My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1060: Magical powers

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The ruler shines and radiates, but does not hide, but in black and white, it is like a sword, a knife, a gun, a halberd, a whip...

Every heavenly army has a ruler. When they go down, the ruler is used to discipline.

Lei Chi flickered, Thunder crackled, and the Heavenly Army stood proudly.

Not only his hair, but also his pupils became black and white.

He is very handsome, with a gentle face, but with the most indifferent expression, even if he knows that Chu Yi has eight precepts in his hand, knows that this person is a descendant of Yanhuang, and knows everything, but he still does not have too much emotion, even if he is a fairy, There is no such state of mind.

This is where status determines vision.


Above the sky, a thunder pierced the already dim sky.

Countless people raised their heads in horror and their eyes were dignified. The thunder seemed to be the wrath of heaven. Everything around was quiet, waiting for the punishment from heaven.

The force of the heavenly army changed again and again, and at this moment, it was like a rough sea.

He came out of a foot, and in a trance, everyone thought it was a sword.

A sword accompanied Thunder, and it fell from the sky.

"Kendo?" Chu Yi paused.

"It's an accident? Heavenly court is omnipotent. This is your sword of Yan Luoxianzun."

Lei Rujian, lock Tianjiao.

The condensed thunder is turned into a long sword, and above each sword light is a kind of restrained fairy formation method, which can make the enemy lock the power in the opponent's body at the moment of contact, even the mind.


Chu Yi's world power fluctuated on the Yin and Yang swords, as if it were a viper, constantly walking away. Although the Yin and Yang swords had not reached the level of his last sword, they were already at ease.

Chu Yi's sword, his speed is not fast, so that everyone can see clearly, but it is just a time to shake the gods, long swords like waterfalls, the sharp points of the sword and the other's sharp points are together.

Chu Yi picked up the sword, and the other side wielded it.

The sounds of ding ding ding were not endless, and accompanied by thunder and water light.

"It's ridiculous, I thought that Heavenly Court's swordsmanship surpassed Immortal Realm. I didn't expect that Heavenly Court was also walking my swordsmanship. It seems that Heavenly Court is not omnipotent."

Chu Yi has a sword in his hand, and all kinds of sword moves are like a fish. Although the Heavenly Army did not lose, it was still crushed.

The sword of heaven is just the sword of Chu Yi. He is the ancestor of this path.

Tian Jun’s face remained the same: "The ignorant are fearless, and you have no way to live against the heaven."

Chu Yi's momentum changed, like a tiger coming out of the mountain, his sword stabbed, accompanied by a roaring wind.

May the sword be lowered to the heaven!


Water flooded into the sky, layer after layer, blocking the opponent's thunder, a large amount of thunder was cut into pieces.

The heavenly army stepped back, his eyes slightly surprised. Every step he stepped in the void, he roared like a drum.

Everyone was in an uproar, and they finally understood that Tian Ting was also taking the path of Yan Luo Xianzun, not simply Chu Yi's opponent.

"Not bad..."

"I confronted you with Kendo and probably knew your specific strength."

Tian Jun held the ring ruler, not panic, but with a smile of appreciation.

Suddenly, his knees were bent, and the whole person exploded, and the ruler crushed the void, rumbling, as if a Tuck came.

At this moment, the ruler is no longer a sword, but a sword.

The sword is in the sky.

How powerful he is, chopping, chopping, blocking... various swords and tricks are flowing, and I do not know how many times he is stronger than the sword sword he just cast.

Chu Yi swept away with a sword, and a large swath of light swept along with it.

The Tianjun's wrist pressed down, and in an instant a bronze bell was formed. The bell sounded like a knife. With unmatched pressure, the sky knife rolled down.

"Kongdong knife method! It is my kungtung master's mastery, how could it appear in the hands of heaven!"

Outside, an Xianzun stared wide and his face was incredible.

The Kongtong Gate is a second-ranking sect. In terms of swordsmanship, it can be called a must, but the core Kongtong Knife is extremely powerful.

But now, even in the hands of a heavenly army, how did this make him not shocked.

Chu Yi was stunned, and immediately offered the Xuanhuang sword, striking Kongtong.


A huge sound wave ripples in the sky.

