My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1061: Heavenly Court and Yanhuang

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Numerous monks were dumbfounded. This was the truly brilliant battle. All the magical powers were shocking and numb.

Because this not only means that they are powerful and capable of learning various exercises, but also shows the horror of the power behind them. Otherwise, how can they get it.

Tianjun stepped back, his eyes finally flashed a little surprised.

"In the records of the heavenly court, since ancient times, all geniuses, you may be able to enter the list."

Is this just making the list?

Chu Yi was a little surprised, but he can understand that, during the ancient times, there were no shortage of geniuses. A single scorching yellow was enough to change the color of the whole fairyland.

"I feel that you can't kill me." Chu Yi said calmly.

The Tianjun shook his head: "There has never been an undead person killed by heaven."

"I would like to ask, what level are you in the heavenly court."

The middle-aged man thought for a moment, and then smiled gently: "It's okay to tell you, we are the guards of the heavenly court, to ensure the safety of the heavenly court, and rarely appear in the fairyland on weekdays. This time, it's just a special case."

"The Guardian of the Heavenly Court is divided into three levels: Heavenly Soldier, General, and Heavenly Army. I am the Heavenly Army. Among the guards, it is the highest level. If you go up, you will be the leader."

"Of course, the **** team has the least status in the heavenly court."

He said like this, the voice spread out, but made everyone awe-inspiring.

One of the most insignificant guards showed enough strength to shame the entire Genius Realm genius.

Chu Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, but there was no shaking.

After all, it was Heavenly Court, which controlled part of Heavenly Dao, and even a large part of the other party's strength came from that handle.

Chu Yi can see that the other party can control the thunder by using the ruler, otherwise, he is nothing in front of Chu Yi.

"The conversation is over."

I saw that the Heavenly Army stomped its feet, and in a blink of an eye, large mountains appeared in the void. These mountains were not simple, like dragons, like phoenixes, like wolves, like tigers...

It is clearly just mountains, but everyone sees the beasts running.

The whole Kunxu Cave was in an earthquake, the sea roared, and a lot of bones were washed up, lifeless.

"What kind of trick is this?" Everyone was horrified, because he hadn't seen this trick, it seemed to imply the power of heaven and earth.

"It seems that this is the inheritance method of Heavenly Court!"

A large number of mountains surging, the waves continued, rushed to Chu Yi.

"It's worthy of heaven..." Chu Yi exclaimed. In this move, he saw many ways, but the other party combined all of these ways. I can imagine how terrifying this move is.


Heavenly Army laughed and lifted the mountains with both hands, and suddenly threw them in the direction of Chu Yi.

The roar came to an abrupt halt, and the mountains came like a group of thousands of beasts, majestic, like a star falling down.

The visual senses are too scary.

"Can God reach this level?"

God's face was pale, and he was as proud as him, and he had to admit that the horror of heaven.

This is a real killing trick. From the sky, the giants will be crushed.

"But it's a real break!"

Chu Yi had no fear, and faced with this trick that was enough to make a lot of emotions, he just raised his hands calmly.

"It's my Fushenlu!" The Demon King's eyes moved.

The flame of silence is burning, as if it is an introduction, and the tattoos of gods and demons manifest on Chu Yi's arms.

The phantom of the gods and demons burst out, as if condensed into an entity, towering and huge, and still skyrocketing.

In the end, there was already a mountain as high as a pillar of heaven.

Chu Yi knows how terrifying the practice of the sound of Gods and Demons is. The more research, the more difficult it is to find.

The sound of gods and demons is only an appearance, and the sound of gods and demons induced by Fu Shenlu has undergone a huge change in an instant.

This time, Chu Yi did not let Zhu Bajie take the shot. He wanted to defeat the opponent with one person.

This is not a one-on-one battle, but Yan Huang and Heaven Court, the first collision after several eras.

The gods and demons embraced the mountains, and their power was so powerful that they slammed into it. In a flash, the mountains began to collapse.

They slashed through the thorns and sang forward. With the recovery of Chu Yi's fists, the gods and demons kept moving forward and deeper.

