My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1202: World in the coffin

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The wind is low, the water is cold, and Zhu Bajie is like a peerless master who is alone in seeking defeat.

Wu De grinned and crossed his shoulders: "This pig is really good. How could there be such a pig under the sky."

"It was originally pig essence." The fat man chuckled.

Both sides were quiet, and even the Jiansheng and others felt a sense of daze.

No one expected that the magnificent Mo Yu would be defeated by a pig.

The shadow screamed, he and Pu Zi joined forces, broke through the formation, and flew in a hurry.

"Mo Yu!"

Mo Yu vomited blood, his blood was black and red, dripping continuously on the sand, absorbed by the desert.

"Fortunately, I have God-level armor."

"He had strange powers in his body, and they exploded tens of times in an instant. I was wounded without paying attention."

Mo Yu was terrified in his eyes. Although he was not injured by supernatural powers, he was only physically injured, but it also proved that Pig Bajie was absolutely terrible.

If Pig Bajie keeps attacking, he will be killed alive.

Mo Yu's chest began to recover, and his face was pale, and he gasped heavily, standing up in embarrassment.

Several people are not necessarily surprised.

All the people in that city had shocking expressions on their faces that could not be suppressed.

"What is the origin of this pig, which crushed the swordmaster and wounded the other leader."

They didn't know exactly what happened, and they didn't know whether this should be celebrated, because it seemed that Chu Yi was enemies on both sides.


While the scene was somewhat frozen, there was a riot in the entire desert.

Chu Yi's face changed greatly, and he sensed that under the desert, there was an extremely unstable energy, which became active.

"Be careful!"

With a big wave of his hand, he swept the crowd away and hid on a high ground.

Mo Yu, Jian Sheng and others also changed color.

"Could it be that the secret law of the 100 dynasties was dispatched?"


The earth collapsed, the endless quicksand burst, the sky was dim, and gusts of wind rang from the land.

A large area of ​​the ground disappeared completely, and a huge cave with nearly a thousand miles appeared around the stone ground.

Inside the cave is a huge mossy dragon boat.

It was a real dragon boat. It was similar to the dragon boat on the earth. The head of the dragon was a real dragon. The audience exceeded hundreds of miles. A large number of paddles were scattered in a row, and some of them were broken.

Above the dragon boat, there was nothing else, but a huge coffin.

The coffin is green wood, square and square, wrapped in hundreds of chains.

Chu Yi's brows kept beating, and he found that the real dragon exercises in his body began to tremble.

"Great fortune, buried in the coffin, wouldn't it be the secret method of the 100 dynasties!"

He was anxious and dispatched toward the coffin.

"Don't!" Chu Yi had a meal in his heart, but it was too late.

The bodhisattva shot it into a big buddha, and the big buddha put out his palms one after another.


The earthquake struck, faintly, everyone seemed to hear the sound of Longming.

Chu Yi and the fat man froze in a flash, Zhu Bajie froze for a moment, and immediately his thoughts sank into endless darkness.

They seemed to have passed through the overlapping spatial dimensions and came to a stone forest.

"Only the three of us?" Chu Yi was horrified. He found that only the fat man and Zhu Bajie came with him.

"Shen Nian Shuttle? Who summoned us, where is this?"

The fat man was so scared that his face was pale and there was a sun in the sky, but he realized that the sun was fake, just like it was artificially synthesized.

Large stretches of stone forest stood tall, with no end in sight.

No vegetation, no vitality, everything is dead and silent.

"It's me who summoned you..." Suddenly, a huge figure came out from behind the stone forest.

The figure is about ten meters long, wearing a golden robe. It is shocking that although he is a human head, but his hands and feet are dragon claws, a long dragon tail is also dragged on the back.

"Sorry, when I just called, I invaded your thinking and learned the language of the current world."

"Unfortunately... I originally thought I saw the Sun and Moon Eucharist, but I didn't expect it to be separated." The old dragon's white beard and white eyebrows, nearly five or six meters, fell and fluttered with the wind.

