My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1087: Reunion after a thousand years

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

This sudden sound resounded in the lobby, and immediately fell into silence.

Because everyone knows how terrifying the Demon King is, killing people if they don't agree, even killing people for no reason.

Now, some people curse and humiliate Moyu in person, and I am afraid that the end will be quite bleak.

That can easily destroy the existence of the entire earth.

"It's over..."

Bloody scenes appeared in the minds of many wealthy businessmen, shaking all over.

At this time, Zhou Ruo was also stunned by the voice. On this earth, there are people who dare to provoke fuzong?

In this silence, only Ye Yanyu turned back suddenly, tears flashing in his eyes like autumn water.

Excited, doubtful, unbelievable...

She could hardly hide her joy, and her calm expression could no longer be maintained.

Only because of this voice, she was too familiar with that figure, she missed it day and night and searched for thousands of years.

Looking at the increasingly clear figure, Ye Yanyu's body couldn't help shaking.

All the dangers did not make her so emotional, even if she entered the reincarnation well, there was not too much entanglement for her.

But, she can hardly control herself now.

Chu Yi walked in, Ye Yanyu held his face little by little with both hands, and the hot temperature made her lips tremble.

This face has not changed from before, but his eyes are more mature.


Ye Yanyu stared blankly at the sudden appearance of Chu Yi. She came out of retreat and went directly to this place. She didn't have time to learn about things outside.

She originally thought that it would take thousands of years for the Xianmen to open before she could return to Xianjie, but unexpectedly, Chu Yi appeared in front of her.

The warmth of the start made Ye Yanyu unforgettable.

"Really you?"

"It's me. I'm back. For more than a thousand years, I worried you, smoke and rain."

"Just come back..."

Ye Yanyu threw herself into Chu Yi's arms, and at this moment she seemed to have no energy.

When he came back, she didn't have to worry, everything was with him.

"I've seen Feng'er and Ling'er, they are very good." Chu Yi touched Ye Yanyu's head.

"I'm still wondering, how could someone help Huasheng Group and my Chu family, it turned out to be you..."

"I said, the eyelids have been jumping recently."

"You've worked hard……"

Ye Yanyu shook his head: "No hard work, just come back."

I wait for you for thousands of years to step into reincarnation for you. As long as you live, everything is worth it.

The two were tender, not too fierce, but embraced each other, whispering and ignoring everything around them.

On the other side, Zhou Ruo duo dumbfounded, for the first time she saw Ye Yanyu look like this.

On weekdays, although gentle, Zhou Ruo knew that this woman was as strong as iron, and nothing could knock her down.

But the more you look, the more Zhou Ruo thinks this person is very familiar, and finally opened his mouth: "Chu Yan!"

"People who have to wait for Ye are actually Chu Yan!"

At this time, some people nearby also discovered Chu Yi's identity.

After all, the recent Chu Yi is quite high-profile, and it has made many forces dare not move.

Who would have thought that the beauty president of the Ye Family is a pair with Chu Yan Wang.

"Who is he?" The devil king's eyes were cold, looking at the crying man and woman, sneering in the corner of his mouth.

Soul chasing Taoist quickly said: "This man is the strongest person on earth, known as King Chu Yan. I estimate that it has at least the strength of Yuan babyhood."

"Don't dare to fight against me when I was a baby."

King Moyu snorted, making everyone tremble, and everyone knew that, even if it was King Chu, in front of such an existence, I was afraid to see King Yan.

Chu Yi looked at Ye Yanyu and gently kissed her forehead, saying, "I'll deal with the garbage first."

Ye Yanyu nodded obediently, standing quietly behind Chu Yi, just like he was then.

You are like a mountain in the front like a sword, I am like a water in the back like a shield.

Chu Yi looked at the Demon King with a trace of sarcasm.

But at this moment, Zhou Ruo quickly pulled Chu Yi, and then glared fiercely: "Don’t think that you are King Chu Yan, I will spare you. You have left General Manager Ye for so many years, it’s just scum. , Now that you are back, are you still going to die?"

