My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1097: Lingping Empire

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The corpse world is not barren. Around this battlefield, the flowers and plants are lush, and it is crushed by Chu Yi's sword.

Chu Yi's sword is getting slower and slower. He used to think that there are only two kinds of so-called slow.

One is slow sword, which is really slow, but it can also kill the enemy.

Three thousand kendo, some people specialize in slow sword, every move and every style is slow to the limit.

There was a brother in Taiji Sect, Chu Yi had already practiced swords early, and that brother was raising the sword.

When he came back in the evening, the brother was able to stab a sword. When Chu Yi got up the next day, the brother withdrew the sword.

Chu Yi only felt strange at the time, but later, as the realm improved, he also realized that the slow sword, the ultimate practice, is the fast sword.

Still a kind, it is Jian Kuai.

In fact, the two have the same goal, and in the end, they can switch between speed and speed, which becomes speed kendo.

However, Chu Yi felt that when watching Tianying Supreme's marksmanship, Gunshan was calm, no matter what form the mountain was in, but it was heavy.

Heart, be stable.

Be slow.

His eyes looked like a torch, and he could gradually see that the gas field produced by his long sword pierced the surrounding grass and trees.

He can feel the feedback of his surroundings to his kendo, and he can even use flowers and trees to bless the kendo, so that his kendo is not blocked at all.

The long sword pierced the giant's chest, and the endless streamer burst into a fan-shaped burst in an instant. The giant formed by the formation that was able to press the gods, the body collapsed inch by inch.

In Chu Yi's eyes, he saw the other party's every move, all the structure of the body, and even the running state of Reiki.

So, his sword arrived, and the other party collapsed.

Sky Shadow Supreme's palm clenched slightly.

Zhu Bajie comprehends his gunway, but Chu Yi comprehends kendo.

Sky Shadow Supreme only used the Gun Mountain trick, and the mountains were undulating.

The pig Bajie can make an inference, and it is not used on a large scale, but is condensed on one shot, one shot has only one mountain, but the mountain of each shot is different.

As for Chu Yi, it is another kind of insight.

What he comprehends is the state.

"Heart hiding the **** is the key to reaching the god." Tianying Supreme murmured, "Everything is spiritual, whether it is stone or grass, after cultivation, it can be transformed into a human form. The so-called real adult is the intention. ."

"Slow heart, to the extreme, can affect time."

Between Heaven and Shadow supreme thought, he saw that most of the battlefield was covered by Chu Yi's sword qi. The dense flowers and grass, like swept by the gust of wind, gave birth to a stern sword qi, and began to destroy the giant's formation.

But half a day, Zhu Bajie and Chu Yi have wiped out the remaining half of the enemy.

Chu Yi was dripping with sweat, and at the speed of his aura's recovery, he almost couldn't keep up with it, and was exhausted, but he was hearty, and his swordsmanship was improved and improved.

He looked towards Heaven Shadow Supreme, but when he saw the latter, he waved his hand gently, and most of the remaining enemies were wiped out.

"Cough, old people don't work." Tianying Supreme coughed twice.

Chu Yi's face twitched, which is probably the highest state of pretending to be. Anyway, he didn't quite believe what the old man said.

This city, named Bailin City, has a hundred ancient trees rising from the sky, vaguely forming a formation.

The walls were mottled, and there were blood and human bodies, broken limbs, abandoned weapons, and thick smoke.

There was silence above the walls.

"Here's a master." Lin Yingtian adjusted his clothes, and there was still quite a shock in his eyes.

He walked with kendo, but when he saw Chu Yi's kendo, he even felt ashamed.

Is that kendo?

He always felt that it was a world.

Lin Yingtian walked down and took the general to the front of several people: "Thank you for the help of the three. I am the owner of the Bailin City, and I have just entered the realm of Immortal Venerable."

Chu Yi bowed his hand and called a senior.

Ke Linying quickly shook her head and backed off to see the gift in three steps: "In front of Kendo, you are my predecessor."

Chu Yi has a strange face. In the fairy world, how proud is an immortal deity. Ordinary people can't see the immortal deity at all.

Not to mention, Tongshen's position in front of Immortal Venerable.

