My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1076: Sturdy Qin Ran

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Jianghu night rain is only due to one person. This earth is afraid of a major change."

Shen Ru sighed softly, as if seeing the future.

Old Gutian couldn't help but doubt: "Although King Chu Yan, who suppressed the Western Twelve Temples at that time, the Twelve Temples at this time are different from the past, and there are strong ones."

"I used to go there, I saw a statue of stone, walking on the earth, can speak human language, and can capture the sky, the main gods of the twelve temples are all in existence, all kinds of Taoism are perfect, and also It was accomplished almost overnight, and the means behind the people are probably even more remarkable."

Old Gu Tian knew that Chu Yi was very powerful, but there were four new worlds on the earth. It was too weird. Especially, a strong man from the world of corpses would overwhelm the world and it was even more frightening.

He only felt that Shen Ru's evaluation of Chu Yi was too high.

Shen Ru shook his head and said: "You don't understand the horror of this man. Since he can easily enhance my strength, he is at least at the first level of the black list, and is generally the same as the lord of the dead body."

"This kind of existence is not something we can provoke, we just need to do what he has ordered."

"Really?" Gu Tian old man's eyes widened.

"Naturally... to spread the news, I want to see, those people know what he will do when he comes back."


In a drawing room at the headquarters of Huasheng Group, Qin Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the man opposite with some displeasure.

She wore a black women's professional work suit today. She didn't wear any makeup. She deliberately wore a pair of old-fashioned glasses. She wanted to make the people in front of her difficult to retreat.

But the other party is still looking at himself narrowly.

It is no wonder that although he is over thirty years old, Qin Ran is more charming than he was then.

She wears Chu Yi's jade wear all year round, and has many nourishing stones, not to mention, before Chu Yi left, she also taught her a regimen of health.

Although it will not become a strong man, at least, it can also delay aging and stay young forever.

Zou Yao leaned against the back of the chair and looked at Qin Ran over and over again with his eyes.

The other party is too charming, even without a smile, it is enough to make his heart fascinated, especially the indifferent and arrogant expression, making him can't help but want to see the other party's charm on the bed.

What a scenery it would be.

"Showy and delicious..." Zou Yao's throat knotted up and down.

Qin Ran's face remained the same. Over the past few years, he has encountered too many such men.

"Mr. Zou, please be more serious, we are talking about the business now."

"About acquisition..."

Zou Yaoyang raised his chin, revealing a self-righteous smile: "Miss Qin, don't be so refusal to be thousands of miles away. If Miss Qin promises to be my girlfriend, then we will not take compulsory measures against your company."

"I'm very sincere, otherwise I won't come over early in the morning."

"By the way, to remind you, this time, the third school should have been removed, you don't have to deliberately mediate with me."

"Actually, I don't want to hurt your heart, but there is no way. I can't afford to offend the people in that place. Of course, for your company, I can let it go..."

Zou Yao grinned, stood up, and walked towards Qin Ran, taking a deep breath of the fragrance from the other party.

"The conditions are really simple. You promised to be my girlfriend. Everything remains the same. If you don't agree, it will become mine..."

Qin Ran clenched her fists, her eyes sharp, she really wanted to slap her in the face, but she knew that her own strength was not enough to deal with the Tianyao Group.

Outside the door, a group of senior executives of the Huasheng Group waited anxiously.

Qin Huasheng was restless and wanted to break in, but was blocked by Zou Yao's bodyguard.

Fan Hong hit the wall fiercely with a fist, and his eyes were ruthless: "Lao Qin, I don’t think it’s a big deal, I’m not going to do it anymore. I just leave. This Tianyao Group was not a good thing. Time, when General Chen comes back, it is estimated that this group of guys will not be so arrogant."

Jiang Kun nodded, and they haven't changed much in the past seven years, just because of this, but they got angry.

"My two sons also followed, I don't know what happened." Yan Bang was worried.

A group of strong Chinese people entered almost all, so that the whole of China showed signs of embarrassment, and had not contacted for several years, many people suspected that they were dead.


Suddenly, the sound of a chair hitting the floor in the conference room.

Everyone's face changed a lot and they wanted to break in, but they were stopped by a strong man.

"Everyone, the young master has commanded that no one can enter."

The man's muscles are exaggerated, and the whole person is like a wall, stopped in front of everyone, and his body exudes a terrifying breath, which is actually a congenital realm.

Qin Huasheng's eyes were bloodshot, but there was his daughter.

Inside, the roar of men and the screams of women sounded, which made Qin Huasheng and others even more angry.

Step by step!

Suddenly, a footstep sounded suddenly, which was very strange, and no one had clearly seen anyone, but this footstep sounded like stepping on everyone's heart.

"When did these cats and dogs bully us?"

A slightly taunting voice echoed faintly.

Qin Huasheng, Fan Hong and others looked back fiercely, and their eyes grew bigger and bigger.

I saw a young man walking towards them with a smile.

That person, how familiar they will never forget.

"Boy, don't worry too much!" The congenital realm snorted, but the next second, he only felt his heart, a shock, as if he was stepped on by a foot and died on the spot.

The bodyguards around were stunned one by one, and Qiqiao bleed to death.

"Chu...Mr. Chu?" Fan Hong was in awe, but more surprises.

Qin Huasheng's face was even more ecstatic.

They did not expect that this mythical figure who had been away for more than seven years would come back again.

Fan Hong burst into tears. He was the first to know Chu Yi’s horror and the first to follow Chu Yi.

Everyone was awed.

These high-level officials were still restless, but after seeing Chu Yi, they settled down with one heart.

"I'll take a look first."

Chu Yi pushed the door alone and Qin Huasheng was also very relieved.

"Smelly woman, how dare you beat me!" Zou Yao looked at Qin Ran in disbelief. He had just tried to move his hand on the other side, but unexpectedly, Qin Ran fell over the shoulder and smashed him to the ground.

"Mr. Zou, I'm sorry..." A trace of panic appeared on Qin Ran's face. She didn't know why, her power was so terrifying.

Just more, she is now worried about the consequences of hands-on.

Zou Yao became furious and grabbed Qin Ran's hair.

Instinctively, Qin Ran directly buckled his wrist and dislocated him, then kicked on the side, and Zou Yao was lying on the ground again.

"Sorry...I'm just instinct..."

Zou Yao's eyes widened, his eyes full of blood.


"Unexpectedly, you are a hard bone, I want to see, what can you do in front of many innate powerhouses, stinky bitch, wait for your reputation to be broken, your company, your family and friends will not be better off ."

Zou Yao stumbled to his feet, and suddenly, taking advantage of the other party's inattention, he picked up his chair and smashed it.

He is fast, Qin Ran is faster, a sideways, followed by a kick, hitting the opponent's chin.

Zou Yao screamed in pain and rolled on the ground.

"Mr. Zou, sorry, I didn't mean it..."

Qin Ran apologized and was a little flustered in her heart. She considered the entire Huasheng Group.

But his own hands and feet seem to protect himself consciously.

She suddenly remembered Chu Yi's health regimen.

Zou Yao was lying on the ground, constantly vomiting, dizzy, and heard the woman beating herself while saying sorry, he only felt that his internal organs were exploding, which was a naked insult to him.

"Wait, you wait for me!"

Zou Yao eased his breath and quickly got up to open the door, trying to escape from this place.

But with a bang, the door opened, his nose bridge was smashed directly, and the whole person almost fainted with pain.

Chu Yi opened the door and came in. He saw such a scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

Immediately, he looked up and looked at Qin Ran, whose hair was scattered.

"It seems that you can do it without me..."

Both eyes are opposite, speechless for a moment.

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