My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1066: Blood Sacrifice Kunxu

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

First in the overall list, San Galo!

The name, as if it were magical, made many monks quiet.

Chu Yi also looked at the past with curiosity. It is said that after the death of his last life, hundreds of years later, an extremely terrifying genius challenged the Son of God and won the first place in the overall list, and has not been shaken for thousands of years.

San Gallo carried his hands on his back, and his purple hair was slightly curved.

He was suspended in the air, standing barefoot, with a purple robe on his body.

The most weird thing is his pupil, which looks like a snake's eye, with the corner of his mouth raised and a smile.

Chu Yi's fierce meal suddenly found that there was a half-handed sword on the opponent's waist, and that the sword, the sword of the sword and half fairy, appeared on his body.

San Galo was so mysterious that no one was able to see him after the World War I, after being on the overall list.

So that most monks do not know this arrogant man.

"San Gallo, why did you appear here, do you have any way, let's step forward first?" Shen Zi frowned, his expression was quite dignified. When he was a Buddha, he joined hands with the original Divine Son, and the result fell. defeat.

That war had a great impact on them.

The appearance of San Gallo is too weird, and after this stone gate, it is clear that he has explored farther than the average person.

"San Gallo..."

Outside, Ling Jue Xianzun frowned, "I paid attention to this genius at that time, but unfortunately there has never been any discovery. He seems to appear out of thin air, without any cause and effect on his body."

"There is fraud." The abbot murmured.

In the void, Chu Yi suddenly remembered something and stepped forward: "No need to guess, San Galo, you are the creature hatched by the egg outside."

Sangallo smiled: "It is Yan Luoxianzun, which has been found, I think the breath is hidden very well."

"You are a chaotic creature!"

Everyone was shocked.

Chaos creatures, all powerful, many are born invincible existence.

San Galo nodded: "I was born from here, and then went to the outside world, I want to find a way to break through the deepest layer of the most Kunxun hole. Later, after research, I finally found it, so I opened Kunxu hole."

"Kunxudong was opened by you deliberately?!" Shenzi's complexion changed suddenly, only to feel a bad hunch.

"That's natural. I spent some years here anyway, knowing the way to open it, and then entice you to come in..."

He had not spoken yet, and suddenly Chu Yi shouted, "Run!"

Chu Yi didn't have any hesitation at all, the three long swords surrounded his body and rushed directly towards the direction of the hole.

Divine Son Buddha and others were a little slower, but they quickly reacted.

They evacuated to the rear of the team all the way before.

"Escape? Late."

San Galo smiled fascinatingly, and his pupils were blooming like flowers. Immediately, the whole passage, the formation buried in the wall, suddenly appeared.

The channel is constantly changing, and it seems to be mixed with the maze. Everyone is horrified to find that there is no way out.

"The blood and soul of the million genius monks are enough for me to open the deepest treasure in this Kunxu cave." San Galo's voice came slowly.

"You guys, don't give away."

The battle array is wide open, but that is the formation of Chaos Power. Even though it has experienced endless years, the residual power is also extremely scary.


Chu Yi passed on.

"Teacher, this seems to be a lost place in the universe, and it will disturb the mind. This illusion is somewhere between reality and reality. Let me show you the way."

He Feng's doppelganger also entered together, and he continued to perform deductions to guide Chu Yi.

Kaka Kaka!

Behind, there was a great horror. The killing array was hidden on the wall and the monks were continuously killed. Those auras exploded, forming a horrible ripple.

Even though Chu Yi walked faster, he was also affected. The aura hit the Yanhuang suit and was cut directly into the body, but fortunately, it was not cut off.

"A source of avenues."

Chu Yi awe-inspiring, these auras are too simple, if there is no Yanhuang suit, I am afraid his body is unbearable.

"Great conspiracy!" Nine-day mysterious woman's treasure illuminates, resisting many attacks, but she is also quite embarrassed.

