My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1069: Earth changes

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Red Leaf Maple Forest, Chu Yi is a flick, a sword slashes through the void, just distorts the space.

Pieces of leaves fall down, it is really beautiful, the whole space is like a pool of water, but the void is always broken.

"Not only strong, but also resilient, don't say that I am a god, even if the Immortal Venerable comes, the earth can fully bear it."

Chu Yi frowned, his mind was detected, but it was like a rock sinking into the sea. It was difficult to make progress, and it could only be maintained within a few kilometers.

"It's kind of interesting, that sword species appeared on the earth, except for the Demon God Pool, I felt it was not easy."

"And, later, there is the Yanhuang family."

What kind of race is that, in the ancient times, dominating one side is equivalent to the status of today's court in the fairy world.

Even in those days, the strong came out in large numbers. Strictly speaking, the Yanhuang at that time was more terrifying than today's heaven.

A low-level plane, just one earth, can give birth to such a terrible race?

Chu Yi does not believe that unless the earth is very special, and now it seems that this seems to confirm his idea, this is not an ordinary low-level plane planet.

"Although the concentration of Reiki has increased compared to before I left, it is still not as good as Immortal World."

He observed while walking, and finally entered the crowd.

This tourist area is now full of people, very prosperous.

"So many warriors?"

Chu Yi swept away and found out that all of the people here are martial artists. Although the cultivation level is very low, some only produce a little aura in the body, but the probability is too terrifying.


Suddenly, from the direction of Qianlong Villa, the sound of bells and drums sounded.

The sound is booming, from far to near, with a hint of sound skills, magnificent, full of majesty, awe-inspiring.

"it has started!"

"Quickly! Get up, and sincerity is spiritual!"

The people around me, whether they were eating or chatting, stood up and looked in that direction respectfully.

This is a few kilometers away from Qianlong Mountain Villa. Chu Yi could not understand his mind for a while, and did not understand what people are doing here?

There are no more than a thousand people standing in such a respectful manner, with fierce eyes and even fanaticism.

"Did I become a myth and legend after leaving the earth, and the audience respected it?" Chu Yi touched his nose, a little embarrassed.

"That guy Gao Wenxian, would you give me a statue erected in Qianlong Villa?" Chu Yi's eyes widened, and it was absolutely possible to use that housekeeper's character.

"Hou Jue, that guy, I don't know how far I have gone."

"And the heroes and heroes, how about the cultivation?"

Chu Yi murmured, the earth has only been in the past seven years, but the change should be quite big.

"Hey..." Chu Yi sighed.

Perhaps it was his muttering that was heard by others, and then a slightly harsh voice sounded.

"How can anyone become a warrior now? Still leave the earth? It's funny, even the most powerful warrior can't enter outer space."

Chu Yi turned around and saw two girls, one of whom was wearing a high school uniform, and was also the third middle school where Chu Yi used to be.

The person who spoke was somewhat exposed, and his hair was dyed golden.

There was a thick layer of makeup on the face, and Chu Yi was really careful not to hit the other person's face with a punch.

"This elder sister, what does it matter to you?" Chu Yi put his arms around him and returned to the earth, he also relaxed a lot.

"Sister, you are the elder sister..."

The girl was crazy, her high heels were stomping, like a lizard thrown in boiling water, creaking.

"Aunt?" Chu Yi asked tentatively.

The girl's face was directly green, waiting for Chu Yi with anger.

"Autumn Shadow, if you say a few words, I will say you don't need makeup, we are all students."

"Student? What student? The school is almost gone anyway." Lu Qiuying rolled his eyes and tugd the girl's school uniform again.

"You are really dying, it's really embarrassing to come out with you. I tell you not to wear school uniforms, you still have to wear them."

Chen Wan smiled helplessly and looked at Chu Yi again. In his eyes, this young man with a pet pig was a little weird.

"Sorry, that's how her character is. She's more irritable."

"We are students of the third middle school, should you be a college student?"

Chu Yi didn't refute, he briefly introduced it, and asked again: "In the end, what do you gather here for?"

"Don't you know?" Lu Qiuying looked at Chu Yi up and down, snorted in disgust, and then raised his proud chin.

"It turned out to be just an ordinary person..."

Chu Yi frowned, not knowing why.

Chen Wan calmly explained: "Brother Chu, don't you know that today, is the Gutian School going to open a sects in Qianlong Mountain Villa?"

"Gutianpai? What's that? Isn't Qianlong Villa a master?" Chu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are talking about King Chu of that year? What is he!" Lu Qiuying despised, "It has been seven or eight years to hear that he disappeared, and after that, the spirit of the earth has continuously improved, and many more powerful people have appeared."

"The strong man of the year was much worse than now."

"The Sovereign of the Ancient Celestial Sect, but there is a congenital realm, so if the King of Chu Yan appears, I am afraid he will be killed by a punch."

Lv Qiuying sneered and looked at Chu Yi: "You don't know, don't talk nonsense. Today's Qianlong Villa is an ancient school. These people, including us, come to learn from the teacher."

Lu Qiuying looked at Chu Yi, but he was disdainful.

Her family is rich, and there is no shortage of martial arts. When you look at Chu Yi, you know that this person came from the country. It is estimated that she has been isolated from the world for many years, even the ancient school.

Chen Wan glared at her friend, her temperament was mild, and explained: "Brother Chu, have you been in the countryside for a long time, don't know the changes outside."

"Since the reiki has been promoted, there have been many masters that were hard to see, but only the congenital realm, and a little less. There are rumors that there is a stronger existence than the congenital realm, but we have no contact."

"Now, civil and military prosperity, many people abandon literature and martial arts, if you want to become a warrior, then go with us."

Chu Yi responded with a nod, but was a bit boring.

He did not expect that the earth has undergone tremendous changes, and the improvement of aura has changed the entire human society.

"I'm afraid what happened, otherwise, with the strength of Hou Jue and others, it is impossible to let Qianlong Villa be occupied."

He was slightly angry, but he was not too worried. He could sense that the jade he placed on his family and friends did not appear broken.

But obviously, trouble is indispensable.

"You just said that the school is gone, what is going on?" Chu Yi asked.

Chen Wan is also quite patient, small and exquisite, just mentioned this, and was somewhat sad: "This is the case, a lot of spirit mines were found near our No. 3 Middle School, and the feng shui there is excellent. It has been bought by a rich man in the northwest. Down, so the school won’t open."

Chu Yi was relieved, because he knew that the third middle school was a fortune, and Wang Ying discovered it at that time, but was stopped by Chu Yi.

Nowadays, it still seems impossible to hide it.

However, what surprised him was that this kind of site was actually bought by a rich man instead of state management?

"Does it seem that there are still a lot of things..." Chu Yi touched his chin. While he was away, some clowns jumped up again.

Lv Qiuying saw that her companion was chatting with Chu Yi, but she was unhappy, but soon after she answered the phone, she smiled.

But for a long time, a brightly dressed boy came over.

"It's my boyfriend Yang Xu."

She hugged Yang Xu's shoulder and was very intimate. The boy was also proud.

"My boyfriend is a disciple of Gu Tianpai who has been determined for a long time. With him there, we must be able to enter Gu Tian Pai."

Yang Xu shook his head: "Autumn Shadow, I can guarantee that you will definitely enter, but others can't guarantee that, to know my ancient school, the admission is quite strict."

"Brother, what do you call it?" He handed Chu Yi a cigarette.

Chu Yi put his hands in his pockets and missed it.

Yang Xu frowned and smiled: "It's quite a personality, but unfortunately personality doesn't represent strength. It's still far away to want to join my ancient school."

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