My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1070: Teacher Chu, you are back

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The crowd gathered more and more, nearly tens of thousands of people, and even media reporters appeared. It is conceivable that this scene is already quite huge in a city.

"Jiujiang City, throughout China, is not too eye-catching. I did not expect that there would be so many people with Reiki in the body, and there are many innate strong people."

"It seems that this world has undergone tremendous changes."

He was not in a hurry, but just stood in the crowd, his eyes cold.

Yang Xu smiled disdainfully. He smoked a cigarette and squinted his eyes.

Lu Qiuying also shook her head. She felt that Chu Yi seemed cold, but she was just covering up her ignorance.

Chen Wan didn't feel anything, just found that Chu Yi and them didn't seem to be in the same era.

Soon, the sound of the bells and drums changed, becoming more and more vigorous, like a thunder in the sky, a bit, coming from afar, it was exciting.


At the same time, there really should be a thunder that landed in the distant Qianlong Mountain Villa from the sky.

The sky is magnificent, and the people who come are more respectful.

The crowd began to move, they were in order, and after a few steps, they began to kneel and worship.

Many people began to kneel down, and even those reporters knelt down.

"God, it's a miracle!"

A reporter was very excited, facing the camera, he kept saying: "Senior Gu Tian, ​​rumored to be in charge of the Thunder, and now it seems that the reputation is well-deserved, he can come to our city of Jiujiang..."

Chu Yi frowned, as he looked around, only he was still standing alone.

"Don't kneel yet!" Yang Xu scolded.

"Why kneel?"

Yang Xu sneered: "Ten steps, one tap, one hundred steps to one knee, so as to be eligible to enter my ancient school for entry test, otherwise, not even this qualification."

"Although I am a scheduled disciple of the inner door, I have to abide by the rules and pay my respects. This is respect for the suzerain."

Chu Yi almost did not laugh out loud: "I am not here to join any **** pie."

"It's the Gutian School, what are you doing here?" Yang Xu felt that this person was unreasonable.

"Go home." Chu Yi grinned.

Above his head was the morning sun. Yang Xu raised his head and squinted his eyes, somehow panicking.

The young man in front of him did not give him any oppression, but he always felt a little different.

"Everyone bowed their knees. This is a rule and a etiquette. You look at those reporters and behave like this. I see when you can stick to it."

Lv Qiuying has a good expression.

Soon, Chu Yi captured the camera, because he was so unique, everyone was kneeling, only he stood, standing like a flock of chickens.

"Does this guy look familiar?" A female reporter murmured but couldn't remember it.

In particular, when the photographer found out that Chu Yi in the picture was blurry, and there was only one blurry figure, the female reporter became more curious.

The crowd is walking, there are two or three kilometers away from Qianlong Mountain Villa, but they move like this, I am afraid they can't walk every two or three hours.

Chu Yi was not in a hurry, he just followed the crowd, but he never knelt down.

He is becoming more and more unique and also attracts the attention of everyone around him.

"Young people, have a sense of awe, the ancient God Sovereign is like a god." An old man pulled La Chuyi's sleeve.

"I just went home." Chu Yi smiled.

The old man shook his head and sighed.

"You don't know, I have seen the ancient Sect Master, healed many cancers, and has long been known as the entire China. If it were not for everyone's sorrow, this predecessor would not open a school in our place like Jiujiang City."

"Before, there were also a lot of young men with great spirits who wanted to challenge the authority of their predecessors. As a result, they were all convinced and became followers of the ancient heaven lord."

The old man saw that Chu Yi was quiet and could only give up.

"I think when can you hold on?" Yang Xu swept away the haze of his heart and sneered.

The crowd was moving. When everyone was kneeling, it didn't look like they were worshipping the ancient school, but instead they were worshipping Chu Yi.

He stared at the moon and came to the foot of Qianlong Mountain.

Before the foot of the mountain, there were a group of people, all wearing white exercise clothes, the left arm and the right arm of the ancient Sovereign.

Chu Yi looked over and saw a dragon platform in front of the mountain road.

