My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1203: The real body

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Long Wu Kong Wu was powerful. Even the cubs had Chu Yi's size. They slowly walked towards Chu Yi and others.

To be precise, it is around the old dragon. This old dragon is their spiritual pillar.

"Shen De... what the hell?" Chu Yi couldn't help but ask, the history here is obviously far away, and the old dragon knew more.

"Shen Demon, I think about it." The old dragon narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky.

"According to the records in the family, the ancestors are the enlightenment of the gods and deities, so there are records.

Chu Yi was shocked. Sure enough, the fuzzy real dragon he saw in the God Demon Dojo was the dead real dragon.

"Shenmo, is it one?" Chu Yi asked for advice, and asked the question that the Shenmojia cared about.

"Yes." The old dragon nodded.

"One soul with two souls?"

The old dragon shook his head and said, "God is the mind, the devil is the flesh, and it is called the devil."

Chu Yi suddenly realized that the gods and demons came out like this.

"The gods and demons are too far away, and I don't know the specific situation. I only know that today's **** clan is transformed by the gods and deities, and today's demon clan is born of the flesh."

"But what about that, the devil is still gone."

"Rumors are that gods and demons may be the only creatures that have seen destiny."

Chu Yi was stunned, and there was a sad mood spreading.

All creatures related to destiny have disappeared.

Gods and demons are like this, true dragons are like this, so are the lonely emperor and the compassionate Buddha.

They reached the pinnacle of this world, but they still lost their destiny.

Is it true that it is the destiny of heaven, not to be violated?

The more he understood, the more terror he found.

Heaven Court, there is somehow there, everyone knows that the peak of Heaven Court is there.

Mysterious, there too.

But no one knows, what is destiny, where is destiny, how powerful is it, and what is it doing?

"The voice of the gods and demons is passed down by the gods and demons. Maybe the gods and demons will tell future generations in this way."

"But my current strength is still too weak, it is difficult to hear the voice of the devil."

Above the stone mountain, there is a vast area. In the middle of the top of the mountain, there is a flag sail with the mysterious patterns of the dragon.

Under the flag sail, there is a dragon boat.

Chu Yi saw that many dragons were repairing on the dragon boat.

Most of their bodies are crippled, and some bones are turned out, which is distressing.

"The whole coffin is a huge world. We are above the inside of the coffin, and below it is the monster born of destiny."

"For many years, the secret ancestors of the hundred dynasties have been constantly consuming the energy of monsters, but those monsters are too horrible, they have not been annihilated yet, and they will attack us once every day."

"Once a day?!" The fat man was shocked, feeling incredible.

They should have been stationed here since the time of the ancient times, should they experience such torture every day?

Looking at those tired dragons, Chu Yi and the fat man showed respect.

How much perseverance does this have to stay here generation after generation?

On the stone mountain, there was dark red blood everywhere, all traces of the fighting.

Seeing the arrival of the old dragon, several people quickly jumped down, with frustrated faces: "Elder, A Mang can't save himself, he is dead..."

The young dragons wore turf, one by one, sad, eyes weeping, crying.

They are tall, like a small building, and their tears fell like a stream.

"Cry what cry!"

The old dragon's human rights rod landed and made a loud noise.

"Is this a shame?"

"This is glory. Our generations have been guarded by this. Like our ancestors, all the dead are heroes. Those who are alive will also become heroes."

"Heroes, no tears."

"Man, no tears are needed."

"We are dragons, and we are born with the responsibility to protect this universe. Without us, the outside world might already have been born."

"We should be proud!"

"Go to work and repair the damaged dragon boat. Our dragon boat is not much. One broken boat is one less. Once the dragon boat is gone, and the monsters have not been wiped out, the outside world will suffer."

A group of dragons lowered their heads, clenched their teeth, and made a dull sound, their chests were undulating violently, biting their lips desperately to prevent tears from dripping.

The old dragon stiffened his body and came to a dragon boat with a cane.

On the splint lies a broken dragon corpse.

Most of the body was eaten, the leg bones were missing, the blood was black, and the wound was still decaying.

The temperature hasn't diminished, apparently not long after he died.

"The other party has a strong ability to corrode..." Chu Yi wrote this silently in his heart, but there should be no immortal level, otherwise, this group of dragons could not hold it at all.

The old dragon's cane trembled slightly, and his breathing was disturbed.

A female dragon next to him wiped his tears: "Before A Mang died, he always wanted to see the elders. He said he didn't embarrass his grandfather and died on the battlefield."

The old dragon's beard trembles without saying a word.

Chu Yi and the fat man looked at each other. The old dragon just seemed to be leaving to summon them.

He could feel the sorrow of the old dragon, but the other party was still standing and never wavered.

"Burn it, or the monster's body fluids will contaminate the land."

"Can I see it?" Chu Yi asked.

The old dragon hesitated: "Look, but don't touch the corpse, or you will be contaminated and die."

Chu Yi opened the eclipse of the long dragon, the old dragon stunned slightly, and finally there was not much speech.

"It's a strange kind of poison that I haven't seen before, and there is no record in ancient books."

Chu Yi reached out and wrapped it with the power of the world.

"No!" Lao Long shouted.

But it was too late. The black liquid, like a centipede, quickly punctured Chu Yi's energy shield, penetrated the defenses of the layers of the yellow and yellow armor, and entered Chu Yi's body.

"Poisons have spirituality?" Chu Yi noticed that those terrible venoms spread rapidly towards his own small world.

The old dragon showed his ashes.


Suddenly, a body of sword was born in Chu Yi's body.

Jian Guangling, those venoms seemed to have met their natural enemies, and madly flew out of Chu Yi's body.

Even the venom on the corpse began to fly towards the void.


Chu Yi's eyes were like a sword, and his sword gas was vertical and horizontal, which directly wiped out the venom that had escaped.

The corpse's wounds were depleted of venom, and the decay stopped.

The old dragon froze in place, and suddenly he was very excited: "The Lone Emperor Clan...The Lone Emperor Clan...Yes, the Lone Emperor Clan can find the sword-man, you are not afraid of venom, you are the sword-man."

"I, Qing Cang, meet the swordman!"

"Venom cut?"

All the nearby dragons saw this scene, and then they saw the old dragon kneeling.

"It's the swordman!"

"Meet the swordman!"

A large group of dragons, men, women and children, all kneel at this moment.

The fat man was startled, and Chu Yi was unnatural. These dragons were all heroes, and he dared not accept their kneeling.

"Senior, you get up quickly, what swordsman, what does that mean?"

The old dragon was so excited that Chu Yi even saw the tears in his eyes.

"I don't know what the swordsman means or why the swordsman exists, let alone whether the swordsman uses a sword."

"It is recorded in ancient books that the sword-bearer is a kind of title, and the gods and demons predicted that the later generations would be born of the lone emperor family.

"The swordman is the nemesis of fate!"

Chu Yi was stunned.

The swordman is actually related to the destiny.

Suddenly he remembered that the monster he encountered in Yinshenlou had to kill himself anyway.

"Fate is not invincible, otherwise, it will not appear for so many years."

"Fate, there is a weakness, the weakness is the swordman."

"This is recorded in ancient books. Our family, the reason why we are struggling to support, is to wait until the swordman."

"You are our faith."

"The ancestors said that when the swordman appeared, we would see the sun again."

Chu Yi shook God, he felt that his responsibility was too great, and even had a relationship with destiny.

In other words, even if you retire, you will never let yourself down.

"How am I different? What does this title mean?"

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