My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1098: Reviews Kendo

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Lin Yingtian ordered people to bring Chu Yi and others to the city's main palace, and he hurriedly dealt with things on the battlefield.

In the parlor, a series of scrolls piled up in front of Chu Yi, all brought to them by Lin Yingtian.

Chu Yi looked at the volume, and after looking closely, his eyes lit up.

Sky Shadow Supreme is also watching, with a loud voice.

"It's really different from Immortal World!" Chu Yi praised, and only felt that he saw a completely different world. "For example, this congenital level of mind, the monk of Immortal World in this realm, pays attention to the five steps of climbing the sky. Five steps, when you have the bravery, why not go to the sky, and you are also practicing the five internal organs."

"But most of the mentality here is biased towards gentleness. They don't even care about the speed of cultivation. Instead, they will nourish the six organs first, then nourish the five internal organs, and finally come to an end.

Heaven Shadow Supreme closed his eyes. When he reached his level, he read a few books, and he already knew about it. What's more, he had reached the peak of Supreme, and it was difficult to change his own path.

On the contrary, it is Chu Yi, still in the process of improvement.

"The exercises are different. The exercises here are biased towards the mean. Is it really influenced by China?"

Chu Yi looked at the scrolls, and then looked at Kendo.

"San Jiansheng, Jian Wuming, Jian Xiaohe..."

In this scroll, three kendo masters who are famous in the corpse world are introduced.

Although Chu Yi is confident, he is also with a heart of learning. In fact, even if he enters the Supreme, if he does not go to the last step, he does not know at all which kendo is really correct.

"Jian Sansheng, even using the power of life as a sword, he needs to consume his own Shou Yuan to use his sword, but he can also grow his Shou Yuan by practicing the sword."

"Horror! Horror!"

Chu Yi marveled that some taboo methods must burn Shou Yuan, increase in power, and kill the enemy in an instant. Of course, the price paid is also extremely terrifying.

But Jian Jiansheng used this as his ordinary attacking method. What a horror this was, every move was an attack at the cost of Shouyuan.

He quickly looked at Jian Sansheng's sword moves and couldn't help but look dignified.

"This big man!"

"Jian Sansheng, his physique, is very special after birth. The power of life is endless. If nothing is done, ordinary people can only live for a hundred years, and he can live for three hundred years. No wonder he is named Jian Sansheng. ."

"I take my life as a sword, seeing life and death, breaking reincarnation, but fighting Yan Luo and impermanence."

Chu Yi saw Jian Sansheng's words.

"Unfortunately, his swordsmanship is difficult to popularize, because his physique is so special, how many physiques are there in the whole fairyland?"

"Even if he tried his best to create a method to increase Shouyuan, but the general kendo monks really dare not try it."

Of course, the opponent's swordsmanship is too unique, so that Chu Yi's oblivion and oblivion can make a profit.

"The sword is nameless, the swordsman is infatuated, and the name is unknown."

"He is centered on the sword, similar to the hidden world, but different."

"It turned out that the sword was cast into his own body. This data records that the sword is unknown, there are ten swords in the arms, hundred swords in the chest, and dozens of swords in the back."


Chu Yi couldn't help but be horrified. What kind of perseverance is needed to be able to hold back the pain.

The sword enters the flesh, and if one is bad, the flesh is blown up, even he dare not try.

Chu Yi looked at the information and felt pain.

"Jian Xiaohe, this is the largest kendo popularized in the corpse world."

"He uses sound as a sword."

"The sword has sound, everything has sound, whether it is dead or alive, there is sound."

Chu Yi worked tirelessly, "Wizards, all the sounds of heaven and earth, all the sounds of nature, all the sounds of souls, all his swordsmanship."

The sound is invisible, and contains many changes, such as the sound of happy time, integrated into kendo, that is a light sword.

For example, the sound of anger becomes a sword of violence.

Death, birth...Everything can go into Kendo.

Chu Yi can see that this sword Xiaohe's kendo is estimated to be comparable to his own kendo. Although there are still flaws, they are all moving upwards and have endless potential.

"His sword..."

Chu Yi watched closely, indulged in it, and unconsciously, the tea in front of him was changed from cup to cup.

