My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1088: Mad one is one

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

boom! boom! boom!

There was an amazing sound of collision in the lobby, and the whole hall began to crack.

Chu Yi controlled the Demon King, and kept kowtowing, and large and large rocks fell down, and everyone scattered, but for a moment, here was a ruin.

The soul chasing Taoist stared at all this in horror, his hair covered, and he dared not move.

He never imagined that an ordinary human on earth would have such strength.

The King of Magic Feathers, who is a powerhouse in the magical realm, was just beaten and beaten, with no room to resist.

"Boy, no matter who you are, no matter what your background, you will die miserably."

The King Moyu said hard, he grinned, this impact did not hurt him at all, but seriously insulted his self-esteem.

"Stop, do you know that you are in trouble! You are bringing devastating disaster to all mankind."

The soul chasing Taoist knew he couldn't just look down like this, and quickly uttered a voice.

Everyone around stunned suddenly, his face pale.

"Teacher Chu, stop it..."

"Teacher Chu, a little shock is enough, you have to think about all human beings."

The rich businessmen changed their attitudes one by one. At this moment, they even started to persuade Chu Yi.

"Teacher Chu, you are powerful, but you are only a person. You are responsible for the demise of all mankind."

Chu Yi calmly did not move, these words did not affect him at all, but Zhou Ruo, his eyes widened, felt incredible.

Ye Yanyu shook his head: "Don't pay attention, this is human nature, just look at it more."

"Don't you dare to kill me, otherwise, the whole earth will be wiped out in smoke." The devil king said fiercely, he had already noticed the fluctuations in the energy of the sky, that is their sect.


Chu Yi took out his ear and sighed in a breath. Suddenly, the Demon Sword shone and shone straight.

Along with a scream, the right arm of the demon king fell to the ground.

Ordinary wounds can be recovered by spending a little more energy on the psychic realm, but this is Chu Yi's sword. The devil king wants to recover, either looking for genius and treasure, or it will take thousands of years.

"You! You..." The Devil King looked at him in horror. He finally understood that this was a madman, a lunatic wholly through.

However, even when he first entered the world, he even dared to offend himself.

"You want to say I'm done?"

"No, it's your end."

Chu Yi turned to look at the distant sky, the entire horizon began to twist, the thick clouds were shattered, and the sound of breaking the sky came from far away.

A terrifying breath, with anger, in the end, even the sunlight was twisted and became colorful.

At the next moment, the terrible coercion had already appeared in front of everyone.

Rich businessmen, in this second, lost their thinking energy, buzzed their ears, and could not even feel their heartbeat.

It was so many figures, dense and dense, packed with the sky, there were about thousands of people, and each of them was above the infant and even the god.

This force, even in the fairy world, is not small enough to occupy a domain and become a hegemon.

Now that they appear on earth, it's no wonder they are so arrogant.

As the first man and woman, his eyes swept indifferently, but when he saw the king of the feather feathers, horrible ripples erupted in his eyes.

"Who cut my arm! Get out!"

Sect Master Fu is the Taoist of Longyu, and his wife is the Taoist of Taixian.

These two people, the state has reached the peak of Tongshen, why the whole body is so strong, it has become fascinated, and it has to enter the realm of immortal Venerable.

Chu Yi stared, he knew that the earth was extraordinary, but it was the place of origin, which gave birth to the rumored long biomass.

The four worlds have recovered. Obviously, it is not difficult to produce a genius comparable to the fairy world.

It can even be said that this place is more extraordinary than the heavens and the final place.

The entire fairyland, even the entire hidden world, are looking for this treasure.

So there is also the legend of samsara.

It's just that no one can come out of the samsara well. It seems that this earth is also difficult to break into the sky directly and go to the fairy world. Many strong people are locked here, unless the fairy world has the tradition, but that kind of passage is too weak. Don't talk to God, even Daofu may not be able to pass.