It is too simple for Immortal Venerable to exterminate the God. Unless it is a top-notch evil, you can escape in the hands of Immortal Venerable.

But in front of him, the immortal statue, with a calm face and blood-stained armor, still had some wounds on his face, as if he were just an ordinary general, and was humble and courteous.

"That would be commensurate with the brothers."

Lin Yingtian looked at Tianying Supreme and saw that the other party's eyes were cloudy.

Pig Bajie has already begun to sleep.

He knew that among the three, Chu Yi was the main person, and nodded immediately.

The two chatted together and they knew each other.

"The corpse world is vast, but there is only a whole continent."

Lin Yingtian said, "The entire corpse world, most of the power, is my human race, and under the control of the annihilation master, there is also a quarter of the territory of the big evil and the devil, and the rest is unmanned. Area."

"The annihilation ruler built a country, the Lingping Empire."

"The Lingping Empire is the most powerful force in the world."

Chu Yi was shocked. The so-called masters here are probably at least supreme.

"Brother, how many immortals are there in the Lingping Empire?"

Lin Yingtian smiled: "Our empire, there are three thousand large cities, each city is seated by Xianzun, I have just served as the city master here, I did not expect to encounter the city, but fortunately you have shot."

"Three thousand!" Chu Yi's pupil shrank suddenly.

"At least three thousand, there are many old and immortal, incognito, just like the last city owner of Bailin City, has retired, traveling around." Lin Yingtian is quite proud.

Chu Yi was horrified in his heart. He made a rough estimate. In Immortal Realm, the strongest level of immortal Venerable in the Ming Dynasty, even if it is one in hundreds of thousands of years in a domain, only three or forty thousand, which must be calculated. The fallen fairy.

More than 30,000 Immortal Venerables seem to be many, but the branches are extremely rare in the entire Immortal World.

A corpse world has at least three thousand immortals. If the four realms are combined, it is really comparable to the power of half of the immortal world. It is terrifying to think about it.

It's no wonder that Lin Yingtian is a fairy, but he is not arrogant.

Imagine that Chu Yi was walking in the Qingfeng domain. There were more than 3,000 immortal horrors in the entire Qingfeng domain. Then he was nothing to be proud of.

"The mentality and exercises here, as well as the cultivation environment, must be different from the fairyland." Chu Yi secretly thought that he wanted to peep one or two.

"Brother Lin, who is the emperor of the Lingping Empire now?" Chu Yi asked.

"The annihilation ruler has long ignored the dynasty and politics. The emperors of all generations have been inherited by his descendants, and now it is Jiang Zigeng." He did not taboo and called his name directly.

"It's that guy!" Chu Yi was surprised.

"The emperor was kind and governed well. During the last emperor, there were only a thousand immortals, and the territory was occupied a lot. There were many natural disasters and the people did not talk about life."

"Now when the emperor takes office, the royal family's mentality and exercises are simplified and distributed for the daily life of the people."

"As a result, those sects do not dare to cherish their brooms, they can only teach the exercises, otherwise, all the geniuses under the world will be used by the royal family."

"Your Majesty is even more benevolent, and often walks in the folk, compiles moral scriptures, and spreads the world, so the empire is in good weather and prosperous."

Chu Yi recalled Jiang Zigeng, his face twitching.

Returning to the Taoist Classics, he suspected that this was Jiang Zigeng's plagiarism from Huaxia. As a result, when it arrived here, it became an original, and his face was thick enough.

However, one thing, he was right.

Jiang Zigeng's character is very similar to him.

It's just that one is Mingsao and the other is secret.

Of course, another point is that neither of them cared about their cultivation.

Different mental methods and different exercises can only produce new sparks when they collide in the big world.

This is completely different from Heaven's thinking.

"Your Majesty's prestige is very high, and it is even deeply liked by the annihilation master. Unsurprisingly, he will always lead the empire." Lin Yingtian was quite admired.

Chu Yi touched his chin and thought about it.

"It seems that only by conquering that guy can he conquer this ghoul world."

"Who hit?" Lin Yingtian puzzled.

Chu Yi smiled: "I mean, your emperor is really a good emperor."

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