The so-called Dragon Terrace, Sifang, surrounded by golden dragons, is made of pure gold and is luxurious.

On the dragon platform, an old man with a white beard and a white beard was sitting calmly and calmly. Next to him, a few fireworks were lit, as if he wanted to feather into a fairy.

"Master, people are here." Some disciples said respectfully.

Old Man Gu Tian nodded and squinted his eyes. He didn't speak. His whole body robe hunted and continually stirred. The whole person sat cross-legged and flew into the air.

He opened his eyes violently, and in a flash, thunder and thunder sounded, and then the fireworks exploded into the clouds.

"This this……"

Everyone's eyes were almost staring out, and many reporters almost couldn't even hold the microphone.

They have always heard that the old man Gu Tian is terrible, but now he sees it with his own eyes, and then he knows the extraordinary.

"The world fairy!"

Beside Chu Yi, including Chen Wan, could not help trembling.

After seeing these methods, who would go to school, one by one came to practice martial arts, wanting to become a fairy-like existence.

The monks before were not seen in ordinary people’s lives, but now they are everywhere.

"You still don't kneel, be careful that the fairy is angry." Lu Qiuying's eyes were hot, but after seeing Chu Yi, he was furious and yelled.

"Fairy? Not even I dare to claim to be a fairy. He is a little born, so dare to call himself like this?"

Chu Yi's expression remained unchanged.

A group of people around suddenly changed color, just about to reprimand, but see the above, the old man looked at here.

In an instant, everyone dared to reach their backs, as if a mountain appeared, and the soul shivered.

"Annoyed Master, he is late!" Yang Xu smiled.

Elder Gu Tian's eyes were half-squinted, and he looked like a tall man, looking at Chu Yi, slightly opening his eyes: "All people in the world kneel, why don't you kneel?"

"Everyone eats shit. Am I going to eat shit?" Chu Yi walked forward step by step. His speed was not fast, but his pace was even. Every step, no more points, no less points.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and some people dared to talk to the fairy like this.

On the mountain road, a middle-aged man who was blessed was originally listless, but at the moment, when he saw Chu Yi, his eyes widened sharply, and his throat branched out.

Gao Wenxian quickly took out the comb and hairspray and put a grease head on himself.

At this time, the old man Gu Tian was already a little angry.

He was breathing in his nostrils, with clouds coming in and out like two giant dragons.

"You are not insulting me, you are insulting God!"

The old man raised one hand, and in a flash, a thunder fell from the sky, fell into his hands, and thundered.

This move was so shocking that it made many people dumbfounded.

Catching the thunder in hand, spitting out the sun and the moon, peerless.


People are fierce, praying and shouting.

Old Man Gu Tian smiled, he wanted to deter everyone, but he didn't expect a kid who didn't know him to come out and give him the opportunity to use his tactics.

In this way, his own position is further consolidated.

The thunder exploded and many cameras and electronic equipment exploded directly.

Lu Qiuying and Chen Wanying were dumbfounded.

"Boy, are you afraid?"

Chu Yi didn't seem to hear it. He came to the foot of the mountain all the way.

At this moment, Gao Wenxian stepped forward and came to Chu Yi, his eyes rosy.

"Teacher Chu, you are back."

Teacher Chu?

What is Teacher Chu?

Everyone is puzzled.

Seven years has been a long time for human beings on the earth with only a few decades of life.

Especially in this place, some young people in their early twenties were still desperate for the high school entrance examination seven years ago.

Chu Yi looked at Gao Wenxian, and did not change much from seven years ago, it seems that this day is not bad.

"Take me up the mountain to see what happened, go back and talk about it."


But seeing this time, the old man Gu Tian thunder hit Chu Yi.

Everyone was horrified, trembling.

Gao Wenxian's heart also mentioned his throat, but the next second, he found that the thunder suddenly stopped in front of Chu Yi.

"Raise your hand." Chu Yi said.

"Ah?" Gao Wenxian raised his hand subconsciously. Suddenly, he felt that he had infinite power. Then the Thunder was controlled by him, and the old man Gu Tian was directly dropped from the sky.

The house was silent.

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