"I will block it for you later, anyway, I am also a military commander. You must run away, the farther you go, the better. General Manager Ye has not been easy these years..."

She gritted her teeth, her eyes were horrified, but she was firm.

"You have to live alive."

Chu Yi was touched and funny, what this little girl had in her head.

" it's too late to beg for mercy."

The Moyu King laughed loudly. The entire hall was swept with gusts of wind. Many rich people shuddered, knelt down on the ground, and dared not get up.

In their eyes, even if King Chu Yan appears, then how?

"The whole earth is my dead body, where can you escape?"

Zhou Ruo's face changed drastically, very pale: "You're not going yet!"

Ye Yanyu couldn't help but laugh, she wiped tears from the corners of her eyes: "Xiao Ruo, it's alright, let him go."

"How can this be done!" Zhou Ruo frowned, "President Ye, you saved our family's life, and my life is yours."

"No matter how many lives, it is not enough to calm down the anger of the king." The devil king said lightly. "For the first time, someone called this king ugly. I decided not to kill you immediately, but to torture you."

Chu Yi chuckled: "You look ugly and you can come out and scare me. I haven't told me yet. I've seen many demons, and this is the first time I have seen such a ghostly face. Presumably your parents are all abstract artists. what."

"Sorry, my aesthetic does not allow you such ugly creatures to exist."

The Moyu King's laughter came to an abrupt end, and his forehead twitched.

Everyone was dumbfounded. This Chu Yan king is too bold.


At the next moment, with the big hand of Moyu King waving, all those virgins suddenly became murderous and attacked.

They are all in the realm of Yuanying, and together they almost shattered the whole palace.

"It's over..."

Zhou Ruo was desperate, but Chu Yi still saw a smile on his face.

Facing this devastating attack, Chu Yi just laughed lightly.

"Old friend, it's been a long time."

He held the Demon Sword in one hand, and the next second, countless sword qi burst out of the sword body.

Just like a lotus, blooming in an instant.

The piano girls were all in the air, the flesh was cut into powder.


Most of the horrible sword spirit is condensed, but not condensed.

Soul chasers looked at all this in horror.

The Moyu King was terrified.

"I heard that you want to rob my wife and my long sword?"

Chu Yi carried the sword, and the Devil Sword was several times as wide as the general long sword, and heavier and heavier.

"Do you know that this sword is called the Devil Sword, and I wiped out a race of Demon Races, and then the Devil Sword was formed."

"Not many, probably one billion demons died."

"Do you want this sword?"

Chu Yi was awe-inspiring, slashing the demon sword and flying past the sky, steady on the opponent's shoulder.

The King of Magic Feathers is about to resist, but he finds that the small world in his body has been sealed to the limit, and he is extremely heavy, as if he is carrying a planet.

"The realm of God, you are also the realm of God!"

The Demon King shouted in anger.

Chu Yi sneered: "Kneel!"

Bang Bang Bang!

The King of Magic Feather couldn't bear the pressure at all. He flew through the immortals and tried to break through the bondage, but he was all killed by Jian Qi.

The realm of divine communication is actually bowing down to mortals!

"Do you know that I am the young sect master of the corpse sect, my sect is all on the earth, my parents are even the peak of the gods, if you dare to move me, the entire humanity on earth will be finished."

"Well... Ouch, my little stubborn temper, you don't let me move, I don't move, it's best to let all your sect come over, I'll educate myself."

"Kowtow, apologize!"

Chu Yi ordered that the Demon King could not help but kowtow.

The head smashed the ground into holes one after another.

In the lobby, there was a quiet, everyone was shocked.

The strong enough to easily kill all mankind, in the hands of Chu Yan, was like a servant, and was constantly being ravaged.

"King Chu Yan, still invincible..."

The rich murmured and Chu Yi refreshed their three views again and again, as if there were no enemies he could not overcome.

Zhou Ruo opened his mouth wide and looked at Chu Yi in disbelief.

This legendary Chu Yan King has really been so strong?

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