My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1059: This is the sky

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Chu Yi scolded, he became more and more excited, and even spit out.

In the end, even a variety of swear words appeared.

Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded.

Wanxin Xianzun almost scolded Chu Yi with anger, he served the heavenly court, and heavenly court is the supreme existence, in charge of everything in the fairyland.

However, Chu Yi was so abused by his respect for his existence.

Even the brave and powerful Mokun can't bear it.

This group of immortal venerables has not forgotten that the thunderstruck not long ago scared almost all the immortal venoms.

Although the strength of this heavenly army is only for psychic, but the horror is the special power he possesses.

After Chu Yi scolded, he finally felt comfortable.

Above the clouds, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then his emotionless eyes lighted up.

"Dare to scold me like this, scold heaven like this, you are the first person."

"No wonder, you can start Kendo."

"Yes, if you want, I can report it to you and open a way for you to allow you to enter the heavenly court and become a member of the heavenly court."

"With your ability, I'm afraid it won't take long, and the position in the heavenly court is higher than mine."

Heavenly Army exclaimed, this made everyone stunned, shouldn't the other party be angry?

Why do you value Yan Luoxianzun so much?

The eyes of the Buddha flashed, and they were puzzled to everyone: "Amitabha, we are indeed not as good as Yan Luoxianzun."

"We faced the heavenly army, faced with the sign of the heavenly court, and we were extremely frightened. Not to mention confrontation, even our eyes did not dare to stay."

"We are too afraid of heaven."

"Yun Luo Xianzun is also afraid. Heavenly courts control the heavenly path, and the heavenly path can awe the instinct of souls."

"But Yan Luo Xianzun is a bit different from us. He insulted the Tianjun and Tianting in order to break the devil in his heart."

"The devil in my heart is unbreakable, and I don't even have the courage to shoot the Heavenly Army. If the Heavenly Army does not need to shoot, Yan Luoxianzun has already lost."

"But now, the magic is broken."

No devil in my heart!

Chu Yi frankly looked at the other party. In his eyes, the other party was not high above him, like the rest of the creatures, but he had mastered the magical realm of relatively special power.

Of course, this method is too difficult for many people, and it is not possible to get rid of the devil in your heart by really swearing a few words.

A large part of the reason is that Chu Yi knew the truth, because the status of the Yan and Huang tribes at that time was like the current status of Tianting.

If it was placed in that era, as Chu Yi, it would be to inherit the Yan and Huang clan and become the master of the fairy world.

Only with this reason can he break the devil in his heart.

"Good intentions, unfortunately, Heavenly Court and I are not together."

Chu Yi arched his hand.

The Tianjun sighed and slowly stood up. He looked very gentle and calm, without too much hostility. He looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties. He had a feeling of time like jade.

"It's a pity that such talents are not jealous of heaven."

Chu Yi laughed: "You are absurd. Heaven is not heaven, and heaven cannot replace heaven. You are just a big force."



"Heaven is heaven!"

"Today, I will take the place of Heaven!"

Tianjun's **** formed a sword, and he waved gently in the direction of Chu Yi.

In an instant, Thundercloud rolled violently, and a large amount of Thunder intertwined into an extremely large Thunder Knife Light.

This knife was just swung out, and the endless Thunder knife rushed to the face.

The terrifying thunder was deafening, and all the souls were frightened, and even the immortal Venerable outsiders sent out a trembling from the depths of the soul.

"Supreme Tribulation!"

"People in the Heavenly Court have actually mastered the same thunder as the Supreme Tribulation!"

What a horror this is.

The Supreme Tribulation, Xianzun has to go through every step on this path.

Many Immortal Venerables have fallen, and even many Immortal Venerates prefer to cultivate for stagnation rather than experience the Supreme Tribulation.

But Heavenly Court, a small psychic realm, has mastered this kind of thunder.

Heavenly army, random shots, caused the immortal powers to be shocked. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the entire heaven.

Under this kind of thunder, even as strong as the Son of God, and arrogant as the Devil, all have unparalleled thoughts.