His eyes were very deep, like a lake in a deep mountain, he moved his head slightly and looked at Zhu Bajie.

"Lone Emperor... I didn't expect that there will be a lone emperor in the world."

The old dragon leaned on a cane, and above that cane, a huge golden crystal ball was inlaid, with a real dragon ghost in it.

If Chu Yi remembers correctly, this is the legendary Dragon Ball.

"Senior Dragon, where is this and who are you?" Chu Yi asked respectfully, he could feel that the other party seemed a little disappointed.

"I am a descendant of the true dragon family, but just combined with the human race, so we have the existence of our dragon."

"This is inside the coffin you saw before."

"Coffin!?" the fat man shouted. "Did you get us into the coffin?"

"I'm not dead yet, how can I be buried."

The old dragon smiled: "It's just a ray of soul, and the time here is different from the outside world. One day here is a moment outside."

"I sensed the breath of the Lonely Emperor and the breath of the Eight Commandments. This is how I used the large array to sense the outside world."

"Unexpectedly, I sensed the Sun and Moon Eucharist again, but... Hey...Unexpectedly, the outside lunar sun star separated, I thought there was finally a real Eucharist, and the two of you are still of the same gender."

The old dragon seemed disappointed.

"The lunar sun star is the first celestial body, and it contains endless power. The eucharistic body he conceived is also the first celestial body. If it does appear, it may threaten the destiny."

Destiny...Fate again.

"Senior Dragon, how much do you know about destiny?"

"You better don't know..." The old dragon turned and walked towards a mountain.

Chu Yi and others followed closely.

"It's all dead... all dead. In the most glorious years, countless powerful people fell. What do you know?"

"It's enough to have our guard."

After a moment, Chu Yi finally understood the words of the old dragon.

After entering the mountain, they discovered that there are many dragons here, nearly hundreds of thousands.

The dragons have huge bodies. They dug out caves to live in. Looking at Chu Yi and others, they were very curious.

"They have injuries on their bodies and some are poisoned," the fat man said in surprise.

In addition to the young and old dragons, most of the strong dragons seem to have injuries, some dying, lying on the ground.

The old dragon showed sadness in his eyes.

"The coffin above the dragon boat is filled with monsters born by destiny. They were sealed here by their ancestors. They are guarded day and night by our dragon people."

Chu Yi gasped.

"At that time, the ancestors were killed by fate, but the ancestors were so powerful that they sealed many monsters by themselves."

"In the coffin, a batch of secrets of the ancestors' hundred dynasties was used to seal a batch. Once they were taken out, they would have endless troubles."

Chu Yi's heart thumped: "The rumors from the outside world that as long as you have enough blood, you can summon the secret law of the 100 dynasties..."

The old dragon smiled sadly: "That's the means of destiny. People outside don't know that the secret law of the 100 dynasties suppresses demons. Destiny uses their greed to guide them to war. Once there is too much blood and invades the coffin, then the secret law of the 100 dynasties Will be contaminated and the seal will be broken."

"The world is competing for the secret law, but it is not known to be used by the fate, this is the fate."

The fat man covered his cheeks and gasped, his cheeks sunken completely.

Chu Yi has told him a lot of truth, so he also knows the fate of destiny.

"Fortunately, you didn't launch a large-scale offensive on the ancestor's corpse, nor did the Supreme participate in it, otherwise, it would be done."

"The ancestors used to pretend to be here before they died. This is a lifeblood of this universe. Once the lifeblood is broken, the destiny will be extremely powerful."

"There must not be too much blood of the Supreme to infect this land."

Chu Yi heard the words and covered his hair.

Both heaven and mystery are high.

True Divine Son, Bodhisattva, Mo Yu... Those people thought that they were the masters who controlled the weak and controlled the war, but they didn't know that they became chess pieces in the hands of Destiny.

All in all, thoroughly, is a huge conspiracy.

"It's sad, being played by the destiny, the ancestors haven't even seen the destiny before, they become fairy corpses."

"Maybe the demon has seen it, but the demon is dead."

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