My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1086: The sword is mine, the beauty is mine

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Moyu King heard the words, licked his lips, played with a wine glass in his hand, and took a sip of fine wine. The **** wine dripped down his chin, and the whole ground became bloody.

"Yes, no matter how you resist, no matter how powerful you are, there is no room for negotiation in front of this king."

"I lay dead body, there are tens of thousands of Dao Mansion, there are thousands of babies, there are several gods, the father and mother of the king, are the peak of the gods."

"A little force leaked from my dead body is enough to destroy the entire earth."

"What the king wants, there is nothing. Come here today, not to discuss with you, you have no choice..."

He was talking to Ye Yanyu and he was talking to everyone.

"Oh, yes, you still have a choice, you can choose to die."

"Disobedience, die!"

The cold voice of the devil king echoed in this empty lobby, everyone quieted down instantly, they didn’t know what it was like, but at this moment, even if it was a monk in the realm of Tao, he couldn’t mention a bit of refusal. Courage, and even they were shocked to find that the true elements in their bodies could not be mobilized at all.

"Are you willing to surrender?" Moyu King looked at a wealthy Chinese businessman.

The man's eyes closed tightly, biting his lips, sweating forehead.

"I wish..."


A stream of light flashed through, and the next moment, the man's head was cut off, his terrified eyes still grunting in his eyes.

The blood was pervasive, and the **** smell shivered everyone.

"Slow, not determined enough." Moyu Wang smiled, showing sharp teeth.

His gaze was directed to a man who refused to join the corpse sect before, the businessman with a big belly and a twitch, even kneeling directly on the ground and kowtowing.

"I am willing to surrender!"

The Moyu King smiled with satisfaction.

As far as he could see, all the powerful people were peeing.

"I am willing to follow Fu Zong."

"Swear allegiance!"

They all bowed down on their knees, and even some people were very determined.

Because in their view, this person is already a god.

It is nothing shameful to bow down to the gods.

Zhou Ruo looked at this scene, and her heart sank little by little. She knew that today, if she didn't handle well, she and Ye Yanyu, don't think about leaving here.

With a faint smile on the face of Mo Yu Wang, he slowly looked at Ye Yanyu.

For him, the earth at this time is nothing more than a playground, and he can make humans on the whole earth kneel and worship with just one sentence.

"Miss Ye, what do you think now?"

"Actually, you don’t have to be too stubborn, as long as you follow this king, you don’t have to worry, your group, or your group, what kind of life you want, what kind of life you will still have, even on the whole earth, you Is the most powerful person."

The Moyu King smiled, but that face was so ugly.

"Of course, if you don't agree, I will not embarrass you, but your friends, family members, I will investigate."

"Everyone who has been in contact with you, and anyone who has spoken with you, will all die."

Dark and cold.

This trick is too cruel, it is even more ruthless than murder.

And this is where Ye Yanyu is most worried, even if she can protect herself, but others.

With the ability of Fu Zongzong to find the Chu family, it was obviously not a problem.


"You are a tough man."

Zhou Ruo said angrily, his eyes full of anger.

Hearing Zhou Ruo's words, although Mo Yu was smiling, her eyes and eyes narrowed a dangerous arc.

"Huh... I didn't expect that the women on earth are so boneless, but here, is there a place for you to talk?"

The soul chasers on the side heard the words and pointed them out.

Ye Yanyu instantly pulled Zhou Ruo over, and then only heard a loud bang. At the place where Zhou Ruo had just stood, a huge crack had formed, and there was still flame burning in the crack.

Zhou Ruo screamed, his face pale and sweating constantly, if he had taken a step back just now, he might have died long ago.

"Don't you dare to say anything to Young Sect Master?"

Although the chasing the soul Taoist was unexpected, he didn't care too much. He just shot at random.

In the lobby, the coercion of the soul-seeking Taoist is like a tide, and he alone is enough to suppress the audience.