Tian Jun smiled slightly, the knife on his ruler shrank and disappeared, but his sound wave was still spreading.

However, at this time, the Tianjun opened his mouth, and black crows flew from his mouth one after another.

Thousands of crows swept the world with sound waves.

The sky was completely dimmed, countless crows screamed, and countless monks below only felt dizzy.

"Ling Wuzong's Exceptional Learning-Wanya Satire!"

"Only you will, I won't!"

Chu Yi put away his sword, folded his palms together, and sacrificed a dozen relics he had harvested underground.

His body is shining, that is the Buddha's light, the reliance manifests, and a deity is the phantom of the Big Buddha.

"True Buddha roar!"


A burst of gas, from bottom to top, came from Dantian's heart and shouted from his mouth.

At the same time, the dozen Buddhas also roared together.

King Kong was furious and shattered the sky.

This is a sonic exercise method of Xitian Temple. Chu Yi obtained it in the God of Demon by capturing the Dragon Supreme.

The gods and demon religions have developed for several times. I am afraid that they are even more terrifying than imagined.

Large crows of crows dropped, and at the same time, a large number of Buddhist sounds also disappeared.

"Heaven is invincible!" Tian Jun murmured, only some surprise.

"I, invincible!"


The force of the heavenly army changed again, and it changed another way.

Heavenly Court has not been born for a long time. Many people have forgotten the majesty of Heavenly Court. When he came out this time, it just happened to let the whole fairyland look. The fairyland is the fairyland of Heavenly Court.

So he exerted many means, not only to suppress Chu Yi, but also to deter the forces of the fairy world.

The ring ruler is ample and colorful, too disturbing, the heavenly army fingers together, gently draw down, the ruler also obediently descends from the sky.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and at the end, the ruler turns into two huge fingers.

The fingers are covered with barren lines, and there is a wild atmosphere, terrifying.

"I am the dry finger of Wanshen Township!" The discoloration of Ling Jue Xian Zun was very uncomfortable.

"What about Wanshen Township?"

Chu Yi grinned, he shouted at the sky with his palms, and the dense world power was arranged into a large number of immortals. In the end, he even hit a huge palm, divine and mighty.


"It's the palm of the gods!"

It is difficult for everyone to calm down, because these two people are actually using the mastery of the major forces, and they are still part of the core heritage.

It’s hard to avoid even the Pantheon.

The three of Pang Guxianzun looked at each other, but they didn't expect that the Dragon Sovereign could trust Chu Yi so much that they could let these exercises be watched by the other party.

But what the supreme do, they, as immortals, are not easy to say.

They now hope that Chu Yi can defeat this army.

One finger and one palm touched each other, emitting an amazing flame, burning the void, and falling down.

Below, Shenzi and others avoided them one after another, and their faces were rather ugly.

"He didn't use his full strength when he was playing against us."

Several geniuses were embarrassed to the limit, they did not expect that they had such a huge gap with Yan Luoxianzun.

While more people were shocked, they were bloodless.

The Heavenly Court has held its prestige for a long time. Even in the ancient books, no one has ever seen a confrontation with Heavenly Court.


The atmosphere of the Heavenly Army was different again. As he stepped out, the rock below shattered and continued to rise, forming a giant with three heads and six arms.

"Everything has spirits, this is my ninth place practice."

The son of Nine Nether looked a meal.

He looked at Chu Yi, but he saw that the other party stepped on the clouds, which formed Tianma and whistled away.

The same is the practice of the Nine Netherlands!

The heavenly army changed again, forming a vortex on the ring ruler and crawling out a demon.

Chu Yi was not afraid, he spit out a black smoke, the smoke turned into a giant thousand-footed centipede.

The magic of the magic domain!

There was a huge collision in the sky, and the void seemed to collapse. But fortunately, here is Kunxu Cave, which broke a layer of material space.

It's just the two people's methods that make the faces of many fairy circles extremely ugly.

Heaven’s deterrence is all about. Why does this Yan Luoxianzun still have so many of their skills.

"This kid..."

Pang Guxianzun air-conditioned, although this is the inventory of their gods and deities, but no genius, it is impossible to master so many masters in such a short time.

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