box.

"The Law of Food!"

"Law of anger!"

His pupils shrunk, and he saw the original mark on the other's feet, and his heart was instantly cold.

"Little saint, you are careless." Chu Yi smiled, everyone felt that he was a pair of six, but did not know that there was a terrifying existence on his shoulder.

The Eight Commandments are indeed very complicated, but it is not too difficult for the Pig Eight Commandments of the solitary imperial family to inherit it from generation to generation.

This time the collision was so intense that a twisted light burst out there, and the Buddha and others had to avoid it.

The world is dim and the sun is like a twisted wave.

Everything was quiet, there was a blur, and it couldn't be seen.

But it didn't take long for the little saint's figure to fly out, his nose and mouth were bleeding, his body hit the mountains hard.

On the mountain, a sharp rock pierced his chest. The next second, his entire body seemed to be sucked out of flesh and blood, and quickly dried up. In the end, even the skin and bones, and many treasures were evaporated, only A half-artifact, did not enter the mountain.

Everyone was shocked!

They naturally know that this mountain cannot see blood, otherwise, there will be great terror.

So even if they were fighting, they were all far away from the mountains. Unexpectedly, it still happened.

Chu Yi's eyes were indifferent, like the **** of war, standing in the clouds.

Even if the little saint was not killed by this mountain, but he and Zhu Bajie joined forces, he had only half a life left, and it was not much difference.

At this moment, everyone was silent.

The death of the little saint is a major event. For the first time, the top ten people in the total list appear to die. I am afraid that the holy land of heaven and man will die.


Buddha whispered that six of them joined forces and ended up with one dead and one seriously injured, leaving only four.

The man stood high in the sky and seemed to be as high as the mountain of Kunxu Cave, which was insurmountable.

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