Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Going out..."

Some people who knew Chu Yi were a little anxious, because there are a lot of powerful people waiting outside.

They are from here, directly to the other side of the list.

San Galo had a big disaster, but it was a chaotic creature. If he hid in the Kunxu Cave, no one could treat him.

But Chu Yi was different, he had to go out.

The void is reversed, the scenery here is gradually changing, and you can vaguely see the outside world, one bit powerful, already waiting.

"Da Yan Xianzun, it's been a long time since I saw you." Chu Yi grinned, the two are far away from each other, it seems very close, but at this time there is still an endless distance.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, you dare to come out! If you dare to come out, I will kill you!"

Da Yan Xian Zun and Tian Qi Xian Zun glared at them, they were ready to kill.

Because they will never give Chu Yi a chance to restore his strength.

"Two of you, you are past. The leader is our **** and demon, how can you be able to kill at will."

At this time, Pang Guxianzun stood up.

The gods and demons were dispatched together, and the huge crocodile roared up in the sky to make a way for Chu Yi.

Chu Yi is too important, whether it is the Eight Commandments he holds or the Yinshen Tower, they are all treasures, enough to shake the whole fairyland.

The gods and demons had to come to shelter.

And Chu Yi naturally understands this.


Behind the old saint, six pairs of huge wings rose into the sky, as if to wrap the sky, and the muddy eyes erupted into light, passing through the layers of space and looking at Chu Yi.

"Yan Luoxianzun, kill the descendants of the Heavenly Man Holy Land.

The master of Jiange Pavilion looked like a sword. Behind him, a long sword twirled. Although he didn't have Chu Yi's realm of kendo, he had the cultivation of Immortal Venerable and a horrible existence.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, if you kill me the Jiangge successor, you also need to kill your life."

"Buddha Amitabha, you are the king of sin land, my Xitian Temple, will not sit idly by, Yan Luoxianzun, your last life, there will be great evil, this life is even worse, let Lao Kun come to spend you."

The abbot of the Xitian Temple stood far away. Behind him was a statue of a giant Buddha. He recite the mantra and suppressed the party.

The Dapeng bird chirped, and the Buddha statue flashed, forming a peerless formation.

"If you kill my children in Wanshen Township, this hatred must be reported."

Spiritual Immortal Venerable said.

Everyone was awe-inspiring, the young monk strongman and the outside strongman all looked at Chu Yi.

Their final place is over, but it belongs to Chu Yi's massacre. This is the beginning. Whether they can leave alive is the key.

Because of him, he carried too many secrets.

"Fourth, what should I do?" Ye Tian frowned.

He Feng shook his head and said: "It's okay, the teacher said that there is a way for us to let us leave as soon as possible."

Looking at many Immortal Venerables, Chu Yi was not afraid, and he took out his ears and smiled: "Everyone is an old acquaintance, why care about me so much."

"However, so many of you want to kill me, who is going to kill me? Otherwise, you kill each other first, and the victorious people are qualified to kill me, how?"

"Yan Luo Xianzun, do you really think that we will be fooled by your few words?" Xuan Xiann's eyes narrowed, high above, overlooking Chu Yi.

Chu Yi said: "Old lady, who gives you the power to look down on me, don't forget the last life, you were beaten by me, you are not covered, and then covered with leaves, then dare to leave."


The fairy Xuan was furious and her face was red.

It was a shame, but I did not expect it to be said by Chu Yi.

"Old bald donkey, you too, why bother, how tired is wearing a fake mask every day, isn't it just to take a fancy to me?"

"As for the land of sin, it's just that you are taking care of the heavenly court and then benefiting from the heavenly court. Don't tell me that your bodhi tree was discovered by yourself."

Chu Yi is outspoken. He has seen a lot of secrets in some collections of the gods and deities.

The abbot of Xitian Temple was furious, and the scepter hit the void, whistling.

"Everyone is a villain, pretending to be a gentleman." Chu Yi's voice spread far away.

Everyone was silent, speechless, and only this guy, dare to speak to a bunch of Xianzun gangsters.

Who let these immortals, some were also educated by Yan Luo immortal.

Jiu Youming smiled and said: "Yan Luo Xianzun, you are still the same, but if you are willing to share Yinshen Tower with my Nine Nether Land, my Nine Nether Land will be standing by you, how?"

Chu Yi shook his head: "Nine Nether Nether, I didn't believe your words. At that time, you promised me to steal Jiu Tianzhu from the cloud. As a result, you stole people. There are a lot of goddesses in the cloud. Right."