The sky is sinking in general. If this is outside, the void will not know how many layers it has broken.

Everyone was too late to marvel, and several of the gods and demons taught too late to discuss Chu Yi's voice of gods and demons, but they saw the situation turn again.

I saw the ruler of the heavenly army, and did not enter the mountains. The ruler seemed to be angry, erupting endless light.

"Heaven cannot be humiliated."

The heavenly army was flying with long hair, raising its hands high as if it had lifted the mountains, and the mountains changed again, forming a giant giant with 100 arms, each holding a ring ruler.

The energy of terror continues to converge on the hundred arms, forming one vortex after another, and the whole sky is completely twisted.

Once such a huge energy explodes, it is enough to destroy a planet.

The Tianjun looked serious and urged the giant to advance.


"It's terrifying, this trick is enough to be invincible in the realm of God."

"Even if dozens of psychic teams work together and spend several days to deploy the formation, they can only reach this level."

Countless people were horrified.

Hefeng and others looked at each other.

This is just a person who came out of the guards of the heavenly court, already powerful enough to shock the whole fairyland.

It is conceivable how terrifying the power of the entire heaven will be.

"It's worthy of heaven, my gods and deities, I'm afraid I still haven't prepared enough."

Pang Guxian Zun secretly said.

"it is good!"

"Only in this way can you fight."

A trace of excitement flashed in Chu Yi's eyes.

He has never seen this kind of exercise before, which makes him even more excited.


At the same time, there was another **** and demon behind Chu Yi, but this time the gods and demons were more horrible than before. His whole body was wrapped in armor, armed with spears and war halberds, and the fire of death was burning on it.

Gods and demons are dispatched instantly.

Shooting, halberd!

Chu Yi controlled with his arms.

The Tianjun arm also burst with blue muscles.

Large areas of space have fallen off, and even the mountain of Kunxu Cave has been a little shaken.

"I am not their opponent."

The three young masters of the gods and demons were somewhat lost. They also wanted to kill Chu Yi and replace them. Now, it seems that the other party is fundamentally powerful and invincible. At least in the realm of the gods, they do not have a half-point advantage.

Unless entering Xianzun.

The devil was merciless and cut off each other's arms, and the giant also left scars on the demon.

The two are almost evenly matched.

The Heavenly Army frowned, and he vomited immortals and landed on the giant.

Chu Yi was fearless and used the heaven and the world to walk away.

In conjunction with the Shennian attack, the devil is even more terrifying, and his figure is soaring.


In the end, the two suddenly collided, swept away by the Netherstorm, and disappeared in front of everyone, and the world calmed down.

"Neither of them reached the peak of Tongshen, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they were able to suppress the peak of Tongshen."

Xianzun opened his mouth, and his heart was shocked.

What a wickedness this is.

There is also a huge gap between the first entry into Tongshen and the peak of Tongshen.

This gap, even if it was Yan Luoxianzun of the previous life, is also difficult to make up.

Peerless wickedness can use its strength to enter the gods and rampantly dominate, but it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the old masters, at most not afraid of being killed.

But the strength shown by these two people made everyone feel trembling.

What's more, when I think of it, this is just a small army in the heavenly court, and everyone is horrified.

Heavenly army hair was scattered, and robe no longer agitated.

"I will ask you again, are you really not in my heavenly court? Even if you are related to sin land, I will not care about my heavenly court."

"Don't enter." Chu Yi shook his head and his eyes were firm. Although the person in front of him was a heavenly army, he found that the other party didn't know too much secrets. I'm afraid even Yanhuang didn't even know.

"That can only be killed." Tianjun sighed again.

"The warm-up is over." The ruler fell into the hands of Tianjun, and the huge Lei Chi behind him became active.

Chu Yi grinned: "I think so."

Three long swords emerged around Chu Yi.

Everyone was awe-inspiring and air-conditioned, only feeling incredible.

God Son and Buddha looked at each other.

Was this horrible battle just warm-up?

So if these two guys really do unfold, where can they go?

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