Tianying Supreme didn't know where he was swaying with Pig Bajie. He was the only one here, so fascinated.

"No, I have a feeling that his kendo still does not surpass my kendo. My kendo can tolerate his kendo."

"Yes, Jian Sansheng, Jian Wuming, Jian Xiaohe, their swordsmanship is not as good as mine."

"A big tone, who do you think you are, even dare to directly comment on the swordsmanship of the three peerless swordsmen."

Chu Yi had a meal and looked at the door, but he saw a man and a woman appear in front of him.

The young man had a clean face, a sword ornament, and a straight posture.

The girl was wearing a long green dress, embellished with many streamers, ponytails, baby fat, and there were two shallow dimples.

She apparently deliberately concealed her appearance, and looked extremely ordinary, but in this way, the eyes full of aura became more conspicuous.

Behind the girl, followed by a tiger-like beast with wings, seeing Chu Yi looking at the girl, she glared at each other and snarled.

"Look what, I haven't seen a beautiful woman, my lady is not something you can casually watch." Yu Hu warned.

Chu Yi was surprised, withdrew his gaze and placed it on the young man.

I saw this person's face, and Lin Yingtian has three points similar, it should be his only son.

Lin Kaiqiang glanced at the various scrolls, squinting his eyes and said, "Who am I, and received by my father like this? It turned out to be a small magical realm, and I don’t know how high it is. I evaluate three peerless swordsmen here."

"Jian Sansheng's sword is too niche, can I be right?" Chu Yi smiled.

Lin Kaiqiang said nothing.

"Sword without a name is too cruel to promote. Can I be right?"

Lin Kaiqiang was silent.

"Jian Xiaohe's sword is too stingy, can I be right?"

"Since that is the case, why can't I judge their swordsmanship, they really have problems."

"Don't fight, don't say, let's fight first." The **** the side clapped, her eyes flashing, very excited.

The long sword in Lin Kaiyong's waist suddenly came out of the sheath. Instead of using his hand, he read the sword.

His mind is very fast, very sharp, like a sword light, loaded on the kendo.

This sword was stabbed from the front of Chu Yi, but it appeared behind Chu Yi.

When Chu Yi noticed the sword at the rear, suddenly, all directions were all swords.

Lin Kaiqiang's demeanor is unique, peerless, standing on the spot, with invincible confidence.


Chu Yi said with a smile: "You are not walking with kendo, but with illusion. Kendo is just your auxiliary means, but your kendo has more potential than the other three."

Chu Yi marveled that this person's talent, placed in the fairyland, is in the top ten of the total list.

"Although you rebuke me for commenting, but you do not disdain the three people's swordsmanship in your own heart. If you take the swordsmanship, you will achieve higher achievements than them, but your illusion will be more terrifying than your swordsmanship."

While talking, Chu Yi had already produced thousands of swords, but without a sword, he stabbed the opponent's sword, which in his view was extremely rare.

The other party's illusion has been fascinated, and it has reached the point where it is true and false, and the transformation between true and false.

Suddenly, Chu Yi's eyes narrowed, and he stabs toward the girl with a sword.

The girl exclaimed, the feather tiger in the back was about to resist, but she was dragged by the pig bajie who did not know where it came from, and could not move.

Chu Yi put a sword on the girl's chest.

With a clatter, something seemed to be broken. There was a crisp sound in the entire living room. Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyong's sword shadows all disappeared.

Lin Kaiqiang's complexion changed: "How do you know that I put the illusion technique on Miss Jiang's body?"

The girl heard the words and was furious, but when she saw that her clothes kept falling, her face was blushing, and her small, swollen face questioned: "Lin Kaiqiong, you guys who don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu..."

Chu Yi replied: "Because, I think, her chest is a bit fake..."

The girl was stunned, opened her mouth wide, and then her eyes were dim, biting into Chu Yi's arm.

"Ouch, my teeth!"

"You bully me, I want to go back to the emperor and tell my brother." The girl dragged Yuhu away.

Chu Yi blinked: "Who is his brother?"

"Emperor." Lin Kaiqiang looked strange.

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