"Tianting really holds the power of heavenly punishment, how similar to the heavenly catastrophe I experienced in my last life."

Chu Yi frowned.

He had experienced a day penalty for the fusion of basic sword moves before, but the nature of the Thunder was even more terrifying than this Thunder.

He was not frightened, the long wind hunted, the endless knife flashing, the thunder and gas, swallowed Chu Yi directly.

The surrounding void finally could not bear it, and began to crack.


Chu Yi snorted, and the sword came out, and the sword light split vertically, which also broke the void.

"Basic sword trick!"


Kaka Kaka!

Above the sky, like endless mountains colliding with each other, large pieces of thunder shattered.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Chu Yi's sword, however, cut off the Thunder Knife.

Everything dissipated, only a large amount of electricity, diffused in the air, and occasionally burst.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for you to split the thunder."


"It's you!" Suddenly, the middle-aged man seemed to remember something, and his calm face changed suddenly.

"It's you who combined the basic sword moves, which led to a penalty mine."

"Oh it's you!"

Chu Yi heard clearly that the Tianjun had just said two types of thunder.

He used mine for robbery, I am afraid it is of the same nature as supreme robbery.

Chu Yi suffered a penalty.

One is disaster, and the other is punishment. Literally speaking, many can be seen.

"It seems that this time I'm really right." Tianjun returned to peace, his hands slammed toward the clouds, and the next moment, the dense clouds suddenly dissipated, revealing the true body inside.

It was a huge thunder pool.

Inside the Thunder Pond, the thunder light has condensed into a liquid, and from time to time there are thunder dragons and various forms of thunder.

The energy of terror emanates from circle to circle. It is chilling to watch from a distance.

"I'm afraid that Heavenly Court really has full control of the Thunder."

Chu Yi's body was tight.

The next moment, suddenly disappeared in place, but saw the place where he just stood, there was a huge space debris, a large number of Thunder did not know when, and came along the space to kill.

"So fast!"

"If it weren't for me to practice the eight-armed demon and the heavenly demon, the nerves couldn't keep up with the speed of the thunder."

This is the enemy!

A psychic realm that has mastered the original power of Thunder!

Even if this power is not his, at least the other party can use it.

Chu Yi's great light sword blade waved out, and a round of blazing sun appeared, shining light, turned out to be a dense flying sword.

Facing Chu Yi's attack, the Heavenly Army remained silent, and slowly picked up the wooden ruler.

"Do you know what is the mother of this ruler?"

Chu Yi had a meal.

Tianjun smiled, but only infiltrated: "Tianchi."


The ruler easily cut off Chu Yi's many swords.

Heavenly Army looks as usual.

"Tian Ting has a ruler to measure everything in the fairy world."

"Tianchi rule stipulates that what is Zhang, what is ton, what is punishment, what is reward, and even good and evil, positive and negative, are determined by Tianchi."

"Of course, if Tianchi is said to be a unit of weight, then it will be a unit of weight."

"Fight for good, then good."

"Saving people for evil is evil."

"This is the ruler of heaven, this is the majesty of heaven."

"The ruler in my hand is the illusion of the ruler of heaven, it is enough to deal with you."

Chu Yi sneered and said, "What a heaven, it is right and wrong."

"You are wrong, the heaven does not have to reverse the black and white, the heaven is the heaven, everything is born, and everything listens to destiny."

Heavenly Army smiled, "No matter what Heaven Court says, everything is done, then that's right."

"Rebels will naturally be punished."

"Yan Luo Xianzun, you have embarked on this path."

The ruler in the hands of the Tianjun slowly faded, revealing the black and white lines inside.

The pattern, as if with a pair of huge eyes, overlooked all living beings, as Chu Yi saw after the fusion of sword moves.

As soon as the ruler came out, the entire Lei Chi became quiet, as if all were kneeling towards the ruler.

"This is the sky!" Tian Jun said.

"Then I will destroy the sky." Chu Yi pulled his sword up, and he had no way out.

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