My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1075: Split the wind and rain

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Shen Ru was frightened, the ice and rain burst outside, stabbing the bone marrow.

Chu Yi's voice was like that of a king, but with just a single sound, he was exhausted.

At this moment, he only felt that, even if it was the mysterious black list first, I am afraid that in front of King Chu Yan, it was not the enemy of the opponent's blow.

"Go back...go back..."

Shen Ru said weakly, at this moment he had hated this ancient sky, but he had no strength to teach each other.

The vehicle was difficult to move forward and could only turn back, deviating a little bit from the route, and hit a transparent wall.

For this kind of magical skills, everyone is silent and even more afraid to resist.

After returning to the school entrance, Shen Ru and Gu Tianjing walked out of the door respectfully, followed by a group of people in black.

They did not dare to use the aura to block the rain, which rained cold and penetrated into their bodies.

Chu Yi didn't pay attention to them, they naturally dared not speak, and they all tied their hands and waited quietly on the side.

Tan Yu and others are still in horror. At this moment, Dong Guohao spit out the last blood and was stiff.


"Teacher Dong..." the scar exclaimed.

Everyone panicked for an instant, but they saw Chu Yi walking slowly and kicking Dong Guohao.

"Okay, get up."

Suddenly, Dong Guohao opened his eyes when the foot went down. The wound on his body recovered at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The whole person's face became more and more rosy. At the end, he jumped flexibly, more than before. Be healthy.

"This... am I already dead?"

Dong Guohao stared at Chu Yi with wide eyes, and his face was incredible.

Qian Xiaoshuai came up and touched Chu Yi's face: "Teacher, you are really a human being. I thought it was a ghost, and I was able to get back to life."

Chu Yi couldn't help laughing.

Shen Ru and Gu Tian, ​​who stood aside, were frightened and frightened when they saw this scene.

Because they can be sure that this fat man was absolutely dead and his vitality disappeared, but he was kicked by Chu Yi and actually came alive, and the body was filled with aura, fearing that he has entered the stage of the warrior.

This... is simply an inhuman method.

With this thought in mind, they became more embarrassed and respectful.

Where Chu Yi was standing, there was no rain, and everyone was surprised to find that the original wet clothes were all very dry, even the whole body was warm.

"Teacher, what spell is this, you teach me, otherwise we wouldn't dare to speak under your door when we walked in rivers and lakes."

Qian Xiaoshuai was very tight.

Chu Yi was angry and funny: "This is a method of murder, you should save yourself."

He looked to everyone, Tan Yu was more beautiful, a few girls had become more mature, and the boys had grown taller, but the only thing that remained unchanged was their eyes.

The students burst into tears and kept embracing Chu Yi, as if this person appeared, everything could settle down.

"Teacher, I have become a singer..."

"Teacher, I am a multimillionaire, I made it myself." Qian Xiaoshuai flaunted.

"And, money is amazing."

"Having money is amazing, being able to do whatever you want..." Qian Xiaoshuai cheeked.

"Teacher, fortunately you are here, otherwise, our school can't be guaranteed."

Guo Feifei has matured a lot, and he has a strong spirit.

"If Grandpa knew it, he would be very happy."

"Well? What happened to your grandfather?" Chu Yi frowned.

Guo Feifei said sadly: "Three years ago, my grandmother passed away. My grandfather was originally in good health, but it was not long after, because he was so sad, he left with his grandmother."

Chu Yi had a quick meal and was immediately calm.

With the exercises he gave to Mr. Guo, even if he couldn't enter the congenital, he could live longer and live a hundred years.

But if it is heart disease, he has no way.

For seven years, Chu Yi sighed, but things were right and wrong, separated by yin and yang.

It is no wonder that all creatures are pursuing longevity.

The students tweeted and told Chu Yi a lot. Until the end, Chu Yi told them to leave first, after all, it was already late at night.