"Yan Luo Xianzun, you nonsense! Xuan fairy, don't listen to him talking..."

"Bah, let you talk!" Jiu Youming could not help but slap him.

The fairy fairy sneered.

Pang Guxianzun stood up, they were full of confidence, because there are many supreme have been awakened.

"Teacher, you can rest assured, just come out, no one can treat you."

"How do I fight against the whole fairyland in order to teach the Lord?"

He laughed three times and suddenly stopped, his voice suddenly stopped.


Pang Guxian Zun turned back fiercely, but he saw a hazy figure above the void.

The figure was vast, like the sky, like the earth, and it was so great.

"Cang Qiu Supreme!"


The supreme deity!

Everyone looked up horrifiedly, Chu Yi frowned, and looked at it.

Spiritual Immortal Venerable and others seem to have received the above commands, all of which are different.

The Supreme opened his mouth, and everyone could not tell where the voice came from.

"No why."

"The Presbyterian Church voted to hand over the leader, and my gods and demon religions have reached an agreement with the supreme powers."

"After all, he is not one of our gods and devils, and handing him over will be of great help to me."

The figure of Cang Qiuzhi disappeared, leaving only endless echoes.

"Good, Yan Luoxianzun, even the gods and demon religions will not help you, you have no hope anymore." Dayan Xianzun said frantically.

Many Xianzun no longer speak, so just waiting quietly.

More monks looked at Chu Yi with sympathetic eyes, a generation of genius, who was sacrificed by the gods and deities as a bargaining chip for trading, how sad.

Friends came to hear the voices, and Chu Yi comforted them one by one.

He was not afraid of himself, because he still had the cards, and he didn't expect the gods and deities.

At this point, the Dragon Dragon Supreme had told him very early.

God Son, Buddha Son and others looked at Chu Yi with pity, even if Yan Luo Xianzun had recovered his strength, under the siege of many powerful people, there would be no hope of survival.

"The way of the strong is always lonely..."

Chu Yi groaned, a little self-deprecating.

This is Immortal Realm. If he has already reached Immortal Venerable, there may be Supreme Intervention, but unfortunately, he has not yet recovered his strength.

Zhu Bajie patted Chu Yi's head.

"walk home……"

Chu Yi smiled: "Yeah, I haven't been home for a long time."

In full view, Chu Yi took out the Xuanhuang sword.

"The ancestors of Yan and Huang left a path on the sword that led to the mother star."

Chu Yi said to himself that, in fact, not all the descendants of Yan and Huang had become sinners, and some were selected to leave and return to the earth.

It's just that this channel is not stable and can't bear too much energy.

"Goodbye, everyone, wait for me to come back to kill."

Chu Yi grinned.

The Xuanhuang sword was stabbed out, and the lines on it were dense and dense, like a black bat, constantly converging, and at the end, a vortex was formed.

Ling Jue Xian Zun sneered: "Yan Luo Xian Zun, even if you can escape, but you are still in the fairy world, just finding you is not difficult."

"I will invite the Supreme to come forward and look for it in person, but within a few days, I will be able to find you."

Chu Yi said nothing, he was cold, and returned to Yan Luoxianzun's appearance.

In this life, I have experienced too much, and I am tired. I want to go home, see my parents and sister, visit those friends, and then tease the students.

It has been seven or eight years, and they should have changed a lot.

Chu Yi stepped into the passage, his figure was gradually engulfed by darkness.

"Chu Jun!"

Suddenly, an urgent voice sounded, and Chu Yi turned back subconsciously, but saw a familiar figure.

It was a beautiful woman, covered in blood, sweating on her forehead, pale, and falling from the air.

"Xia You, how dare you run out without permission." Xuan fairy coldly said.

A whip beat **** Xia You's body.

Chu Yi's heart was shocked.

Xia You coughed up blood constantly, she was too weak, and even rushed here, it took years.

However, her eyes looked at Chu Yi tenderly and firmly.

Suddenly, she smiled like snowflakes falling in the blood.

Desolate and beautiful.

"Being able to meet Chu Jun's side, Xia You was satisfied..." She was **** by the rope and was crumbling, but her eyes still looked at Chu Yi.

At a glance.

"Old demon, if I come back and don't see Xia You, I will definitely cut you in the cloud!"

The darkness swallowed up, and the figure disappeared, leaving only an angry roar.

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