Outside, many great powers are shocked and can no longer endure.

Who would have thought that this Kunxu Cave was a trap that introduced many monks to open the last treasure with blood.

These are all future immortal venerables and even supreme supremacy. Once all are buried, it is equivalent to burying the powerful people of the fairyland for hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

Horrible faults will occur in the fairy world.

"A chaotic creature, playing the whole fairy world between applause."

Many powers are furious.

"Fortunately, you can still escape. One million monks can survive at least 900,000."

This is also a lucky luck.

Although the killing arrays are powerful, they are only spurred by San Galo after all, and the erosion of the years has no effect.

But when he had just finished speaking, the picture became bloodied.

"It's almost time to export." Hefeng said.

Chu Yi nodded slightly, but his heart was still uneasy, and this uneasiness was quickly confirmed.


The rear, like a flash flood, swept the hot breath.

"what is that!"

The Divine Son was horrified, and even he could not maintain his ordinary heart, and Dugu crazy and others also changed color together.

But I saw scarlet clouds floating from the depths and swept everything.

Wherever they passed, countless monks have undergone terrifying changes.

"How do I... get older?"

"It's the dead substance..."

The monks who were contacted were originally young and full of vitality, but at this time, the skin quickly shrivelled, the pupils lost their luster, and they were aging in the blink of an eye. Then they were easily cut off by the formation and the blood was vertical and horizontal.

"Death matter!"

Chu Yi stood upright, and he finally saw this material and deprived him of life.

In the rear, there was blood flowing into the river, screaming.

"Death material originated from Kunxu Cave?"

"Can San Galo control the dead matter?"

It's just that there is no time to think about it now.

San Gallo sat on the head of the cloud, overlooking the crowd, holding a crock in his hand, and the blood and spirits were sucked away by the crock.

"Everyone, you can't escape, the life is cut, and you are aging."

It's just killing the formation, but it's still okay, but with the dead material, they quickly age, their combat effectiveness weakens, and they are difficult to resist.

"More than 300,000 people have died!"

Outside, all mighty stares at it all, they are equally chilled.


Chu Yi rushed out first, and then a large number of monks rushed out.

But immediately, it was accompanied by many scarlet clouds.

The clouds are constantly spreading and overwhelming.


San Gallo waved his hand, and suddenly, large snakes appeared out of thin air to reap the lifespan of the old monks.

Everyone flees frantically!

The **** scarlet material is still spreading, from the Kunxu Cave, to the small world, and then to the mottled ancient road.

There are constantly monks dying, and here has become a human purgatory, where nearly hundreds of thousands have died.

They were besieged on the altar.

San Galo smiled like a deity, reaping everyone's lives.

"The blood of millions of peerless evildoers may really cast my invincible road."

"You should be proud."

Chu Yi's eyes were locked, and San Galo was not terrible, but the terrible thing was death. Chu Yi did not dare to test whether he would be deprived of life.


Suddenly, Chu Yi felt something. He looked back violently, but he saw an earth-shaking axe shadow, splitting from the mottled ancient road.

The shadow of the axe split the sky and shattered a large cloud of blood.

San Galo's expression changed greatly, and his body twisted into a snake-like creature, hiding away.

Then there was a strange cry and escape into the void.

Immediately afterwards, countless death substances disappeared.

"Brother Master shot."

The gentle breeze.

"Brother's physique is so special that he can split even the dead matter."

Chu Yi thoughtfully.

He got a voice from Panjing very early, so he was not too worried.

Panjing did not show up, hidden in the dark.

It took a long time for the panic here to dissipate.

However, everything I experienced just like a nightmare.

In a flash, nearly half a million monks died.

And half a million people, who have experienced the final place, do not know how many Xianzun will be born.

Next, it was peaceful, San Galo no longer appeared, and everyone began to explore one secret after another.

Soon, the altar shone, and the people were called back. Here, they had to connect with the outside world and send them out.

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