Quietly around, there was no rain where Chu Yi stood, but behind him, Shen Ru and others were miserable, one by one drenched in coldness.

Of course, the coldest is the heart.

Chu Yi turned his back to them and looked at the collapsed teaching building, muttering: "I don't know how much it will cost to build this building, and this playground, and the gate is broken."

Shen Ru quickly said: "Mr. Chu, let's come out..."

Chu Yi turned around and smiled, "But it's none of your business."

Shen Ru shivered: "We are all innocent people, naturally we can't get used to it, not to mention, here is the school, we monks, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"Yes." Old Gu Tian answered quickly. "We usually like to do public welfare. Teacher Chu must not stop us, otherwise we will see that our conscience is uneasy."

The two expressed their position quickly. They understood that only when Chu Yi needed them would they not die.

"Such..." Chu Yi's fingers pounded on the umbrella.

"But if I'm not there, I'm afraid someone will come to trouble."

"Let's come!" Shen Ru patted his chest and said, "The safety of this school, Mr. Chu is assured that it is wrapped around us, even a harmful mosquito, we will not put it in."

Chu Yi smiled: "Since you are so caring, I can't refuse it."

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When he heard this sentence, Shen Ru almost got his bones crisp.

"Mr. Chu, the despise Shen Ru, and the people in the Northwest, are now in the same situation."

Shen Ru introduced himself.

Chu Yi glanced at the other party: "You are relying on Baoyao, the foundation is unstable."

He was about to nod, but he saw that Chu Yi was a little empty, and Shen Ru only felt that the energy in his body had improved step by step. The treasure medicine that had originally remained in the body was quickly catalyzed, and various side effects were even erased together.

His cultivation practice continued to improve, and his whole body breathed like a rainbow, but only a few breathing times, he even went from planting one state to planting five states.

"This..." Shen Ru was stunned, and even said nothing.

"Qingfengcao, the treasure medicine you got is okay, otherwise, forcibly improving will only break your future."

Chu Yi said.

In fact, he also discovered that these became the generals of the generals before the rise of the earth's aura. In fact, each talent is quite good, even exceeding the level of most monks in the fairy world.

"Teacher Xie Chu's kindness for reconstruction." Shen Ru knelt down quickly, and the old Gu Tian on the side was envious.

Raising hands to create a character on the black list, these methods have surpassed their imagination.

"Is it true that King Chu Yan has far surpassed the realm of planting Tao?"

The two were awe-inspiring and never dared to have any infidelity.

They knew that their next task was to keep this school.

"How is the Huasheng Group?" Chu Yi asked.

After all, Gao Wenxian is not this middleman, especially after Hou Ju left, his sources are getting fewer and fewer, so Chu Yi simply asked these two people.

"Huasheng Group... Ao..." Shen Ru hesitated for a moment. He couldn't help but know that this group is quite famous in Jiujiang City, and even throughout China.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, he knew that something had happened, otherwise, with Qin Ran's character, after such a big event in the third middle school, it would definitely appear.

"Tianyao Group, if it wants to acquire Huasheng Group, it seems that it will be completed immediately."

"And a brother of the Tianyao Group, has been violently pursuing Qin... Madam recently." Gu Tian considered his words.

Shen Rudao said: "Behind that day, the Yao Group is the Western Twelve Temples. The Twelve Temples are so terrifying that they have controlled the whole of Europe and Africa. Now they extend their paws towards China. The Tianyao Group is their representative in China. ."

"It turns out that it seems that the lessons of the year were not enough."

"You can distribute the news to go out..." Chu Yi smiled, "Let the whole world know that I, Chu Yan, come back."

"Then, let the people of the Twelve Temples come over and plead guilty to me."

"Then if they don't come?" Shen Ru asked tremblingly.

"Then they don't need to exist."

Shen Ru watched Chu Yi leave, only to see the long wind and heavy rain, cracked a gap.

He split the wind and rain.

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