"The strength of these two couples is very strong, the men are good at flames, the women are good at phantom array..." Ye Yanyu reminded her that her current physique, her perception is amazing, and she can analyze the other's way through fluctuations.

Chu Yi gently shook her hand and said: "Your husband's strength, you are not at ease."

"And, I think, whether it was the former Tianyun Sect or the current Fu Zongzong, it seems to come out, but it seems that it has been used as a gun."

"If they can come out, I don't believe it. The other creatures in the four realms can't come out."

With Chu Yi's intuition, there is definitely a conspiracy.

Perhaps the long biomass has not yet appeared, or the entire earth, there will be greater changes, so that those more terrible creatures dare not come out now.

"Who is it? Cut my arm!" The cold voice of Long Yu Taoist spread again.

Chu Yi laughed aloud: "Are you blind dog eyes, never seen such a handsome person standing in front of you, of course, the son."


The Demon Sword turned over and returned to Chu Yi's hand, and the Demon King finally was able to speak.

"Father! Mother! It's him..." Demon King's eyes were still full of panic, but there was a hysterical madness and pleasure.

"It's this bitch!"

The demon king has bloodshot eyes and hissing his lungs. "Bitch, you should be afraid now. If you don't kneel and beg for mercy, I will definitely torture your soul for thousands of years and burn your heart."

"Huh? How do you know my nickname is a bitch?" Chu Yi smiled.

The Moyu King immediately choked, only to feel that he hit the cotton with a punch, the other party's cheek was thick, so that he gave a dejected spit of blood, and his face was paler.

"You see, this is not my shot, he touched the porcelain naked." Chu Yi spread his hand.

"Forget it, for your poor sake, give you a spirit stone to compensate."

Pig Bajie heard the words and took out a spirit stone from his panties, still reluctantly still in front of the demon king.

The King of Magic Feathers only felt that his heart had been severely hammered, and there was abnormal redness on his face, and finally his eyes were exploding with anger.


Suddenly, in his body, a series of terrifying sword qi burst out from the inside out.


Long Yu King screamed, and his fingers kept dropping, which dispelled Chu Yi's sword spirit.

But it was still a little late, and the hands and feet of the demon king were cut off, leaving only a head and body, and fell to the ground like a puppet with no thread.

Fu Zongzong, a shock.

Chu Yi stepped forward, he and Zhu Bajie confronted the demon king who was about to faint, and said the same thing: "Amitabha, good, good, quiet and natural, the world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, so not good..."

One person and one pig, all bent down.


The Demon King finally stared at Chu Yi, and finally passed out.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "This Daoist, your son's Dao heart is not good, but if he can survive this time, he will be able to take it to a higher level in the future."

The pharmacist with Fu Zongzong quickly removed the Moyu King for treatment.

Long Yuwang's face was calm, and there was a feeling of anger and anti-smile.

Taixian Daoren floated down, standing next to his husband, his hair, like a sword, kept erecting.

"You can't forgive me for ruining my son."

"You are not a simple earthman, you have the breath of the fairy world."

He also has horns on his head and dragon patterns all over his right hand.

"What strength do you belong to, which lineage do you come from."

"Amitabha, the little monk comes from the Xitian Temple." Chu Yi smiled and revolved around the Immortal Venerable Relic, which made him look holy.

"Xi Tian Temple!" The pupil of King Long Yu shrank. "This king has heard that after the ancestors came to earth, they are already ancient. Xi Tian Temple is the top force in the entire fairyland."

"When did the monks in Xitian Temple become so demonized."

The dragon feather king's voice was cold, and his murderous intentions skyrocketed. Behind him, countless chariots fell, and a respect was like a mountain.

"However, the Xitian Temple is nothing. My vein is inherited by the gods and demon religions." After the dragon feather king finished speaking, the terrible arrogance exploded and reached the sky.

The change of the chariot behind him turned into a battle array.

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