Zhou Ruo's complexion alternated between blue and white.

"It's all right," Ye Yanyu said softly.

"She is okay now, and there will be something later." Soul chasing Taoist grinned, "But Mr. Ye is assured that you are the woman our young patriarch fancy, I will not hurt you, but this woman has already angered the young patriarch. ."


As soon as his words fell, his mouth spit out, and a black rune burst out.

Sticky little snakes spread over the rung.

The snake suddenly skyrocketed in mid-air, and went from all directions to Zhou Ruo.

Zhou Ruo looked desperate.

This man is too strong, the realm of Taoism, and Ye Yanyu only returned to the innate at this time.

Suddenly, I saw Ye Yanyu's hand take out a sword symbol and flexed his fingers.

All of a sudden, a long sword with a shank flew into the sky, and the sword was like a fish.


The demon king expressed a surprised expression: "Sword? What a delicate sword spirit, you have such a treasure on your body, this sword symbol is good."

"Chasing the soul Daoist, go all out, or you might not be able to kill the bitch."


Soul chasing Taoist grinned, and immediately, layers of black mist rose from his body, and endless mist swept the lobby, and inside the mist, weeping and howling.

Ye Yanyu frowned lightly, showing some helplessness on her white and flawless face.

She entered the reincarnation well, and it was not all smooth sailing. Most of the personal protective treasures that Chu Yi gave him were already used on the road of reincarnation. The rest, at best, are some small magic weapons.

Chasing souls is not a problem, the problem lies with the demon king.

But she didn't hesitate, urged the sword runes, countless sword runes were densely chopped off, and all the mist was directly cut off, and then the power rose sharply, the sword flashed, and shot toward the soul chaser.

"This sword spirit, even chopped my mind to attack, how is it possible?"

The sword energy was too fast, and the soul chasing Taoist was embarrassed to avoid, but the sword energy still cut off his arm.


The King of Magic Feathers shot, and this wiped out all the sword spirit.

"It's worthy of the woman I'm in love with, even with this kind of bottom card, no wonder dare to yell at me, but you don't seem to know that the so-called magic power is strong."

The demon king grabbed it with one hand, the sword symbol was crushed directly, and his palm was grabbed towards Ye Yanyu.


Suddenly, in front of Ye Yanyu, a sword light flew by.

The pupil of Moyu King shrank, his palms and Jianguang collided together, and the endless ripples made the whole lobby shaky.

Then in the incredible eyes of everyone, the devil king then took three steps back.


"No, this sword is close to the level of the artifact!"

He looked at the long sword in front of Ye Yanyu with horror.

The sword body was mixed with black, and the blade was stern, looking closely, there was a darker pattern.

The sword, with its magical energy, and the color of the hilt, seemed not to be the color of metal, but blood stained with it, and it was full of evil spirits.

The black mist lingered, and a hundred ghosts walked.

This long sword did not reveal the cold, but it made the Demon King feel cold.

"Good sword!"

"Good sword!"

"Good sword!"

The demon king's eyes were bright, and he said it three times in a row, constantly admiring.

"I didn't expect that I could encounter such a good sword."

"It seems that girl Ye has inherited the power of a certain sword, and she is really lucky."

"The beauty is mine, and the sword is mine too. With your cultivation practice, even if it is protected by this sword, how long can it resist, I only need to trap you here and exhaust you."

Mo Yu Wang is not a fool, he instantly saw Ye Yanyu's embarrassment.

Just like a child, holding a big knife, although deterrent, but with the power of a child, how long can it last.

Ye Yanyu's eyes shook, she naturally would not succumb, if she had to make a last resort, she also prepared a post move, which would make the other party pay a painful price, but she herself was afraid that she would fall.

When she was about to raise her hand and put her palm on the long sword—

Suddenly, the long sword trembled violently, emitting a horrible sword.

Then, a hearty laugh came from a distance: "The sword is mine, the beauty is mine, sorry, you are only ugly."

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